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08-19-2013 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Oh, fwiw, I don't think codecademy ever mentioned that you need a semi-colon in the first bit about JS. I could be wrong. It was about 4 in the morning when I did that part.
A tutorial on JS with no memorable mention of semicolons...

Xhad just gave birth to twin puppies.
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08-19-2013 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
half of it is a pretty drive, at least

but that's only if you can stop yelling at ******ed oregon drivers long enough to enjoy the scenery.
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08-19-2013 , 09:00 PM
re: codeacademy discussion

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08-19-2013 , 09:02 PM

13 years is a long time. to me, that's enough to say "it's time for something new".

i have visited portland and know several of its denizens. it's a cool city, but given your tolerance for hippies and hipsters, maybe not entirely your scene. voodoo donuts tho.

regardless, my couch is available for your crashpad needs
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08-20-2013 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
-1. Especially in javascript.
Reasoning: Higher chance people with "; obsession"
a) Read specs/style recommendations
b) Might value aesthetics (same code "format")

People that are clever early might suffer from "too clever" syndrom, too.

[I don't believe this but devils advocate etc.]

I'll think about it a bit and post what I actually think a good indicator would be (something trivial not something obvious)
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08-20-2013 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by tyler_cracker
re: codeacademy discussion

One place that seems even more appropriate is the Codecademy js lessons where the pre-filled code triggers a "mixed tabs and spaces" warning.
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08-20-2013 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
People that are clever early might suffer from "too clever" syndrom, too.
Oh! Yes! That's me to a T. I'm that dude from Community who's clever and pretty lazy because he never really has to work for anything. What's a good way to get around that? Preferably an easy one that doesn't require a lot of work.
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08-20-2013 , 08:39 PM
I haven't had a job in 10 years before this year so maybe I'm weird but I don't understand how people say things like "touch base" and "bandwidth" and especially "scrum" with a straight face over and over.
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08-20-2013 , 09:51 PM
Because that is the syntax of the workplace. Do you find airplane food funny too?
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08-20-2013 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Xhad
One place that seems even more appropriate is the Codecademy js lessons where the pre-filled code triggers a "mixed tabs and spaces" warning.
Let me guess, when you:

     for(var i = 0; i<L.lenght; i++)
They mail you a lollipop?
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08-21-2013 , 04:25 AM
Originally Posted by daveT
A tutorial on JS with no memorable mention of semicolons...

Xhad just gave birth to twin puppies.
ran thru all the intro stuff again, there is definitely no mention of semicolons

The bastards!

Also, the little window that's supposed to display the output of whatever I type seems to die after a couple lessons when I'm using Chrome.

Extra question:

Do most JS coders usually have the extra spaces they use between numbers and operation signs? Like "if ( 100 > 2 )" as opposed to "if (100>2)"?

Is one better than the other for any reason other than readability?
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08-21-2013 , 04:46 AM
if(100 < 2)
imo. no idea if it's normal, this is what I do.

Originally Posted by Grue
I haven't had a job in 10 years before this year so maybe I'm weird but I don't understand how people say things like "touch base" and "bandwidth" and especially "scrum" with a straight face over and over.
Originally Posted by kerowo
Because that is the syntax of the workplace. Do you find airplane food funny too?
wat? I also haven't had a "real" job in a long time, but there are programming gigs where "bandwidth" means something other than, well, bandwidth? what does it mean?
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08-21-2013 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by _dave_
if(100 < 2)
imo. no idea if it's normal, this is what I do.
while i think spaces on the insides of parens is a stylistic choice, there's not really a good excuse for not putting a space between the if and the open paren -- an overwhelming majority of programmers will find this less readable than a spaced version.

wat? I also haven't had a "real" job in a long time, but there are programming gigs where "bandwidth" means something other than, well, bandwidth? what does it mean?
it's business slang for how much manpower you have. eg, we have feature X, Y, Z and we want them all done by Friday. "We don't have enough bandwidth to handle that right now. I think we could finish one or two of those, but not all 3. If we take John and Sally off project A and get them to help, then maybe we could finish."
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08-21-2013 , 05:32 AM
hmm, bandwidth kinda makes sense there I guess.

with if, is there ever a reason to not have parens? It maybe works without them for a single variable? I always use them, similar to "always use braces". I've always thought of it as one "word"
interesting though., not something I would have ever considered. do people consider this normal for function calls too?
alert (x);
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08-21-2013 , 05:42 AM
not sure i get your followup question about "if". unless you're using ruby, the parens are required in most languages. my original comment was referring to "if (something)" vs "if(something)".

i think, otoh, "alert(x)" is by far more common than "alert (x)". "if", after all, is not a function call...
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08-21-2013 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by _dave_
hmm, bandwidth kinda makes sense there I guess.

with if, is there ever a reason to not have parens? It maybe works without them for a single variable? I always use them, similar to "always use braces". I've always thought of it as one "word"
interesting though., not something I would have ever considered. do people consider this normal for function calls too?
alert (x);
I've never really thought about it but I'm definitely in space before bracket for control flow and no space before bracket for function calls. I guess that does seem a bit weird but its pretty standard I think.

Edit: Talking about something like this at my first job is where I learned that Americans don't call '()' brackets. But we Canadians do.
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08-21-2013 , 07:41 AM
I had a COBOL prof who called those smooth brackets but everyone else calls them parenthesis.

When available, I do whatever the code completion does with syntax, which is a space after the if in objective-c. Spacing is much more strict in bash scripting which if I remember correctly hates extra spaces in expressions.

Bidness lexicon:
"Bandwidth" as described, it's your availability to do more work.
"Touch Base" aka "Ping" communicating with a coworker about something at after a triggering event: "Let's touch base before the requirements meeting to get our story straight." "I'll ping you when the report is finished."
"Scrum" is an agile methodology and probably means different things to every team that uses it. For us it's basically a bunch of smaller releases instead of big releases. Don't laugh at "Scrum Masters" they don't like it.
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08-21-2013 , 08:59 AM
"Bandwidth" is odd, "touch base" and "scrum" are really common when I talk to my coworkers.
during lunch break when arguing about baseball and rugby refs, right? If neeeeeeerds

I would also be more worried about how numbers are represented if 100 < 2 would be true than about stylistic matters .. or for codeacademy folks )

I'm not sure about
if(0 == x)

if (0 == x)
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08-21-2013 , 09:14 AM
I think generally 'nerds' are less likely to use or at least dislike the term 'scrum'.

All of those terms seem pretty reasonable and make sense to use on a semi-regular basis. Having terms, even if they seem a little silly, that represent common concepts is basically how people communicate in any context.

I was trying to think of terms that I really hated when people used but nothing is coming to mind. I know they exist, but I think I've just avoided being exposed to them for so long that I've forgotten them.
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08-21-2013 , 09:19 AM
Synergy though
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08-21-2013 , 09:45 AM
I'm in the US and I label them like so:

[] = brackets
{} = curlies
() = parenthesis or parens for short
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08-21-2013 , 09:49 AM
curlies = braces or curly braces. i'd never hear curlies until you posted it.
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08-21-2013 , 10:33 AM
if(x > y) {

is how I'd do it.

I also much prefer ruby/coffeescript because I don't need parens most of the time.
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08-21-2013 , 10:34 AM
On another note, some of my old code is hilarious from a stylistic point of view.

Mixed 2/4 space tabs, and most of my variable definitions were like:

var x= y;

That would tilt me pretty hard right now.
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08-21-2013 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Synergy though
Synergy is a great example of what I actually hate about business speak.

I think its a great word with a cool meaning. There are actual times where you want to talk about combining two things into something greater than the sum of the individual parts.

But most of the time its used incorrectly, to cover up ignorance, or just for general bull****ting.
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