Originally Posted by Grue
I got my latest job almost directly because people were blown away by my github/personal project so ymmv.
Agree with suzzer here that this is exceptional.
Most of the time people put complete trash on github, and I don't ask them about it (which I'm sure contributes to the perception no one cares) because my only question is "Why do you think adding a github link to your resume is useful?" I'm sure it helps for places where people are just impressed you have an account...
In the rare cases where someone has something interesting there, they are invariably shocked if I ask a question of the project that shows that I made it past the name of the repo. So my sense is that it's not adding a ton of value to the rest of their job hunting.
(High-quality personal projects or working in a place where one can open source one's best work isn't something I expect, which is part of the reason why it gets less weight overall in a hiring process. If one has it, great, or are working on something for other reasons, enjoy -- but it's not an efficient way to bolster one's chances getting a job.)