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04-02-2015 , 06:15 PM
Easter vacation starting tomorrow. My free time for projects starts on Monday+I have good Friday (Saturday=football home game+birthday party to attend, Sunday=family Easter stuff). I have one minor-ish (I hope) programming project (web/JS) I want to tackle, depending on how that goes two more complex ones in the same space (only going to pick one) and a third one that is just "playing around" (Unity Engine/2D).

Other than that I plan on going on a mad board gaming bender. Vacation...yay...let us gogogo
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04-02-2015 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
No rent control. A friend of mine had hers shoot up to $100k / year from like $20k / year and she has no recourse on this.
There's rent control, it just depends on when the building was built I think (before 1979 = rent control). I've lived in 2 apartments in 7 years in SF and both are rent controlled. The SF Tenants Union says most residents are covered by it.
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04-02-2015 , 07:40 PM
Sometimes I read this forum and realize how lazy I am. I have the next 4 days off and aside from family stuff my main goal is to sleep in tomorrow, make a big breakfast, and then watch curling for 6 hours.
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04-02-2015 , 07:50 PM
That's no way to take over the world.
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04-02-2015 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
There's rent control, it just depends on when the building was built I think (before 1979 = rent control). I've lived in 2 apartments in 7 years in SF and both are rent controlled. The SF Tenants Union says most residents are covered by it.
Maybe this is off-topic but what happens if there were no rent control? Only rich people live in the city then?
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04-02-2015 , 09:18 PM
I got contacted by recruiter #2 today. Basically wanted more clarification on my experience and education. I contacted recruiter #1 (she requested this, btw) and she called me in 30 minutes. We talked about what I should send in and I feel like she offered me good advice. The word is that they really need to fill the role and they need to fill it like yesterday. So, yeah, I guess there are good recruiters who give a crap.

I sent in my response and now I'm waiting again.

I'm terrible at finding jobs. Every time I get a call-back, a conversation, or meet someone who I interpret cares at all, I get super excited and want want want the job.

I've been working through some Project Euler problems using Clojure to just brush up and familiarize myself with the new features and constructs. I don't know what it is about Lisp, but every time I code in it, I feel fuzzy and start grinning from ear to ear.
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04-02-2015 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
So I shared an idea with a friend at work who promptly went on to pitch it to the head architect and his manager. They loved it and have been singing his praises for 2 weeks now. I assume my only course of action now is to swallow it, move on and learn to keep my mouth shut from now on?

Before anyone asks, I pitched the idea 2 months ago to another architect and he told me to get started on the side but wait till the current release cycle was over ( in June).
Other posts have given worthwhile advice.

So I started a bit and this kid is literally just copy pasting some of my code and putting his name on it lol
It is not really your code though tbh. I need a little more context. If he took some of the code you wrote and used it along with some other code that you didn't write then honestly I don't see a real problem.
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04-02-2015 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by blackize5
I would also say that guy is not a friend. Nobody on my team would take credit for someone else's idea like that. And taking the work without crediting you is even worse.
Probably true. I imagine in my head its not nefarious, just that he is a bit air-headed and excited to be getting props for something.

Originally Posted by Larry Legend
Yea that guy is definitely not a friend.

You should just start telling everyone that you made it and pitched it a while ago, and that this architect pithed it up the chain and now its being worked on. If anyone asks if you were involved with him pitching it up the chain you can say no, or just that you gave him the idea and he kept it mind or something that doesn't directly call him out but is honest and helps get you the acknowledgement.

You may think telling 1-2 people this won't spread, but that is incorrect. Especially if you tell 2 people at the same time, so it isn't viewed as a secret.
I told a few people before any of this, but I doubt anything comes of that.

Originally Posted by candybar
One way is to act like everyone knows this was your idea and your project and the guy who stole it from you is working under your guidance. Ask various people how this is going, what the impact is going to be, how your guy's doing and whether he's doing everything he needs to do to make the project successful....
The main problem is he is a Senior Eng and I am not. And in my large corporate office, that seems to be of the utmost importance (re: them ignoring my idea when it came from me anyways)

Originally Posted by kaby
I know nothing about the corporate world but why on earth would you ever swallow?
Because I am a people pleasing pussy who doesnt like confrontation mostly

Originally Posted by jjshabado
Where is he copying and pasting it from?
I was working solo on a new api to integrate our data to an external database. He was brought on to help about 2 months ago, so we are the only 2 looking at the code base itself. I put the new stuff in our branches version of an external module as I was told to do. He is copying it from there and putting it into a new module he created specifically for this idea.

Originally Posted by jjshabado
I'm more of a "don't worry about this ****" type of person - but thats probably because I've generally worked at small-ish companies with strong technical management and good co-workers and so things like this have rarely come up and your true value is pretty apparent to most people. If I had to do most of the things in Suzzer's post I'd be looking for a new job pretty quickly.
I completely agree with this, and dont really want to have to deal with politics bull****. Again, I think hes more naive than intentionally being an idea stealing doucher

Originally Posted by Anais
So, are you working on this project now? Can you just casually name-drop yourself while in groups?
I was taken off this project 3 weeks ago (The project was scrapped from the clients end and they just want a finished functional copy that will likely never actually be used on the off chance the client wants it started again. They wanted to give it to the senior guy to finish despite it was my baby of 6 months)

Originally Posted by adios
Other posts have given worthwhile advice.
Completely agree, and thanks guys. Its interesting to hear different perspectives bc most IRL people I talked to said to just take the licks and never let this happen again

Originally Posted by adios
It is not really your code though tbh. I need a little more context. If he took some of the code you wrote and used it along with some other code that you didn't write then honestly I don't see a real problem.
I suppose it depends on the context of your first point. It is all my companys code if were being specific. He is writing code on his own for sure, because he has been given the green light to work on this as its own project now, whereas I was told to wait. Most of the initial bits were already done by me, and he literally copied the classes over from the external module to his own new module, changed the class names, and updated the docs and copyright info to contain the current date (perhaps hiding it was all written 1-2 months ago?) and his name as author. The class names are diff, in some cases he added fields, changed method names, etc, but the business logic on these classes was me. Again he is adding new business logic I didnt get to the point of writing yet, so as you said its not like he just literally copied everything over word for word and stamped it complete.

In fact I wasnt really that sour on it until I looked at the code and saw that a vast majority of it was a disguised version of my code. If he had written it all from scratch, I would have rolled my eyes at how much time he was wasting, but been less offended likely. I put in a lot of time on researching how certain things work, implementing auth filters, standardization, pagination, etc. He was able to forgo all this time by using my work of which I get no credit.

Also today he copied over my exception handlers, and "to make sure i got some props" left the docs author tag as my name. On 3 of the 30+ classes. Lol. He still changed the copyright dates and names on these classes, which again hides it was written a while ago. These didnt involve class name changes or any refactoring, so not sure why the copyright should be changed.

If it is also of any note, and more to the point why Im not marching into his managers office to be like yo wtf, is that I have no long term future plans at this company and this will likely fuel my desire to leave sooner rather than later anyways. But also because I am a pussy as mentioned. 2 1/2 years ago I was unemployed and life was so simple! It may be completely naive, but Id like to imagine there are companies with 30-80 people that actually pay attention to what is going on and dont have 2000 branches to deal with so that each person gets their props without having to be blatant about self adulation. Thats probably very naive, but I am pretty new to the working world, so Im likely still in the naive phase in many regards

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04-02-2015 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Barrin6
Maybe this is off-topic but what happens if there were no rent control? Only rich people live in the city then?
I have wondered this too. My imagination is if it happened, a long time from now things would be much better off, but theyd be so much worse for a long time that it doesnt have a realistic shot to happen
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04-03-2015 , 12:19 AM
I'm confused about the whole copy code thing. Did he just copy code from a project to speed up his development time or did you have a project done that is what he had to make.
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04-03-2015 , 01:09 AM
@PJo336 - ok the guy is being a dick for sure. Seems like he could give you a lot more credit. If your plans are to resign anyway in the near future then you probably just want to eat the **** sandwich. However, I would confront the guy and tell him how you feel about it in no uncertain terms whether you are leaving or not. Let him know that as things currently stand he has created an enemy and let him know why. You might be amazed how that could change this situation.
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04-03-2015 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Sometimes I read this forum and realize how lazy I am. I have the next 4 days off and aside from family stuff my main goal is to sleep in tomorrow, make a big breakfast, and then watch curling for 6 hours.
I'm usually like that as well and I might not get a lot done. But it's been a while since I was excited to actually do some programming while not at work.
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04-03-2015 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Sometimes I read this forum and realize how lazy I am. I have the next 4 days off and aside from family stuff my main goal is to sleep in tomorrow, make a big breakfast, and then watch curling for 6 hours.
this makes me like you even more.

also, is curling like a british thing? your way of life is fascinating!
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04-03-2015 , 09:12 AM
Canadian I thought
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04-03-2015 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Anais
Canadian I thought
sounds aboot right
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04-03-2015 , 09:49 AM
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04-03-2015 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by gaming_mouse
sounds aboot right, eh?
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04-03-2015 , 12:40 PM

Go work for a small company, find a company with founders who have built/sold/ipo'd before who are working on a new project that fits your skills. I'm talking less than 20 employees ideally, and you will find the people to be way better to work with, imo.
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04-03-2015 , 12:47 PM
Where does one find small startups?
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04-03-2015 , 12:51 PM
In the Boston area, we have sites such as this
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04-03-2015 , 12:54 PM
I feel like startups are everywhere now a days. When I go to an ios meetup, I felt like half the room has a start up. Why don't people call it starting a business anymore?
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04-03-2015 , 01:01 PM
Sounds too old school. Gotta use buzz words
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04-03-2015 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Barrin6
I feel like startups are everywhere now a days. When I go to an ios meetup, I felt like half the room has a start up. Why don't people call it starting a business anymore?
same reason tinkerers and hobbyists are now "makers" and janitors are "sanitation engineers"

for a less snarky answer, see:

the tldr is that "startups" are distinguished by having, or at least having the potential for, massive growth. such companies are often, but are not necessarily, tech companies.
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04-03-2015 , 01:03 PM
Im curious if one of my old teachers is using a small site I designed as an example in their classes. Is there a way I can find out if I'm allowed to run php on the web space our school gives? I'd love to be able to do a visitor tracker/page hit count thing that only I can see.

Also, would have to figure out how to write the code.
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04-03-2015 , 01:17 PM
sign up for a free google analytics account
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