Cliffs: Metal on my desk is carrying a static current when I touch it and potentially hosing up my computer. I want to know what kind of eletrical wiring I can do to hook it into the grounding of the wall socket without electrocuting myself.
Hi, I've got a desk that has metal on it and apparently the house here is pretty dry and static builds up very easily in this room. When my socks touch the bottom metal part of the desk, there is a little shock and I'm pretty sure the wires touching this desk send the static charge through the computer and it hits the USB ports. The reason I think this is because I hear the windows 7 sound that indicates new usb devices and also there are plenty of USB wires like the mouse and headset that could touch both the metal desk and the USB ports.
I was hoping this problem would go away when I got a new desk a couple months ago but it hasn't. (Old desk was plastic/metal, this one is wood/glass/metal). There's still enough metal on this desk to send the static charge through the computer. I'm no electrical engineer but I assumed that the signal would hit the case and then go through the power supply ground wire. I don't think this is happening as a result of this windows USB sound being played. I'm pretty sure this issue was what nuked my previous computer after my dog walked past the metal desk and his fur caused the static shock one too many times

which caused the usb devices to go in and out of service for a brief moment until the last straw hit and the computer refused to turn on.
I've tried an extra humidifier and it works a little bit...I'd prefer a more permanent solution like a wire somehow hooking to the ground of the house. I don't really want to electrocute myself but what kind of wire should I buy and how can I attach it to the wall socket properly?