Well, drat. I wrote most of a reply but didn't post it in time so the token expired and it got lost.
Long story short: From an informational interview with a friend, I decided on a path of teaching myself AWS and to do some datasciency stuff using one of the many open datasets at
https://registry.opendata.aws .
Other primary job search activities are continuing with informational interviews, but more targeted, and of course applying for jobs (and going on a couple of job interviews). I don't apply blind as much as most people would because I think it's a low-probability strategy, but obviously you can ramp up the volume once you have a few applicable résumé/cover letter versions as needed.
Always eager for more feedback and ideas, so... feedback? ideas?
Originally Posted by 9monthsOMG
I own a JS centric bootcamp so I'm bias but I also see how many jobs in JS there are and it's really astounding how many options you have.
I'd love to talk about the owning a bootcamp part of this. I have some longer-term ideas in this area. Some of my background is in higher ed, but IMO conventional academia is not good at articulating its value add and frankly is in the process of getting run over by more targeted education that can communicate its value.
Anyway, mind if I PM you to ask more and share some ideas?