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Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed

02-15-2010 , 08:41 PM
Cliffs at the bottom.

So basically, this is poker related in that I plan on spending summer 2010 beating the micros and then if I succeed, grinding mid-stakes. I feel I've spent long enough trolling the forums in order to start playing in volume, and this summer is a perfect oppertunity.

I have not planned the number of days I will be playing or the number of hours per day, but I did on average 10~11hrs/day uni work at christmas (the days i worked were 14ish hour days, and I took some days off), so I predict I can average around (at least) 8 hours a day playing poker in the summer.

CSB...But what is this thread about?

A couple of weeks ago, my laptop (dell studio 15) broke, and basically it will cost too much to repair (needs new motherboard, CD drive and i would have to pay for a newly fitted Hard Drive ~£300+), plus the fact that it will probably brake again in the future... Dad has opted to buy me a new laptop, but is slightly reluctant to get a MAC (expensive), although I'm pretty sure I can convince him because they last longer than dells and therefore worth the investment...

What laptop and setup do you suggest I get? I want a quick laptop which can handle up to 16 tables at once (I know this is ambitious, but just incase), but is also fast for uni work and fast at downloading files from the net.

Also, my Dad doesn't know that I play/plan on playing poker, so don't suggest any laptops >£800.



  • I plan on spend summer grinding 8~14 hrs/day
  • What is best laptop/setup for uni work/grinding 14hrs 16-tabling?
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-15-2010 , 08:47 PM
Ask your Dad, because it is his money, for the cheapest most basic laptop he can afford. Even the worst laptops can handle 4 tables and tracking software. Once you have grinded your way to being able to buy your own sooper dooper laptop you will feel great!
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-15-2010 , 08:49 PM
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-15-2010 , 09:17 PM
I'd rather have a laptop because it takes up less room in the car when driving from home to uni and vice versa. Also, I can't take a desktop into the uni library exactly.
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-15-2010 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by jewbinson
...cannot afford. Why would I refuse money lending? How is buying your own stuff 'being a man'? This is a rhetorical question btw
cannot afford £400 laptop but want it to have the functionality to play 16 tables? are you a pro freeroll player or sommat?

anyways, i broke my old laptop after it accidentally connected with my knuckles, went down to PC World and got an Acer Aspire 5536, has good quality screen, can 16 table very easily either on the laptop screen or if i plug a 20 inch monitor into it, and the sound on it with headphones is class, and you can get them for like £400 max, so I dont really see the need to piss away £800 on a laptop, especially when ur scavenging it from yer old man.
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-15-2010 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by ekky
cannot afford £400 laptop but want it to have the functionality to play 16 tables? are you a pro freeroll player or sommat?

anyways, i broke my old laptop after it accidentally connected with my knuckles, went down to PC World and got an Acer Aspire 5536, has good quality screen, can 16 table very easily either on the laptop screen or if i plug a 20 inch monitor into it, and the sound on it with headphones is class, and you can get them for like £400 max, so I dont really see the need to piss away £800 on a laptop, especially when ur scavenging it from yer old man.
No I'm out of money at the moment and my dad is buying me it...

That seems like a viable option although I'm undecided as to how reliable Acers are compared to MACs. But the reviews are certainly very good.
However, the warranty is only 1 year- or can I extend this by paying more? I'm not quite sure how warrantee works tbh.
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-15-2010 , 09:53 PM
i would imagine you can extend it. Getting it for more than one year seems a bit of a ripoff because it costs like £40 a year and after one year they are only worth like £200 and theres only like a 5% chance or even less of it GG'ing itself, so i just dont bother with it, but if thats your thing, the scum who sell you the laptop will be sure to ask you about 20 times if u want a warranty extended.
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-15-2010 , 10:01 PM
Are you sure it's 5%? With dell it's probably more like 30-40% from what I've read from review sites. But Acer are different, so maybe you're right.

However, I might become a good enough poker play in a year to afford my own new laptop. But I might's impossible to say
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-15-2010 , 10:02 PM
Buy any laptop basically, use money on a big monitor instead, unless you intend to grind at school.
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-15-2010 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by The Apt Pupil
WTF is this, Best Buy?

Go ask someone getting paid to answer your questions.

You can also touch/feel b4 you buy.

Go, now.
I want to know what specs i need for 16-tabling...I've no idea what specs I need to fulfil this
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-15-2010 , 10:16 PM
I have 8-tabled for ~5K hands (fullring) to get a feel and imo it's challenging but doable. Clearly i will improve as my volume increases and I will then be able to play more tables. I don't see the downside in getting a 16-table compatable laptop...

Originally Posted by cat black
Buy any laptop basically, use money on a big monitor instead, unless you intend to grind at school.
Not all laptops are good, as I have discovered with dells. I want the most reliable laptop for the least amount of money. i thought MAC was the main one for reliability, but no one has even suggested this yet, and the Acer option is looking realistic.
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-15-2010 , 11:31 PM
Dell is unreliable because it's Dell, not because it's a PC. Get an ASUS or Toshiba. For £800 you can get a pretty good one... For poker and **** you don't need to spend more than 500.
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-16-2010 , 12:08 AM
Pick yourself up a sony vaio VGN-NW26M, They are now discontinued and can be had for £450 deliverd. Fantastic price for dual core, 4g ram and 360g hard drive. To put it into context, what looks like the new model to replace it has basically the same spec but only 3g ram retailing for £650-£700.

On a serious note. 8 table 16 hours a day > 16 table 8 hours a day imo
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
02-27-2010 , 02:51 PM
I bought the Acer Aspire 5542. Got a discount from Tescos. It's a sick fast laptop, although it does take a fairly long to start up each time. It is worth it though.
Will get new laptop soon if I convince Dad: help needed Quote
