Why does my laptop sound like its going to take off?
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 1,040
I've had my asus laptop for about 6months now and the fan is beginning to get a little annoying. its really loud and its overheating my laptop. why is it that sometimes my laptop can be fairly quiet and other times the fan is going crazy. is there anything i can do to take care of this?
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 10,515
The bearings are going. My work laptop is the same way but refuse to give it up because A) They won't warranty replace it and B) the new laptops have a shat resolution of 1200x800 and I want my 1600x1200.
What can you do? I'd send it back to Asus frankly if its only 6 months old.
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 5,814
try vac'ing out the ports on it and make sure it isn't dust clogging it.
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 751
Is it possible it has a lot of dust build up, and the fan is winding up to compensate for decreased airflow while programs are being used?