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08-01-2016 , 02:00 AM
Link to reddit so we can downvote these tards. And yeah, "not worth reading, and not worth answering." = not worth letting it bother you.
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08-01-2016 , 03:21 AM
Yeah. Reddit is ****ing awful. When someone tells me they're a redditor, my estimation of their IQ drops to room temperature
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08-01-2016 , 03:38 AM
Nah, reddit is HUGE. There are both extremes of awful and superb and everything in between
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08-01-2016 , 03:50 AM
reddit is for losers who didn't get addicted to 2p2 instead
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08-01-2016 , 03:54 AM
haha I do remember trying to read r/poker during the horrible weeks of the great 2p2 hacking incident - that was a definite ysscky time
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08-01-2016 , 08:35 AM
There's no way that those dailyWTFs are real.
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08-01-2016 , 09:15 AM
Like any "real life" sites, there are definitely question marks.
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08-01-2016 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I loved your Daily WTF links Dave. More like that anytime please.
I simply stole the thunder from the HN link: This read is also from the comment sections, but I find it amusing:

IRT Reddit. It has an incredible long-tail. An article on HN will get a heavy spike for a day, then tail down to nothing in less than a week. An article on Reddit will get hits many months, if not years, after the article was originally submitted. So, I'm glad for the traffic.

I remember planning to put a comment section on my site and I'm glad I never did that. I'd have a hard time deleting non-spam comments, no matter how off base they are.
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08-01-2016 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
There's no way that those dailyWTFs are real.
Most of them are. I think they often suffer from editors' adding lots of fluff to make them unindentifiable and "entertaining", but I'm sufficiently long in the tooth to have encountered a few similar situations and, in my early days, created a few.

For example, one of my first real jobs was maintaining a piece of C code that only used global variables. The guy that wrote had been sent on a 5 day C course, but was called back early to deal with a problem, and had missed the day that taught how to pass parameters to functions.
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08-01-2016 , 09:56 PM
I used to work with this internal sales processing app that was just awful in every way. But it wasn't entertainingly bad with some kind of ridiculous architecture.

The closest thing I can think of to a total WTF was these guys from WIPRO were tasked with creating a few JSPs for our mobile site. The home page had a slightly different version if you were logged in or not logged in. Literally like 3 things were different on the whole page. So naturally they just copied the 500 line home page JSP, changed the 3 little things and called it a day.
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08-01-2016 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by codeartisan
For example, one of my first real jobs was maintaining a piece of C code that only used global variables. The guy that wrote had been sent on a 5 day C course, but was called back early to deal with a problem, and had missed the day that taught how to pass parameters to functions.
Yeah, but man I have a hard time believing even your story. No one ever told him? He never saw a programming language before? Like what the actual ****? I knew not to use global variables by the time I was like 10.

And who thinks that it's a good idea for a professional's only experience with C to be a 5 ****ing day seminar and then you set him loose in the wild.

I mean, I'm taking over a project from a junior developer, and there are things I don't like about it, but there's nothing you can point to that is on that kind of level. So I don't think the answer is "he came back early from a 5 day seminar" I think it's "he's a functioning stillborn"
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08-02-2016 , 12:17 AM
Has anyone heard of any way to do a private NPM registry, hosted onsite, other than Nexus, NPM Enterprise, or Artifactory Pro?
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08-02-2016 , 04:37 AM
Guys, can you give an estimate in regards to difficulty (stuff one would need to know) and a rough price (if hiring a coder) of getting this product:

"excel spreadsheet" online app

I need to have tables, where the user can fill out the data and perform basic computing.
Filters, by date, by names and etc.
Using 3rd party API compare a user input to the xml tables provided by said API and auto complete for him.
Draw pretty graphs using the chosen filters. (I know there are quite a few 3rd party tools for this)
User database.
css to make everything super sexy, think HM2 with dark/light themes
CMS(?), maybe one of the popular ones can be used to reduce price/difficulty
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08-02-2016 , 06:24 AM
This sounds like a fairly large project. Shot-in-the-dark-absolutely-no-liability-guess: 3-12 months for a two pizza team.
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08-02-2016 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by daveT
I think there are other more inherent problems with contracting. The pay may or may not be up to snuff, but I don't like the idea that the company isn't taking a real risk on you. I also don't like having a bunch of company code on my personal computer, and I don't like pitching all of my work over a wall and not getting feedback for two weeks.

I think the pitching over a wall part lowers my productivity and makes it easy for the company to justify the thought that they are over-paying.
Which is one of the main reasons that should be factored into the rate of pay. Higher risk of being shown the door should translate to a much higher pay rate. What I see mostly in contracting positions recruiters are pitching to me is that the rate isn't high enough to compensate for that risk.

I politely replied to an unsolicited inquiry recently that I wasn't interested in contract work. The recruiter came back and stated they might decide to hire me full time soon. I came back with that they might fire me after one day too.
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08-02-2016 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by RV-
Guys, can you give an estimate in regards to difficulty (stuff one would need to know) and a rough price (if hiring a coder) of getting this product:

"excel spreadsheet" online app

I need to have tables, where the user can fill out the data and perform basic computing.
Filters, by date, by names and etc.
Using 3rd party API compare a user input to the xml tables provided by said API and auto complete for him.
Draw pretty graphs using the chosen filters. (I know there are quite a few 3rd party tools for this)
User database.
css to make everything super sexy, think HM2 with dark/light themes
CMS(?), maybe one of the popular ones can be used to reduce price/difficulty
Do you have a spec, full design docs, and full requirements? That's step 1. If so an experienced full stack dev could do this in about 6 months of full time work if you don't care about what tech he/she uses. But it wouldn't be cheap.
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08-02-2016 , 09:27 AM
The main problem with that post is that while I get that RV- tried to lay down clear requirements, it's still extremely vague. Could be a few months work, could be a few years.
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08-02-2016 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
The main problem with that post is that while I get that RV- tried to lay down clear requirements, it's still extremely vague. Could be a few months work, could be a few years.

Also, it's not clear why using an existing product won't work, though I could imagine some reasons.

Knowing nothing but what's in that post, I'd recommend not attempting it. This is the kind of project that even experienced tech project managers could fail at.
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08-02-2016 , 10:38 AM
The core problem is that the translation from what he wants the thing to accomplish into what needs to be done, technically, is being done by a relatively non technical person (i.e. him). That translation absolutely must be done (or assisted) by a technical person and is frequently one of the most difficult steps in bringing a project to fruition (this is what Agile user stories are all about and why so much time is spent on them).
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08-02-2016 , 11:43 AM
I bet you can do all that in wordpress.
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08-02-2016 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Has anyone heard of any way to do a private NPM registry, hosted onsite, other than Nexus, NPM Enterprise, or Artifactory Pro?
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08-02-2016 , 12:16 PM
Yeah I was a little concerned about that one because it's not being maintained. But there are some forks that are.
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08-02-2016 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yeah I was a little concerned about that one because it's not being maintained. But there are some forks that are.
Oh I see, looks like this is the community fork, though there's some unresolved discussion about how to move forward:
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08-02-2016 , 12:57 PM
Yeah, and there's another fork with more activity:

And this one which adds "First class windows support", whatever that means:
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08-02-2016 , 04:05 PM
So East Texas is the technology patent troll capital of the world(?) but definitely the United States.

Why don't tech companies send tons of people to go live in these areas as remote employees to dramatically offset the jury pool that these people can select from?

At this point patent law is a big enough consideration and deal that spending billions of dollars to make a significant impact has tangible savings.

Would you be required to diffuse the voting population of all of Texas?
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