Originally Posted by kerowo
I'm waiting for my new retina MBP... I know, I'll be quiet...
I once watched a youtube video, and someone made an interesting point. He said that many people who say they hate Apple, when pressed, would probably buy an Apple if it weren't so expensive. I agree with his opinion that this is a strange reason to dislike a product. I mean, do you hate Porche because they are too expensive?
It's one thing to dislike Apple because you don't like the fan-boy mentality, which I could sort of understand, except that means the anti-apple crowd is stuck using an Android, which makes someone a what? A utilitarian, anti-fanboy, android-fan?
Maybe the idea that they are more than happy to perpetuate the "Apple doesn't get Window's viruses" idea, suggesting that Apple gets no viruses, is off-putting. This was supposed to be countered by the fact that so many idiot Windows users were moving over to Mac, thus the idiot pool is expanded, and let's all wait for the impending Macapolips, which never happened. Maybe it's still lack of user-base or maybe Apple really is creating a great OS.
Maybe their hardware is really better, and that justifies to extra price for weaker hardware, or maybe it's their support staff, or maybe it's their well-integrated Unix OS.
With that said, I simply cannot afford a Mac, and I don't have too much opinion on them, though I never did like Steve Jobs that much. When it comes to spending $1500+ or more for a Mac vs what I currently have, well, $1500 pays off a lot of debt, pays for a used car, and new scooter, or a few months rent. All of those things I cannot fade.
Thinking critically, I never thought the iPad was as well-created as it could have been, and I was pretty resistant to any tablet pc, but my Android Tablet changed all of that: my only regret is that I didn't spend the extra ~$100 to buy a Galaxy Tab w/ wifi + faster processor + more memory, so if I had the money to drop, would I spend the money?
Anyways, I sort of figure that people who are legitimate power-users or programmers have a good reason to use Mac. Those in the film and music industry have legitimate reason as well. Otherwise, for average hunt-and-peck joe-blow who wouldn't know the difference between Safari and Firefox, I don't see a good reason to spend the money, though if it all breaks down to not getting Windows viruses and keeps him from having to pay out the bum because he download everything he can find, I guess it works for him as well.
Regardless, I figure all OS's and computers have their issues, and it really breaks down to not finding what you love, but rather finding what irritates you the least, and if Mac wins that war in your heart, why do I care?