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04-14-2012 , 10:41 AM
Note: Not a C++ expert (or even a novice). Which may be obvious based on my answer.

Isn't this the ideal place for a generic getter/setter method, that you can override in the derived classes to open access to additional variables?
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04-14-2012 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
Also, I have a little problem. I have a baseclass pointer and many different derived classes. But it looks like my p_BaseClass can only access datamembers (C++ fwiw) that were declared in my baseclass.
You can downcast. see dynamic_cast.
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04-14-2012 , 01:29 PM
Can I make that work if I have a vector of 5 derived class objects and 1 pointer to the base class which I use to flip through them? I mean would it go something like if p_Base != p_Derived .. dynamic cast it? It almost looks like I want the opposite of a dynamic_cast. I mean the p_Base doesnt know about the new data members I declared in derived classes but they are there i promise >.<
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04-14-2012 , 02:03 PM
No, you want dynamic_cast. Example:

class animal;
class bird;
class fish;

void bar()
	vector<animal*> animals;
	// stuff to initialize animals omitted.
	for_each(animals.begin(), animals.end(), foo);

void foo(animal* a)
	bird* b = dynamic_cast<bird*>(a);
	fish* f = dynamic_cast<fish*>(a);
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04-14-2012 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
Also, anything over 4 is waste IMHO.
lol no. certainly not for a dev machine.

also, run-don't-walk to a copy of Effective C++.


macbook pro with SSD ftmfw.
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04-14-2012 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by tyler_cracker
lol no. certainly not for a dev machine.
i thought he meant anything over 4 cas latency, not 4gb
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04-14-2012 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by tyler_cracker

you're moving away from california?
Escaped the 2nd. Landed in VA the 5th.
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04-15-2012 , 06:40 AM
macbook pro with SSD ftmfw.
Meh not gonna go that route. From a quick check I can get about the same stuff -apple branding and OSX which I don't like anyways for about half as much money.
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04-15-2012 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
On first pass I can't think of anything better than using a cookie. It'll work for their session which seems like the most important thing. IP Address could work but seems messier with shared internet and such.
Oh just saw this...I'd also go with cookies..and from the overall feeling of how fast you can do stuff etc. I think a good model for what you're likely after is BrowserQuest's "signup process". Session ID in cookie or something unless you want it to be over sessions
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04-15-2012 , 02:09 PM

it won't be the same. apple's laptop hardware has been the nuts for like 20 years now. battery life vs weight curve alone justifies the extra dough imo.
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04-15-2012 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by greg nice
i thought he meant anything over 4 cas latency, not 4gb
Yeah i menat 4gigs. BF3 wont even use 4 gigs of ram. Just saying to be careful because the marketing seems to be "lets sell a lot of slow ram that you will only use if you only restart your computer once a month"
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04-15-2012 , 02:37 PM
lol rebooting, lol windows, lol 32-bit address space

Last edited by tyler_cracker; 04-15-2012 at 02:45 PM.
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04-15-2012 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by tyler_cracker
lol rebooting, lol windows, lol 32-bit address space
this it an outmoded position. win7 is a nice OS. i've had no problems with it, and boot time with an SSD is like 20seconds
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04-15-2012 , 03:14 PM
until windows session management, like, exists, i stand by "lol rebooting".

i also like how the windows ecosystem has set the goalposts such that "sucks less than vista" and "doesn't crash all the time" = "nice os".

i'll admit there's nothing intrinsically wrong with 32-bit address space other than the fact that it's 2012 and most of us need more bits. 4GB ought to be enough for anybody...
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04-15-2012 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by tyler_cracker

it won't be the same. apple's laptop hardware has been the nuts for like 20 years now. battery life vs weight curve alone justifies the extra dough imo.
I own a Powerbook G4 but for the most part I'm just an Apple hater these days. I'd much rather just get a laptop that is roughly ok but not Apple-league and throw it out next year and get a new one or somthing

Besides...I said I didn't want it to be too expensive :P

this it an outmoded position. win7 is a nice OS. i've had no problems with it, and boot time with an SSD is like 20seconds
Somewhat true in fact Windows profits a ton from SSDs because all the antivirus/-malware scanning etc. is a ton faster. I recently maintained my mom's laptop and holy moly it takes forever to run malwarebytes or wonder people don't do it heh. Not to mention that ir rebooted a bazillion times on the initial install/security upgrades and whatnot.

That being said, coding in Windows always feels like you're in a straightjacket. Maybe it's because I'm fairly ignorant and don't improve my Windows skills at all. Unixoid stuff just feels right for me
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04-15-2012 , 04:11 PM
Aside from VS coding in Window's does kind of suck.

My personal preference is Linux for coding, Win7 (64bit!) for everything else and OSX only when I have too. After using OSX for the last year I just don't get the hype and now just use Bootcamp/Win7 on my MBP. Their hardware build quality is second to none though.

I also just dislike Apple as a company and "Mac culture" .
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04-15-2012 , 04:17 PM
I still use XP Pro xD. Windows seems, imo, to have peeked at XP and has been bouncing around since but hasn't yet passed the bar that XP set. I dont like any bells and whistles though.
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04-15-2012 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by gaming_mouse
this it an outmoded position. win7 is a nice OS. i've had no problems with it, and boot time with an SSD is like 20seconds
20 seconds is a long time imo. Are you using a lot of prefetch / superfetch / ready boot / whatever windows calls it these days ... or do you have a big start-up list?
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04-15-2012 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
I still use XP Pro xD. Windows seems, imo, to have peeked at XP and has been bouncing around since but hasn't yet passed the bar that XP set. I dont like any bells and whistles though.
I used to feel this way but I don't think there's anything XP does better than Win7 and Win7 has a bunch of nice improvements.

FWIW I also never use antivirus software. Anybody that's relatively tech savvy can easily do without.
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04-15-2012 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by tyler_cracker
until windows session management, like, exists, i stand by "lol rebooting".

i also like how the windows ecosystem has set the goalposts such that "sucks less than vista" and "doesn't crash all the time" = "nice os".

i'll admit there's nothing intrinsically wrong with 32-bit address space other than the fact that it's 2012 and most of us need more bits. 4GB ought to be enough for anybody...
I have been on Win7 since it came out, comp might have crashed two or three times during that time. Windows is a little heavy on the machine, but beyond that its a great OS. Much of the complaints about windows seem to be old re-used stuff that has no basis in fact.

That said I think its great the monopoly is beginning to break down and microsoft is losing its dominant position.
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04-15-2012 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
20 seconds is a long time imo. Are you using a lot of prefetch / superfetch / ready boot / whatever windows calls it these days ... or do you have a big start-up list?
I have no idea what any of those words mean. I have also not really seen any laptop ever that boots much faster than that, windows or mac.
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04-15-2012 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Ryanb9
20 seconds is a long time imo.

Awful lot of e-peen measuring in this thread lately. MY JAVASCRIPT DOWNLOAD IS SMALLER THAN YOURS BITCH.
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04-15-2012 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by tyler_cracker
until windows session management, like, exists, i stand by "lol rebooting".

i also like how the windows ecosystem has set the goalposts such that "sucks less than vista" and "doesn't crash all the time" = "nice os".
there just isnt much practical difference. i've used macs plenty and the fact is their OS is just not the much better more usable more blah blah that it's proponents claim. my basic feeling is they just aren't all that different. but i could find specifics of each that i don't like and the other does better. obviously the nice integration to the unix shell is a plus on mac. beyond that, i just don't buy that it's an appreciably better OS. like neko, i have a slight bias against the culture and personal identity fanboyism that surrounds macs because it's i think it's undeserved. the only thing the company truly excels at imo is making beautiful objets de art and marketing. i own an ipad and rarely use it and feel it's a physically lovely but incredibly overrated piece of technology.
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04-15-2012 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by gaming_mouse
I have no idea what any of those words mean. I have also not really seen any laptop ever that boots much faster than that, windows or mac.
I think they were first introduced in vista but what they do is track things you do often and then whenever you turn on your computer it automatically loads what it predicts you will use. so if you always go to homepage, when you turn on your computer and log in, the superfetch (i think thats the right name) will automatically go load / cache that webpage even before you open up firefox so that it is ready and waiting for you.
IIRC font cache is something similar to this (or a name similar to "font cache" is similar to this) and whenever i clear that I cut my reboot time by seconds but I only do it if it gets slow.
Also as far as I know (not much) using something like SpywareBot to modify a startup list is better than services.msc, and services.msc is better than MSCONFIG
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04-15-2012 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by gaming_mouse
there just isnt much practical difference. i've used macs plenty and the fact is their OS is just not the much better more usable more blah blah that it's proponents claim. my basic feeling is they just aren't all that different. but i could find specifics of each that i don't like and the other does better. obviously the nice integration to the unix shell is a plus on mac. beyond that, i just don't buy that it's an appreciably better OS. like neko, i have a slight bias against the culture and personal identity fanboyism that surrounds macs because it's i think it's undeserved. the only thing the company truly excels at imo is making beautiful objets de art and marketing. i own an ipad and rarely use it and feel it's a physically lovely but incredibly overrated piece of technology.
One thing that Mac beats Windows on is "standard" programs. IIRC, Mac comes with a lot of bundled software that is actually legit. Whereas when you buy windows you (basically) are only getting the operating system.
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