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Titan Poker cheated me out of my good bonus conditions Titan Poker cheated me out of my good bonus conditions

11-25-2007 , 07:23 AM
Hi Guys,

I just want to tell you what TitanPoker did to my bonus offer. I signed up to them using the bonuswhores 5x bonus when it was up for a short time. Unfortunately while clicking okay on my data I had my finger on the scrolling wheel of my mouse. For that reason I accidentally opened the account in British pounds.

As I have a USD Neteller account and my bank account in EUR pound was the worst option. So I immediately contacted online support and asked her if the currency could be changed on short notice. The answer was that my bonus would be forfeit in that case. Well I wasn’t happy with that and after she was talking to a supervisor I asked whether they could just close my account and let me open a new one. Then she told me they could change it and I would get a new password sent to me by them. When I asked for a confirmation that I would keep the bonus she said yes and that I would also get this information in the e-mail when I deposited.

I got three new passwords and account data. As two of them weren’t working and the third one was caught by my spam-filter, I was only able to access my account two weeks later. So I deposited (I think I even contacted online support again before to reassure me I still had the bonus). When there was no mention of the bonus in the confirmation e-mail I checked on bonuswhores and noticed that the conditions had changed. I immediately contacted support again and they told me I could only get the new bonus conditions.

At first they blamed bonushwores for me not being able to get the original bonus. After contacting support there, where they told me this was not the case, I again contacted Titan support numerous times where they told me first that I had the new bonuswhores bonus and later on that I could get there regular bonus.

So it just seems TitanPoker’s German support doesn’t have a clue or they cheated me out of the good bonus conditions there. So I just wanted to warn you of this behavior in case it’s not only the German support.
11-25-2007 , 11:27 PM
- I think you shoudl contact bonuswhores (either directly or through their forums)

- euros are now better than dollars (if bush won't disband his "police operation in Iraque" soon you'll get like 3 dollars per euro next year )
11-26-2007 , 02:08 AM
- I think you shoudl contact bonuswhores (either directly or through their forums)
He did:

At first they blamed bonushwores for me not being able to get the original bonus. After contacting support there, where they told me this was not the case...
- euros are now better than dollars (if bush won't disband his "police operation in Iraque" soon you'll get like 3 dollars per euro next year )
Ummm...relevance? Maybe you're looking for the politics forum...

OP, I don't know what to say other than you're a victim of a series of unfortunate circumstances and some poor customer service. Sadly, this kind of thing is not unusual in this business.
11-26-2007 , 12:54 PM
That's also what I think. I partly blame it on their German support, because they don't seem to have too much of a clue.

I reversed my deposit and think about trying prima on a different site. The problem wasn't so much that they didn't give me the bonus, but their "we don't give a [censored] about your problem attitude". They also didn't seem to competent. First they told me I would get the regular bonus (the 20x one) and then the next message said I could get the regular 100% up to 500$ if I deposited. That was after I had already deposited...
11-26-2007 , 10:52 PM
- euros are now better than dollars (if bush won't disband his "police operation in Iraque" soon you'll get like 3 dollars per euro next year )
Ummm...relevance? Maybe you're looking for the politics forum...
relevance: OP shouldn't change his account from euros to dollars (it's time to change dollar accounts to euro accounts).

- he would not have that trouble
- he would have more money in his account soon (except if he plans on moving the money back and forth)
11-27-2007 , 03:23 AM

I still would have had that trouble. As I didn't change the account from Euro but Pound to USD. I thought about changing it to Euro, but I wanted to fund it quickly from my neteller account.

I even thought about changing it to Euros after I had cleared the bonus, as they told me I could change while clearing or I would lose the bonus...

I agree that it's time to change my accounts to Euro, but not all sites have that option (I play FTP a lot) and I haven't looked into an alternative to Neteller yet, where I can have a secone Euro account.

so real money FTW!
11-27-2007 , 03:55 AM
relevance: OP shouldn't change his account from euros to dollars (it's time to change dollar accounts to euro accounts).
Why? An honest question. I see this a lot lately, everyone seems to feel they need to change their accounts. They may be right, but how can they be so certain? The only thing I can say for certain is that I would have made a LOT of money if I had switched my accounts about 2 months ago. With the US dollar having plummeted so much in the last 2 months, might not the opposite be true? The US isn't a third world country, I would assume that there is an end to this at some point. Personally, I don't play the money markets, so I won't do it with my poker bankroll either. Why would I want to pay a couple points of vig to change currencies when I don't even know which way it's headed next? To each their own, I guess.

Meh, I'm helping turn this into a debate on currencies, which this really isn't the place for, and isn't helping the OP much.

What I will add, which I think is more relevant to the OP, is that if one is bonus whoring at a lot of different sites, US $ is pretty much the only way to go with your eWallet. Unless you want to restrict yourself to playing only at sites that take Euros, GBP, or whatever currency your eWallet is in. I move money on and off of all sorts of different sites, many of which deal primarily in US $. I'd get killed paying vig moving my money around.
11-27-2007 , 10:52 PM
I still would have had that trouble.
I meant you should keep that currency you had. If it was pounds so be it. You would pay exchange fees for deposits/withdraws but your bankroll wouldn't go down the tube.
Change currency is a loss (at least in terms of time). Having dollars these days is a loss. Changing to dollar account is a loss-loss.

so real money FTW!
yea, gold or oil FTW. Some sites could convert their accounts into something more stable than dollars...
11-27-2007 , 11:05 PM
but how can they be so certain?
because analytics (and almost everybody) say the dollar is weak. And this won't stop by some miracle. It's in the Bush's hands. If he plans to export billions of dollars then there's no chance the dollar can be strong.

The US isn't a third world country, I would assume that there is an end to this at some point. Personally, I don't play the money markets, so I won't do it with my poker bankroll either. Why would I want to pay a couple points of vig to change currencies when I don't even know which way it's headed next?
yea, one day the dollar will be strong again.
But the next move will be down (everybody says) - as I read newspapers the analytics are uncertain how much the dollar get weaker. But there's almost no-one who says that dollar will get stronger any time soon.

if one is bonus whoring at a lot of different sites, US $ is pretty much the only way to go with your eWallet.
yep, if you plan on moving your whole bankroll back and forth you'll have to live with that.

BTW. I don't say everybody should move away immediately. Everything costs money. And you'll have to live with that exchange fees. I referred to the situation that OP already had another currency thus the move was an EV- decision.
11-28-2007 , 05:26 AM
Fair enough. I just remember seeing quite a few Canadians (and others) a few weeks back looking for sites to play in other currencies. This was around the time our dollar hit a high of about $1.10 US. Low and behold, now it's back to around par! If anyone actually switched right at that point, they'd have managed to get hammered as our dollar went up AND as it went down...ouch! That's why I think many poker players should stick to what they know, and leave the currency speculation to others.
