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** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** ** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD **

10-13-2015 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by adios
Speaking on n**2 vs log n algorithms, I know as a complete certainty that the original BASIC language interpreter that Microsoft wrote used an n**2 algorithm in implementing their garbage collection. I also know that they really wished they would have used a log n alogarithm. I'm pretty sure that one of the factors in deciding to use an n**2 algorithm was memory usage.
Yep, that's one of the things I learn while practicing coding problems. There's always a tradeoff between space and speed. You want speed??? Okay then you will need to use space.

Also has anyone had to do interview questions on hackerrank? I signed up for indeed's prime, which is basically a copy of Did the test, but I found that I spent too much time trying to parse input from their program rather than solving the problem. Ended up only solving 1/4 of the problems (((
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-13-2015 , 01:45 AM
baltimore, interesting. thanks for answering.
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10-13-2015 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by CyberShark93
after discovering changing all my doubles to floats gave me an insane performance boost, i was wondering if i should change all my loop counters to unsigned short or something?
Probably won't help. The number of bits in an unsigned short tends to be 16, processor arithmetic opertions probably operate on 32 bit quantities.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-13-2015 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by adios
Probably won't help. The number of bits in an unsigned short tends to be 16, processor arithmetic opertions probably operate on 32 bit quantities.
Yeah, found that out yesterday through trial and error =)

But in general I think having the correct variable types gave me a lot more performance boost than say manually unrolling loops etc

Also the -fast-math and -o3 compiler flags helped a lot too, don't know if there are any more
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-13-2015 , 05:51 AM
void propagate(const param_t params, speed_t* cells, speed_t* tmp_cells)
    int ii,jj;            /* generic counters */
    /* loop over _all_ cells */
    for (ii = 0; ii < params.ny; ii++)
        for (jj = 0; jj < params.nx; jj++)
            int x_e,x_w,y_n,y_s;  /* indices of neighbouring cells */
            /* determine indices of axis-direction neighbours
            ** respecting periodic boundary conditions (wrap around) */
            y_n = (ii + 1) % params.ny;
            x_e = (jj + 1) % params.nx;
            y_s = (ii == 0) ? (ii + params.ny - 1) : (ii - 1);
            x_w = (jj == 0) ? (jj + params.nx - 1) : (jj - 1);
            /* propagate densities to neighbouring cells, following
            ** appropriate directions of travel and writing into
            ** scratch space grid */
            tmp_cells[ii *params.nx + jj].speeds[0]  = cells[ii*params.nx + jj].speeds[0]; /* central cell, */
                                                     /* no movement   */
            tmp_cells[ii *params.nx + x_e].speeds[1] = cells[ii*params.nx + jj].speeds[1]; /* east */
            tmp_cells[y_n*params.nx + jj].speeds[2]  = cells[ii*params.nx + jj].speeds[2]; /* north */
            tmp_cells[ii *params.nx + x_w].speeds[3] = cells[ii*params.nx + jj].speeds[3]; /* west */
            tmp_cells[y_s*params.nx + jj].speeds[4]  = cells[ii*params.nx + jj].speeds[4]; /* south */
            tmp_cells[y_n*params.nx + x_e].speeds[5] = cells[ii*params.nx + jj].speeds[5]; /* north-east */
            tmp_cells[y_n*params.nx + x_w].speeds[6] = cells[ii*params.nx + jj].speeds[6]; /* north-west */
            tmp_cells[y_s*params.nx + x_w].speeds[7] = cells[ii*params.nx + jj].speeds[7]; /* south-west */
            tmp_cells[y_s*params.nx + x_e].speeds[8] = cells[ii*params.nx + jj].speeds[8]; /* south-east */
suppose if i want to optimize a loop like this, I suspect that i'm getting cache misses, but how do I know that for sure? is there a way to analyse these sort of things?

i don't really like the performance of this loop, and i don't know if there is anything that could be done.

typedef struct {
    int nx;            /* no. of cells in x-direction */
    int ny;            /* no. of cells in y-direction */
    int max_iters;      /* no. of iterations */
    int reynolds_dim;  /* dimension for Reynolds number */
    float density;       /* density per link */
    float accel;         /* density redistribution */
    float omega;         /* relaxation parameter */
} param_t;

/* struct to hold the 'speed' values */
typedef struct {
    float speeds[9];
} speed_t;

Last edited by CyberShark93; 10-13-2015 at 05:56 AM.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-13-2015 , 07:30 AM
This should be much faster assuming x86.

void propagate(const param_t params, speed_t* cells, speed_t* tmp_cells)
    int ii, jj, x_e, x_w, y_n, y_s;
    for (ii = 0; ii < params.ny; ii++)
        y_n = (ii + 1) % params.ny;
        y_s = (ii == 0) ? (ii + params.ny - 1) : (ii - 1);

        x_w = params.nx - 1;
        jj = 0;
        x_e = 1;
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0] = cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[1] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_w].speeds[1];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[2] = cells[y_s * params.nx + jj].speeds[2];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[3] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_e].speeds[3];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[4] = cells[y_n * params.nx + jj].speeds[4];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[5] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_w].speeds[5];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[6] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_e].speeds[6];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[7] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_e].speeds[7];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[8] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_w].speeds[8];

        for (jj = 1; jj < params.nx - 1; jj++)
            x_w = jj - 1;
            x_e = jj + 1;
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0] = cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[1] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_w].speeds[1];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[2] = cells[y_s * params.nx + jj].speeds[2];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[3] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_e].speeds[3];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[4] = cells[y_n * params.nx + jj].speeds[4];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[5] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_w].speeds[5];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[6] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_e].speeds[6];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[7] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_e].speeds[7];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[8] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_w].speeds[8];

        x_w = params.nx - 2;
        jj = params.nx - 1;
        x_e = 0;
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0] = cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[1] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_w].speeds[1];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[2] = cells[y_s * params.nx + jj].speeds[2];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[3] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_e].speeds[3];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[4] = cells[y_n * params.nx + jj].speeds[4];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[5] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_w].speeds[5];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[6] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_e].speeds[6];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[7] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_e].speeds[7];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[8] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_w].speeds[8];
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-13-2015 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by skario
This should be much faster assuming x86.

void propagate(const param_t params, speed_t* cells, speed_t* tmp_cells)
    int ii, jj, x_e, x_w, y_n, y_s;
    for (ii = 0; ii < params.ny; ii++)
        y_n = (ii + 1) % params.ny;
        y_s = (ii == 0) ? (ii + params.ny - 1) : (ii - 1);

        x_w = params.nx - 1;
        jj = 0;
        x_e = 1;
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0] = cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[1] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_w].speeds[1];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[2] = cells[y_s * params.nx + jj].speeds[2];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[3] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_e].speeds[3];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[4] = cells[y_n * params.nx + jj].speeds[4];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[5] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_w].speeds[5];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[6] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_e].speeds[6];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[7] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_e].speeds[7];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[8] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_w].speeds[8];

        for (jj = 1; jj < params.nx - 1; jj++)
            x_w = jj - 1;
            x_e = jj + 1;
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0] = cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[1] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_w].speeds[1];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[2] = cells[y_s * params.nx + jj].speeds[2];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[3] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_e].speeds[3];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[4] = cells[y_n * params.nx + jj].speeds[4];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[5] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_w].speeds[5];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[6] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_e].speeds[6];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[7] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_e].speeds[7];
            tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[8] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_w].speeds[8];

        x_w = params.nx - 2;
        jj = params.nx - 1;
        x_e = 0;
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0] = cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[0];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[1] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_w].speeds[1];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[2] = cells[y_s * params.nx + jj].speeds[2];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[3] = cells[ii * params.nx + x_e].speeds[3];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[4] = cells[y_n * params.nx + jj].speeds[4];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[5] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_w].speeds[5];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[6] = cells[y_s * params.nx + x_e].speeds[6];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[7] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_e].speeds[7];
        tmp_cells[ii * params.nx + jj].speeds[8] = cells[y_n * params.nx + x_w].speeds[8];
Hi!, thx for the help, this version is indeed faster, but do u mind giving me a quick explanation of why splitting up the inner loop like that helps performance?
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-13-2015 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by CyberShark93
Hi!, thx for the help, this version is indeed faster, but do u mind giving me a quick explanation of why splitting up the inner loop like that helps performance?
It removes a slow modulo (%) operation from the inner loop. Also writing sequentially instead of reading sequentially is usually faster.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-13-2015 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by CyberShark93
Hi!, thx for the help, this version is indeed faster, but do u mind giving me a quick explanation of why splitting up the inner loop like that helps performance?
You might try compiling with C++ 11 and creating a move copy constructor for your speed_t struct. I have a lot of **** to do for a few days so I don't know when I'll get to it. The compiler probably optimizes this but it might be worth a try:

Just compute stuff like below once. Also you don't need to add jj when it is zero.
ii * params.nx
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-13-2015 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by adios
You might try compiling with C++ 11 and creating a move copy constructor for your speed_t struct. I have a lot of **** to do for a few days so I don't know when I'll get to it. The compiler probably optimizes this but it might be worth a try:

Just compute stuff like below once. Also you don't need to add jj when it is zero.
ii * params.nx
Not the move copy constructor, overload the = operator with a move assignment.
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10-13-2015 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
Happy to answer more questions. It is definitely possible that I'm bad at phone screens. I found it difficult to tell a compelling story about my career narrative, and until I started doing cool work with new technologies at the contract job I had nothing terribly interesting to discuss when they asked about my personal projects etc. (I had them, it was just very standard Rails and Backbone stuff). Still though, my phone screen rate was quite low as I said anyway. I can try to dig up the conversion rate of phone screen to next step.
I really struggled with this one as well. It is worse for me because I only have 2 jobs on my resume, and when they see someone my age, they are a little taken aback, I think. I tend to say that I prefer not to talk about whatever I was doing in my 20s, but it was nothing illegal.

My experience with recruiters was about the same as yours. There were a handful that were really out to help me. I took it upon myself to get some feedback about the interview from them. Not in a defensive way, just in a self-improving way, which is no huge deal if you have some rapport with them. I was getting feedback about being too advanced for whatever I was applying for, so I started applying for harder jobs.

As noted above, thanks for sharing. I read your post more than once.
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10-13-2015 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by iosys
smoke a joint before the phone screen
I'm pretty sure a willingness to get baked on medicine is a prereq for many jobs in SF.

If you are in a pinch, you can always grab one of those single shot bottles from the liquor store on the way to an interview. I don't condone drinking in public, and I do preach what I don't practice.
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10-13-2015 , 10:36 PM
I don't drink alcohol at all, I only drink well water or water that has been distilled to remove fluoride or whatever was in it.

I wouldn't mind if there was a ban on soda products, alcohol and other drinkable liquids that are bad for health.

I personally think that a lot of people drink too much energy drinks or coffee and that the perceived normal usage is probably way to much.
I'm not saying that coffee is bad,, it just is used to much and people will inherit a dependency on it that might also come with a negativity that they're unaware of the connection. Typically migraine or even depression.

I only drink water, eat pretty healthy but the only questionable thing I do is vape and there is no downfall if you can do it. Wonder how long until it becomes completely legal everywhere and war on drugs can end because a lot of people would be satisfied with just it.
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10-13-2015 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
I tend to say that I prefer not to talk about whatever I was doing in my 20s, but it was nothing illegal.
This would be an instant no-hire if it was me doing the interview.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-14-2015 , 06:00 AM
Lol, spent 8+hours everyday for a week optimising a program, only to find out ur friends version runs 3 times faster than urs

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10-14-2015 , 06:59 AM
also suppose I have a struct which looks like this

typedef struct {
    int nx;            /* no. of cells in x-direction */
    int ny;            /* no. of cells in y-direction */
    int max_iters;      /* no. of iterations */
    int reynolds_dim;  /* dimension for Reynolds number */
    float density;       /* density per link */
    float accel;         /* density redistribution */
    float omega;         /* relaxation parameter */
} param_t;
typedef struct {
    float speeds[9];
} speed_t;
    /* Allocate arrays */
    *cells_ptr = (speed_t*) malloc(sizeof(speed_t)*(params->ny*params->nx));
    if (*cells_ptr == NULL) DIE("Cannot allocate memory for cells");
and basically in each iteration of a loop i do something like

cells[iterator].speed[from 0 to 8]= somecalculation();

and I want to parallelise it s.t
thread1 does
cells[iterator].speed[from 0 to 8]= somecalculation();

and thread2 does
cells[iterator+1].speed[from 0 to 8]= somecalculation();

i thought false sharing wouldn't be happening because i expect cells[0] & cells[1] to be on different cache lines, however I am not entirely sure that this is the case. can someone please tell me how
the speed_t struct is stored in memory, is it essentially the same as cells[x][9]?
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-14-2015 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by CyberShark93
Lol, spent 8+hours everyday for a week optimising a program, only to find out ur friends version runs 3 times faster than urs

it's the journey that matters, not the destination
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-14-2015 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
it's the journey that matters, not the destination
only because by the time you arrive, your friend has been partying at the destination for three days, eaten all the food, and left without cleaning the mess. in fairness, the destination he saw was a breathtaking, exciting place, and way better than the journey!
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-14-2015 , 11:27 AM

I want to get into app development (IOS specifically) and would also like to learn other programing languages.

At the moment I'm taking a IOS 9 /Swift course on Udemy but am not sure that is my best way to go about learning as some of the information seems quite vague or they don't explain why they are doing something.

I've looked around but there is so much different information/coding languages/ etc that I'm just unsure of where to start.

** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-14-2015 , 12:14 PM
Have you considered going to college and getting a BS in comp. sci?
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-14-2015 , 12:18 PM
alternatively, go to a college bookstore and see what books they use for classes you'd be interested in.

Get those books cheaper from amazon (or free elsewhere - some colleges put PDFs of their books online and let anyone download them) and go through at your own pace.

Yes you won't know what the prof thinks you should skip or focus on, but you also won't have 30 thousand dollars of debt.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-14-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Wolfram
Have you considered going to college and getting a BS in comp. sci?
I have not nor do I really want to go the whole college route. Take a few classes, sure. Get a degree, probably not. I will take a look at my local college to see what they offer though.

I know this is not even close to the same thing but would taking the MIT/Stanford computer science classes be a good place to start. To see if it's even something I would want to pursue?

Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
alternatively, go to a college bookstore and see what books they use for classes you'd be interested in.

Get those books cheaper from amazon (or free elsewhere - some colleges put PDFs of their books online and let anyone download them) and go through at your own pace.

Yes you won't know what the prof thinks you should skip or focus on, but you also won't have 30 thousand dollars of debt.
So like my question above about the online courses, do you think a beginner computer science class would be a good place to start? I'm all about not spending $30k on a piece of paper if I can still learn.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-14-2015 , 01:12 PM
Yeah, starter course would be good.

Or grab a book used for starter courses and see if you can get through it. Most starter courses spend way the **** too much time on stuff like "this is an int, it's different than a char!" and way too little time spent on stuff like "this is how classes interact and do crazy interesting stuff!"

If you don't have a specific language in mind, I'd recommend Head First Java, which is well-written, very absorbable, but a little out of date. Will give you a good grasp of the basics of OO programming.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-14-2015 , 02:31 PM
Crypto Peeps:

If you generated a long salt (say 32 bytes) and hashed salt+value using md5 and then threw away the salt -> is it practically impossible to retrieve the original value?

(yes yes, I know md5 is bad, but thats not really the purpose of this question)
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
10-14-2015 , 03:12 PM
I want to get Surface Book but I'm doing a bunch of house renovations and really can't justify spending more money on windows.
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