full tilt rakeback, existing player attached to affiliate
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 1,185
ok, I've done some research and essentially I am stuck, I can either play on FTP without rakeback or head off to another site.
I was reading the affiliate agreement today and I am wondering if this might offer me a way to break with the affiliate I'm attached too.
Conflict of Interest. While you are our Affiliate, you may not maintain any relationship with a provider of online gaming services which conflicts with your obligations to us under this Agreement. In the event that you violate this provision, you will forfeit all Affiliate Commissions that you have earned and we reserve the right to terminate this Agreement.
basically, the www site I signed up through is now promoting bodog poker instead of fulltilt ...
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 9,931
No, you can't get rakeback on an affiliated account at FTP. Thank you for starting a new thread.