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08-23-2017 , 02:27 PM
If anyone cares, this is the solution:

handleEvent = ( ) => {
this.refForComponent.getRenderedComponent().refFor RenderFieldComponent.focus()

So it's passing a callback function that creates a reference in a redux <Field> component that then passes the ref to a renderField component, which has a method inside it to invoke the original callback ref and a method to create a new ref, which is then passed to the <input> field in this components render method which allows us to ref said input field.

So we basically implemented our own getRenderedComponent to chain to the one in the Field component that redux form gives you as a method. So many people seem to be using renderField standalone to pass html to a redux form as a component, but I didn't see this solution anywhere, and I've read every related doc I could find (some multiple times).

Will probably write this up as it seems like a good way to do this and a source of much issue when trying to focus fields.
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08-23-2017 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
Had an interesting conversation with a doctor. May be a business idea for you enterprising types.

Inventory in doctors offices and hospitals is a complete and utter mess. They want the system to do the following:

Count bottles from N to zero

Count the pills in the bottles from N to zero

Use a scan gun to read UPCs.

Yeah, even the last one isn't even possible to find. Get the biggest system out there, and they require you to scan SKUs, which is... I'd say this is common sense, but a shocking amount of inventory systems in all levels in all industries fail at this simple realization.

I dont know what medicines are kept at a doctor's office though, besides sampler viagra packs and maybe super common antibiotics. Thats why they always send you off to fill up your prescription elsewhere, no? Was the doc you spoke to referring to the hospital's inventory system?

It really is amazing how janky and old some of the systems that are still being used on a day to day basis that anyone on this thread could rig up in a couple weeks time to do a faster/efficient job at.

I was interviewing at this small company that has a monolith of a django app and some of the systems in place seem to be either manually done (because it is "safer and secure" when on-boarding new clients) or just giant god apps doing everything.

In other news, I'm still unemployed while actively searching. I'm thinking of picking up C++ to do a small project and shave those milliseconds off! Yeah baby! I'm also taking some night school at local CC picking up some maths and "C for Engineers" to learn more indepth CS theory(that and if i go to school full time its free + housing stipend. so win-win). I'm also about to be leading the Python meetup in my city, wtf kind of junior-just-out-of-bootcamp says anything i've just said in this post?

I'm still waiting on that blog post by Larry Legend! I'm doing more React learning/projects to make myself standout in this non-existent job market in SFla.

Last edited by whb; 08-23-2017 at 03:20 PM. Reason: added info
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08-23-2017 , 05:10 PM
Why is your school free + housing stipend? GI Bill?
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08-23-2017 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Why is your school free + housing stipend? GI Bill?
Yep. I essentially have no real need for it...maybe a masters down the line, but because i was a stupid kid in an earlier life I just didn't care about gpa and such so any half decent masters program will probably just turn me down(as they already have). So for the time being refreshing up on math and doing low level programming seems both interesting and financially smart while I keep looking for a job.

Last edited by whb; 08-23-2017 at 05:57 PM. Reason: Clarification
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08-23-2017 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
I once spoke to a chick in Europe who spoke Dutch, French, Flemish
Why??? If you speak Dutch does that just kinda come along easily?
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08-23-2017 , 09:59 PM
Dutch, French and Flemish are the three native languages of Belgium. She was Belgian.

Edit: Also it's very similar to Dutch.

Edit #2: Apparently Flemish is the collective name for a few dialects of Dutch spoken in Belgium and the official languages of Belgium are actually Dutch, French and German. themoreyouknow.jpg
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08-23-2017 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by whb
Yep. I essentially have no real need for it...maybe a masters down the line, but because i was a stupid kid in an earlier life I just didn't care about gpa and such so any half decent masters program will probably just turn me down(as they already have). So for the time being refreshing up on math and doing low level programming seems both interesting and financially smart while I keep looking for a job.
my buddy at work got into the Udacity/Georgia Tech CS masters with like a 2.X

the university says the online degree is the same as live, in case you're interested
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08-24-2017 , 12:12 AM
In job descriptions they always have a photo of 10 people sitting around a desk with a 13" macbook in front of each of them. how do people code on those things?
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08-24-2017 , 08:16 AM
Stupid young people eyes. They usually have two meh monitors at their desks that they can plug it into after the meeting.
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08-24-2017 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by RogerKwok
my buddy at work got into the Udacity/Georgia Tech CS masters with like a 2.X

the university says the online degree is the same as live, in case you're interested
I am aware of them and I'll for sure be applying to them possibly in the next year or so if nothing else materializes. In the mean time like I said, I'm planning on progressing from trig/precalc through calculus and taking a algo/data structures class if I'm able to register as a non-degree student. But I didnt know they'd take someone with a 2.xx, thanks for the tip!

Whats a good side monitor to have? I've been thinking of just getting a cheap 1080p monitor, I'm getting sick of the lack of space on my 15"MBP. I have an issue with the pricing for the monitors at 4k. I dont need the sub 5ms response time if im coding and yet it seems that the gaming industry is pushing for these low stats to be better and more expensive. whats everyones opinion?
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08-24-2017 , 11:27 AM
I liked the 27" Apple monitor but understand that's not for every one. I ended up with a 32" Dell that had the same resolution as the Apple cinema monitor, not near as sharp but good enough for text editing to Minecraft, which is about all I do on it. I'd suggest getting two monitors and an external keyboard and magic pad for the laptop and not use the laptop screen at home.
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08-24-2017 , 04:41 PM
So what is a good answer when you are a noob and a potential employer asks you to talk about an architectural problem that occurred and how you overcame it while building a project. Don't architectural problems occur when you are in a production environment and have a bunch of data or a bunch of people trying to click on the same button at once? Are you supposed to be simulating these events? What are other examples of architectural problems?

Let's say you are interviewing for a job at Zip Recruiter. I could build a nearly exact Zip Recruiter clone including SMS messages and emails based on keywords and letting you know when your application has been viewed etc with all the Zip Recruiter features in like 3 days with a hand tied behind my back... but I still don't have a clue how to answer that question.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-24-2017 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
So what is a good answer when you are a noob and a potential employer asks you to talk about an architectural problem that occurred and how you overcame it while building a project. Don't architectural problems occur when you are in a production environment and have a bunch of data or a bunch of people trying to click on the same button at once? Are you supposed to be simulating these events? What are other examples of architectural problems?

Let's say you are interviewing for a job at Zip Recruiter. I could build a nearly exact Zip Recruiter clone including SMS messages and emails based on keywords and letting you know when your application has been viewed etc with all the Zip Recruiter features in like 3 days with a hand tied behind my back... but I still don't have a clue how to answer that question.
Give us some more info on the problem you were presented with.

Software Architecture
Software architecture refers to the high level structures of a software system, the discipline of creating such structures, and the documentation of these structures. These structures are needed to reason about the software system. Each structure comprises software elements, relations among them, and properties of both elements and relations.[1] The architecture of a software system is a metaphor, analogous to the architecture of a building.[2]
Suzzer is a software architect by trade. Perhaps he'll weigh in.
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08-24-2017 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by codeartisan
Very true. Just google GTIN and GS1 and FDA Labeling Requirements to see how complicated the supply chain quickly becomes in the healthcare business.

Keeps me, at least partially, in a job though.
I'm sure many elements of medicine to require compliance. For example, I interviewed at a place in Austin that helped employers gather the correct employee data to submit for ACA, then helped the insurance companies figure out what the correct plans to offer are. Although it was basically an ETL position, it did require some deeper knowledge of the act (keep politics off of it).

Originally Posted by whb
I dont know what medicines are kept at a doctor's office though, besides sampler viagra packs and maybe super common antibiotics. Thats why they always send you off to fill up your prescription elsewhere, no? Was the doc you spoke to referring to the hospital's inventory system?
If a doctor gives you two Ibuprofen, the inventory clerk has to take 2 pills from the bottle and record it. At a later time, he or she can see that there are N pills left. That's what the missing program would do.
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08-24-2017 , 05:52 PM
all the docs here still hand you a piece of white paper to fill out 100 questions every appointment.
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08-24-2017 , 10:28 PM
Here's an architecture story I used heavily when I was interviewing.

I decided to rewrite our group project for an individual project using React, and it was my first time using the framework. (Some fluff about doing it over the weekend of a wedding and finding random places to work on it).

With an hour before it was due, I realized I had an issue. I had essentially architected my state backwards, my childmost component had all of my state in it. I needed to get state up to a grandparent component.

I could either rewrite the state of the app and pass it down, but given my freshness at the time that was pretty risky and I wouldn't have been able to make many mistakes. Instead, I found out in resesrching online that not only was it possible to pass state backwards, people seemed to be doing it everywhere.

All it required was writing a chain of callback functions passed through the components and I could set state up. I wrote the functions and it literally worked on the first try.

It was at that moment I knew React was for me, because it's super hackable and you can just write JavaScript, and I also knew there were some horrible react codebases out there in the wild.
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08-25-2017 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by whb
Yep. I essentially have no real need for it...maybe a masters down the line, but because i was a stupid kid in an earlier life I just didn't care about gpa and such so any half decent masters program will probably just turn me down(as they already have). So for the time being refreshing up on math and doing low level programming seems both interesting and financially smart while I keep looking for a job.
how about classes on databases, that might be helpful?
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08-25-2017 , 02:08 AM

I think something you can try and improve upon is the attitude that you could clone Zip Recruiter in 3 days. Being able to build a ****ty crud app in 3 days that kinda sorta seems like a horrible version of Zip Recruiter isn't going to be helpful to Zip Recruiter. It would potentially be helpful for some clowns who have no idea what they are doing who want to build a lowball zip recruiter clone.

The last time you sent in code showing someone how to improve something in their app, and this comment about Zip Recruiter makes me think you are going into this job search with way too much chip on your shoulder, to the point you are marginalizing others. Being humble and excited to learn from mistakes and be a positive, optimistic, easy to get along with team member are >>>>>>>>>>> being able to spin up crud sites and build some features quickly.

You don't want to seem like a dick, basically.
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08-25-2017 , 05:01 AM
It's understandable. If you have no external guidance on how to interview, you look for blog articles. It isn't hard to find super-hero hires where the applicant fired off a bug fix into the git repo and landed the job.

Stop reading blog articles. Every single thing you read does not reflect reality in the slightest. All that writing about good programmer indicators is pure hogwash, and none of those writers would ever hire the person they are describing.

They don't want applicants to send bug fixes to a git repo. They don't want to hear about your passion project. They don't care what you do in your spare time. They don't care if you know your algorithms. None of this stuff ever comes up.
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08-25-2017 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by whb
I dont know what medicines are kept at a doctor's office though, besides sampler viagra packs and maybe super common antibiotics. Thats why they always send you off to fill up your prescription elsewhere, no? Was the doc you spoke to referring to the hospital's inventory system?

It really is amazing how janky and old some of the systems that are still being used on a day to day basis that anyone on this thread could rig up in a couple weeks time to do a faster/efficient job at.

I was interviewing at this small company that has a monolith of a django app and some of the systems in place seem to be either manually done (because it is "safer and secure" when on-boarding new clients) or just giant god apps doing everything.

In other news, I'm still unemployed while actively searching. I'm thinking of picking up C++ to do a small project and shave those milliseconds off! Yeah baby! I'm also taking some night school at local CC picking up some maths and "C for Engineers" to learn more indepth CS theory(that and if i go to school full time its free + housing stipend. so win-win). I'm also about to be leading the Python meetup in my city, wtf kind of junior-just-out-of-bootcamp says anything i've just said in this post?

I'm still waiting on that blog post by Larry Legend! I'm doing more React learning/projects to make myself standout in this non-existent job market in SFla.
Seems like you are trying to cover too much in your quest for a developer position. Learning React, C, C++, taking math courses and such seems like you'll be learning a little about a lot of things that aren't necessarily complementary.
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08-25-2017 , 10:14 AM
I agree with daveT except that I have had good luck with my passion projects. In a few cases I have gotten companies to waive coding tests or whatever and just showed them stuff I was working on.
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08-25-2017 , 10:24 AM
Talking about passion projects and spare time hobbies is part of the culture fit process. Some places will put as much emphasis on that as your technical skills. Basically no one wants to hire a dick...
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08-25-2017 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Talking about passion projects and spare time hobbies is part of the culture fit process. Some places will put as much emphasis on that as your technical skills. Basically no one wants to hire a dick...
Yeah for better or for worse I have had coworkers who basically say "I don't trust people who don't use computers for fun/hobby/offtime/whatever" I kinda get it and I kinda don't. I am one of those people. I have a lot of hobbies and I write software for all of them. Poker, photography, wood/metal working, cycling... I probably have a half dozen projects going for each.
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08-25-2017 , 02:25 PM
before I had a job I liked coding in my spare time and solving algorithms or building little apps.

but now, its like, I spend enough time staring at the computer and would prefer to do other stuff with much of my free time. and I do actually like my job for the most so its not like its drag.
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08-25-2017 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Talking about passion projects and spare time hobbies is part of the culture fit process. Some places will put as much emphasis on that as your technical skills. Basically no one wants to hire a dick...
It would be AWESOME to discuss my hobby projects with interviewers. I never once had this discussion though.
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