I don't need something with crazy features unrelated to wireless internet connection but am curious what the best routers are to get to have a good and fast reliable internet connection. I don't have an N adapter, but will get a new laptop soon, so I assume a N router makes the most sense.
What do you guys like? I see a refurbished wireless N linksys router for only $25.
definitely a big fan of the wrt54g and gl as well. only problem being that they are wireless G, so not really a future-proof option right now.
if all you want is a router that you plug in, configure, and never think about it again then you should probably go with a wireless N router. that being said, I don't have a standout favorite, but linksys has been my brand of choice. I've never purchased a refurbished one and don't think I would unless it came with a warranty or if it was so cheap that I didn't care if it broke
definitely a big fan of the wrt54g and gl as well. only problem being that they are wireless G, so not really a future-proof option right now.
if all you want is a router that you plug in, configure, and never think about it again then you should probably go with a wireless N router. that being said, I don't have a standout favorite, but linksys has been my brand of choice. I've never purchased a refurbished one and don't think I would unless it came with a warranty or if it was so cheap that I didn't care if it broke
yea, it's like $25 and has near flawless reviews where the originial router has a bit more iffy reviews. i am sure this is because its so cheap so people are less critical..
yea, it's like $25 and has near flawless reviews where the originial router has a bit more iffy reviews. i am sure this is because its so cheap so people are less critical..
look up reviews on newegg for a brand new one and see how it is.
this is what is so frustrating. it seems like no new N routers are getting good reviews. i just want a good, reliable, wireless router that will work well in the future when i have an N card. besides the old ultra range linksys G router, seems all routers come with very mixed reviews. would love to hear if people have N routers here they really can recommend to be used with both G and N adapters.
FWIW I've got a Netgear wireless G rangemax router. got it on newegg OEM for like 25$, works like a charm, and I like that it doesn't have antennas so I can kinda stash it anywhere on my desk.
Still feel no need, desire, or any other reason to move to any of the N's yet.
ya totally, there is little need for N routers unless you gonna stream HD content to your laptop from a server in your house OR you have high speed internet > 50Mbps.
srsly, I wonder, Myself has a Linksys 45 cisco wireless router, now i rly wonder, is there rly alot of diference between a normal standard wirless router these days?