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** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** ** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD **

08-07-2017 , 04:58 PM
just pull the plug on the server
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08-07-2017 , 05:09 PM
I think I would need to break it in a way that it compiles and can go through my logic but once it goes back into it's core logic it comes back with an error.

Considering I'm 99.9% in the case of a 500 that this will work, it's plenty acceptable for its use as a pseudo-API, but it is kinda interesting.
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08-07-2017 , 05:36 PM
Just put a runtime bug in a piece of middleware:

app.use((req, res, next) => {
  if (test500 && { // this is never executed } 
Also if you just call next('someString') from a piece of middleware, that will divert into the error flow. If you haven't defined an error handler I think the default is 500.

FYI - you define an errorHandler with this special method signature:

app.use((err, req, res, next) => { 

Last edited by suzzer99; 08-07-2017 at 05:44 PM.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-07-2017 , 06:22 PM
So I'm about to allow player uploaded images to represent the player's card in game. Wonder how many penises and swastikas I'm going to have on my server... Better go update robots.txt huh
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08-07-2017 , 06:36 PM
Why not both? A swastika made out of penises!
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08-07-2017 , 07:20 PM
Wait lol I don't have a robots.txt I swear I did at some point.. oh well. Hope they can't index my game cause um I tell people they don't. Its a ****ton of client side react though!
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-08-2017 , 12:29 AM
Well none of either yet so thats good. As I'm not an idiot I'm restricting this to "experienced" players i.e. people who've played ~5-6+ hours of my site. Pretty fun. FFS I need to make $ off this as this thing keeps getting bigger and bigger. I need a partner =/ I have no design skills myself at all.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-08-2017 , 12:32 AM
I'll design you a swastika made out of dicks to use as a logo. You need to set the right tone.
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08-08-2017 , 01:12 AM
Grue I have a perl script that checks images in a folder for skin tones if you want it.
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08-08-2017 , 10:16 AM
This a terrific turn for this thread. Just the best.
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08-08-2017 , 10:22 AM
Who has an opinion on Tableau vs MS Power BI as a Shiny replacement?

Last edited by _dave_; 08-08-2017 at 11:47 AM.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-08-2017 , 11:37 AM
Thinking of splitting this to it's own thread (and maybe even move thread to politics?)
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-08-2017 , 11:45 AM
Thanks! I'd have gone one step further and moved it to politics (or P7), but at least I can ignore it now.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-08-2017 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
This is one of the few times this forum needs a moderator.

This whole discussion shouldn't be here. It shouldn't be in this forum, but it definitely shouldn't be in the LC thread.

New thread:

What would be the best-fit forum to ship it to? Should it remain here?
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-08-2017 , 11:46 AM
Gah, you got me before I deleted that post!
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-08-2017 , 12:07 PM
I'm already talking about this with the politics people, I'm interested what people in the industry think about it. But I understand the site wide horror at politics discussions
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-08-2017 , 12:08 PM
Just make a new thread in this forum. There is a developer angle here.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-08-2017 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Just make a new thread in this forum. There is a developer angle here.
Fully agree!
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-08-2017 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Grue
Well none of either yet so thats good. As I'm not an idiot I'm restricting this to "experienced" players i.e. people who've played ~5-6+ hours of my site. Pretty fun. FFS I need to make $ off this as this thing keeps getting bigger and bigger. I need a partner =/ I have no design skills myself at all.
Not sure if the site is a common knowledge here or you are willing to tell more but would be interesting to see the site if you are wiling to share the link/name at some point.
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08-08-2017 , 01:06 PM
It's attached to my real name and who knows what I've said in my 18 years on this site so I'd rather talk about it somewhat abstractly. It's an adaptation of a board game game with a permissive license that currently has about 100 players on during the day.
** UnhandledExceptionEventHandler :: OFFICIAL LC / CHATTER THREAD ** Quote
08-08-2017 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Grue
It's attached to my real name and who knows what I've said in my 18 years on this site so I'd rather talk about it somewhat abstractly. It's an adaptation of a board game game with a permissive license that currently has about 100 players on during the day.
Fair enough. I would likely do the same.
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08-08-2017 , 07:49 PM

A hard lesson people have learned more than once is monetize early. Users often abandon sites that were totally free and then ads start popping up when "there is enough traffic." A few case-studies show 90% drops and shut-downs within 3 months.

From the few gamers I know (and the ecosystem), they love to support their gaming sites and spend money on swag more than any other segment than I know of.

Not knowing your site at all, I'd say start trying to get some affiliate links for gaming glasses, gaming shirts, and other items like that. CJ affiliates is a pretty decent company to work with. Of course, Amazon as well.

You *could* try adding a store. Setting up Shopify and finding drop-shippers is pretty cake, though finding US-based suppliers is fairly difficult if you are concerned about shipping from China (you should be). There are US-based printing services, and you can get decent graphics off fiver.

You could also try the phone app style of advertising, by asking for a few bucks each month to remove ads.

Finally, try to set up some sort of community on Twitch. This could expand your reach. The numbers are small now, but number is like, everything, so growth, etc.

Just some possible ideas, but once again, I'm not a gamer-type at all. I just know that a gamer working at McDonald's is a cash cow.

Last edited by daveT; 08-08-2017 at 07:59 PM.
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08-08-2017 , 10:24 PM
I can't monetize as it is creative commons licensed. Thats fine. Will just need to make something else. Its on a $10/mo DO box and usually sits at 40% memory with mongodb/node/nginx only big processes.

Huge drama today as it turns out one of my mods has been cheating via multi-accounting for months. And sucked away a ton of my energy and time today. fml.
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08-09-2017 , 02:22 AM
these game updates are my favorite reading on 2+2 atm
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08-09-2017 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by adios
How will you go about starting your own company? I suspect that you have some ideas for products and will be seeking VC money which is of course different than being an independent consultant. Not trying to get you to disclose your product ideas just wondering if that is the direction you are heading in.

Personally my mindset is definitely more like what suzzer described in his post.
I might go back to school, get a 4-yr from a university in math/comp-sci, and become an AI researcher. I'm not actually good in an organizational group, not bad either. I just don't always seek out groups.
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