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08-21-2015 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Think our sql book is either poorly written, poorly organized, or both.

"To teach you how to crawl, let's analyze this Olympic gymnastics video."
Reminds me of this elite video (yeah yeah aerobics not gymnastics is elite with the song)
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08-21-2015 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by clowntable
Looking to migrate my domain names to one place. Is still pretty much the gold standard? Money isn't really an issue I just want them to be at the best place possible (least hassle, upselling nonsense etc.).
Are there any ZOMG three letter agency issues with using a US company for domains (I'm thinking worst case my domains could be seized easier and matching me up to my domain names is easier...not that it matters for my hobby projects but I've actually never thought about what power those companies could theoretically hold)
Late to the party on catching up on this thread, but is also a good option.
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08-21-2015 , 12:25 PM
One of the most interesting Snowden documents leaked, which I have read; illustrates why you should always build from source but still it is always easy, to have a machine compromised by another developer using their application.


Funny how people working for the US Government, compromising development sdks way back when Xcode was 4.1 to create a massive monitoring ability through any application, created by someone with SDK that injects backdoor into compiled binaries for their app.

This country is hilarious if people don't think that power is not abused lol

Unrelated, I installed Windows 10 and its a visual improvement from 8.1 imo. You have to first change the login background and get rid of huge ass avatar on login but the rest looks visually pleasing besides recycle bin. I think they need to work on performance more because it is slightly slower with indexing through file system than windows 8.1 from my guess by using it.
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08-21-2015 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by iosys
One of the most interesting Snowden documents leaked, which I have read; illustrates why you should always build from source but still it is always easy, to have a machine compromised by another developer using their application.


Funny how people working for the US Government, compromising development sdks way back when Xcode was 4.1 to create a massive monitoring ability through any application, created by someone with SDK that injects backdoor into compiled binaries for their app.

This country is hilarious if people don't think that power is not abused lol

Unrelated, I installed Windows 10 and its a visual improvement from 8.1 imo. You have to first change the login background and get rid of huge ass avatar on login but the rest looks visually pleasing besides recycle bin. I think they need to work on performance more because it is slightly slower with indexing through file system than windows 8.1 from my guess by using it.
does that mean i should consider my mac laptop and iphone totally compromised to the point that the government could get remote control of them?

i mean, i sort of already thought that, but is this making it certain?
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08-21-2015 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by gaming_mouse
does that mean i should consider my mac laptop and iphone totally compromised to the point that the government could get remote control of them?

i mean, i sort of already thought that, but is this making it certain?
Well you could pretty much compromise any environment by doing the above.

You could avoid the above by having a clean install that runs a vm that you do your work on and wipe repetitively over time but pull the source code to the new vm. When time comes to deploying, you build on a non compromised vm, that is built upon just doing that task of not being compromised.

Vm has clean install of OS X, valid Xcode from apple and just building source to binaries.

edit: The OS isn't compromised on a fresh install, you can use network tools to figure that out if it is or isn't.
Some people will always believe otherwise and argue it, but who cares.

The history around Apple and the people that made Apple also showed reason to believe they wouldn't hand keys to US government.

Last edited by iosys; 08-21-2015 at 02:09 PM.
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08-21-2015 , 02:27 PM
oddly relevant:

Presidential candidate Jeb Bush has called on tech companies to form a more "cooperative" arrangement with intelligence agencies. During a speech in South Carolina, Bush made clear his opinion on encryption: "If you create encryption, it makes it harder for the American government to do its job — while protecting civil liberties — to make sure that evildoers aren't in our midst." He also indicated he felt the recent scaling back of the Patriot Act went too far. Bush says he hasn't seen any indication the bulk collection of phone metadata violated anyone's civil liberties.
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08-21-2015 , 02:50 PM
It must be nice having that much power.

Anyone in this thread could play the stock market for everything it is worth, figure out whatever x is doing and plan accordingly. If I was the government, I would never give up that power and they're not morally perfect sadly. I can read all sort of things they have done, in recent history about medical experimentation with prisoners or black africans that are never told what disease they have. There is a lot worse but who really cares.

Yet we kind of have to be extremely paranoid as a nation. Only takes a few drone that are wired to explode and navigated to a dense population of people to really show how vulnerable society is from people that want to do harm.

Yet I believe a secure computer is better than a non secure computer.
What is keeping government above criminals if they wan't to do something morally wrong, apparently nothing if they put backdoors in little johnny's computer.
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08-21-2015 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
Had a face-to-face two hour interview / speed talk yesterday. Interviewer said they'd contact me today for next steps (if relevant I guess). I made a few blunders, but I think I recovered okay-ish. Kind of hard to sell myself with no working experience, especially for the difficulty of the work. Well, I expect to be rejected, but it is nice to know I got to speak to someone in person. Keeping my fingers crossed because I really want this job.

Quite a few interesting topics came up. We even discussed Amazon and emacs -vs- vim, which led to the most awesome anti-emacs rant I ever heard. Of course I had to feign shock.

Overall, it was an interesting interview. A mix of chit-chat and hard-core computer stuff. The interviewer was whip smart and I was definitely nervous. I'm pretty sure I can't continue with this anymore. If I don't get this one, I'll probably keep programming as a hobby and leave it at that.
The in-house recruiter gave me a call and informed me that I didn't make the cut.

** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-21-2015 , 04:48 PM
Well it looks like 2p2 will see a lot less of me during the day. Probably a good thing.

We also block imgur, imageshack and photobucket now. Lol corporations.
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08-21-2015 , 04:59 PM

Ha ha
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08-21-2015 , 05:58 PM
I'm still kind of upset about the whole being rejected thing, I think I'd rather have had a cold rejection form email than a phone call. The recruiter was nice, full of platitudes and offers to give advice since I'm new to town, and all that stuff, but it bothers me more this way. I'm not sure if any of it was honestly giving a **** or if was just more attempt to let me down easy.

I kept on saying "bye" in various ways and it was like "one more thing, one more thing, one more thing."

I guess it was handled well and as politely as possible, all things considered. I would hate to have a job where I had to call people and tell them they suck at life all day, but then again, don't ask me to connect with LinkedIn. Isn't having 1,000 connections (rejects) enough for one person?
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08-21-2015 , 06:01 PM
Sorry they didn't extend an offer.

I get the feeling if a company actually liked you and seriously considered you, they would do things to leave a good impression in case they ever have another opening.

If they didn't give a **** they wouldn't call you, imo. Too many terrible applicants to call every one of them.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-21-2015 , 06:12 PM
I honestly wanted to say that this was the last chance job for me, therefore I was no longer going to bother looking; I don't need any advice.

I don't think they want to burn any bridges. Very small community down here and they need to keep up as much goodwill as they can, so it may well be worth calling all of their applicants who interviewed.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-21-2015 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by iosys
One of the most interesting Snowden documents leaked, which I have read; illustrates why you should always build from source but still it is always easy, to have a machine compromised by another developer using their application.


Funny how people working for the US Government, compromising development sdks way back when Xcode was 4.1 to create a massive monitoring ability through any application, created by someone with SDK that injects backdoor into compiled binaries for their app.

This country is hilarious if people don't think that power is not abused lol

Unrelated, I installed Windows 10 and its a visual improvement from 8.1 imo. You have to first change the login background and get rid of huge ass avatar on login but the rest looks visually pleasing besides recycle bin. I think they need to work on performance more because it is slightly slower with indexing through file system than windows 8.1 from my guess by using it.
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08-21-2015 , 06:41 PM
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-21-2015 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
We also block imgur, imageshack and photobucket now. Lol corporations.
Almost guarantee these won't last. Same thing happened to SO and yeah that breaks the internet. Reverted in a month.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-21-2015 , 06:53 PM
I just got hit up by a company claiming to be "the Uber of healthcare". Um, I'm not sure I want an out of work actor diagnosing my prostate.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-21-2015 , 06:56 PM
I worked at a company that blocked 2+2 and I just used personal laptop + cell phone internet for 2+2 when on break.
It was extremely easy to do and not a single thing came from it, so I would do it again if needed.

The irony of the situation was that no online shopping website was blocked for clothes, shoes and accessories. Female developer was spending her time, looking and buying every day (nothing wrong with that). She would even tell this old guy that stopped by her cubicle every day, how much she spends on clothes$$$$$$$$$$$. That old guy was sort of too friendly, where he seemed to never work and just make rounds around the building. I'm within earshot of her cubicle and got to hear the nonsense every day.
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08-21-2015 , 07:09 PM
There's a dude who spends all day, all day, on Craigslist looking for deals at my job.

Does whatever work comes his way, but otherwise it's all craigslist, all the time.

Originally Posted by suzzer99
I just got hit up by a company claiming to be "the Uber of healthcare". Um, I'm not sure I want an out of work actor diagnosing my prostate.
Does an ambulance really need an EMT?

Last edited by Low Key; 08-21-2015 at 07:10 PM. Reason: Or to actually be an ambulance?
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08-21-2015 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Why is it so hard for people to get? The simplest description you could give someone encryption = electronic locks*. Would he recommend that we do away with all locks so that the government's job was that much easier?

*Yes I understand that most locks are trivially easy to subvert. Just trying to use a real life analogue that makes it accessible to other people.
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08-21-2015 , 09:32 PM
No, computers are magic that do whatever some nerd tells them to do
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08-22-2015 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by daveT
I honestly wanted to say that this was the last chance job for me, therefore I was no longer going to bother looking; I don't need any advice.

I don't think they want to burn any bridges. Very small community down here and they need to keep up as much goodwill as they can, so it may well be worth calling all of their applicants who interviewed.
Dave, I explored a few opportunities in Austin this year. Didn't get a nibble. I got the distinct impression that relocating someone was out of the question. The message to me was that hey we have plenty of developers locally to fulfill our needs. I realize that you moved to Austin. I'm guessing that you are competing for jobs with people that are also talented, have a lot more experience on their resume's, and have been in the area for awhile.

I would take that rejection response as a positive not a negative. I know it is hard to put aside emotion but try to focus on the details of the feedback you received. There probably is some valuable info.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-22-2015 , 03:21 PM
I haven't met many people in the tech industry who is actually from Austin, aside from a few old-school assembly hackers. Everyone is from somewhere else. Overall, they appear smarter than what I've seen in L.A.

I'd say you should actually move down here or vacation for a few months to get a feel of the place. It is super cheap if you are smart about it. My broke ass can fade about 2 months out here without worrying to much. I even go do things now and then.

My resume response rate is considerably higher out here than L.A. Out there, I was probably doing about 15%. I'm about 30% out here. I should consider opening a resume writing business, lol.

It's not just Austin. It is the fact that I've been trying to find something for 3 years now. This past year was a super hard push, and it proved to be detrimental to my time, my mental health, and my paychecks for all the PTO I was taking to interview. It negatively affected my programming since it is kind of hard to program and look for jobs at the same time.

How much rejection can one be expected to take? It isn't like I'm screwing up the take home tests they send the day before Thanksgiving and tell me to turn in on Monday. It isn't like I'm bombing whiteboard tests. It isn't like I haven't done FREE "test" work for companies who turned me down and used my ****ing work and code anyways. It isn't like I haven't sat through countless 2 hour interviews only to pass the tests, do everything right, then just get told some bull**** about "cultural fit." I'm all for never giving up, but this has reach the point of insanity: trying the same thing over and over and over and... should I ever expect a different result? I've had two "jobs" and they were both complete and utter disasters. I'd have earned more money panhandling in from of McDonald's.

I'm sick and tired of applying for job X only to be contacted for SR job Y. Why? Because I have ****ing Clojure on my resume? I'm sick of interviewers being shocked, just shocked that I wouldn't know how to use git with a large team of developers. They called me in and it's not like my resume claims any experience at all. wtf?

It hurts to even fire up my VM these days. I haven't written a line of code for a month now. It's just painful.

Rather than live as a reject, I'd rather make free websites for my friends. My work is completely valueless, but at least it is appreciated by them.

I'd rather have my code on github forked, starred, and reviewed. Maybe some poor soul in his SV job has to learn Clojure on the quick. Why would I deprive him or her that chance by quitting?

I'd rather have my program that's nearing 100 KLOC used by those who appreciate and enjoy the work I'm doing. I don't want money for the knowledge and labor it takes to do this stuff. I hope companies earn or save millions on my work.

I'd rather just be the support system. I'd rather just do things that make me happy, and I am most happy when I am helping people and making the world a better place. I'd rather not look to others for self-affirmation and use their opinions of me as a measure of my self-worth. I don't care what anyone's opinion of me is anymore, and sending out resumes and knocking on doors is giving them free license to have an opinion of me. **** them.

Too bad you didn't move to Austin. I'd tell you were I am working now so you can say hi and I can serve you some coffee and damn good southern cooking. Clearly, I'm fat, shower maybe once a week, and have a typical Type AA-for-antisocial-******* personality, the exact type of person any respectable restaurant would want interacting with their customers all day.

Last edited by daveT; 08-22-2015 at 03:28 PM.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-22-2015 , 03:45 PM
The last paragraph is sarcasm right??
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08-22-2015 , 03:51 PM
So what if you don't know how to use git, learn it. If you managed to learn Clojure (by no means an accessible language IMO) and wrote 100 KLOC for just 1 project, I am sure you could handle git pretty fast. Of course you'd need some time to get experienced in it so it comes more naturally.

Why not get good at another language that would make you more concurrent? Many times I had to learn to implement stuff in different languages in a rather short notice, although I am talking about getting really good and familiar.
These corporates wont adjust to you (they are the many), you need to adjust.
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