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Reload this Page What program to know how much data of internet i use per month on computer? Reload this Page What program to know how much data of internet i use per month on computer?

11-23-2013 , 07:59 PM
Im in canada and currently using the internet that is provided by the apartment complex here which is videotron. I might go and get my own internet bc i have internet problems and i hear about a company called bell that has internet without a contract b/c i need it for very short term 2-3 months only. Its about 70 per month when you factor in the fees and the activation charge etc if i get it for 3 months. I found out speed is 15/10 but i also found out there is a 75gb data a month usage. Im from the usa and used road runner internet and thus there is no cap at all.

I would like to monitor how much data im using per day. Then after 1 week i can estimate how much i use per month b/c i normally use the same amount of internet every week and im on the computer a lot. I browse sites a lot and refresh sites a TON and i know this would be using tons of bandwidth. I also watch youtube videos a lot as well and go on many sites... basically im online all day.

I would like a program where its easy to install and i would click on it and then it would say something like you used 5gb of data for today and stuff like if i checked i used 5gb for the day... then i watch a video on youtube for 5 minutes and then see how much gb i used total such as now its 7gb so i would know that 5 minute video was 2gb. Of course i have no idea how long a 5 minute video uses for gb so i just gave a random number.

I use windows 7 64 bit home premium. I had downloaded a program rpeviously but i had no idea how to use it. It basically didnt show waht i wanted or it did but i couldnt understand it. And of course im playing online poker most of the day but ppl mentioned online poker doesn't use that much bandwidth.
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11-23-2013 , 07:59 PM
Someone suggested networx. Is that good one?

I just downloaded it and

Also i like to add that the internet in this building is shared the wifi. However... me and 2 other apartments have an ethernet cable connected to the router so us 3 are wired. So would this program only track how much internet im using since im wired or would it basically track everyone in this building since internet is shared. There are 2 routers downstairs and majority of the ppl in this building just use the wifi.

In step 2 it says please specify the internet connection you are using to the internet otherwise it would be wrong.

I see all connections, all ethernet connections, all dialup, wireless etc and then i see three of them that says

Atheros AR8131 PCI-E Gigabyte Ethernet Controller NDIS 6.20
Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter
Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter 2

And a few options that are Wan miniport IPv6, network monitor, IP, and PPPOE

Which one am i suppose to choose?
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11-23-2013 , 08:43 PM
Well, Drewphish2, you went to all the trouble of running the Ethernet cable, so select the obvious choice of the Ethernet Controller.

OR pick the all connections option.

Last edited by WindigoBob; 11-23-2013 at 08:52 PM.
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11-24-2013 , 02:56 AM
Drew, unless you are downloading a **** ton of movies and the like, you are not going to hit anywhere near 75 gb per month.
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11-24-2013 , 02:44 PM
Streaming HD video takes a lot of bandwidth, 500+ mb/hr (and more likely about 1GB/hr).

Loading text or playing poker uses hardly any.
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12-10-2013 , 02:08 AM
How much gb do the majority of you use per month? The program i use.... today i was streaming videos most of the day and used up 2.12gb. Most i ever used was a bit over 3gb.
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12-14-2013 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
Streaming HD video takes a lot of bandwidth, 500+ mb/hr (and more likely about 1GB/hr).

Loading text or playing poker uses hardly any.
Who streams over 75 hours of video per month?
Thats only possible if you have no job... and without a job how would anyone afford internet in the first place?
I dont think he should have any problems staying under the limit.
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12-14-2013 , 02:06 PM
A lot of multiple user situations would get past that cap easily if using streaming services. New routers have the ability to track usage, I noticed my asus rt-ac68r mentioned it has this ability in the documentation. This would capture all the traffic rather than just yours.
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12-14-2013 , 02:16 PM
I use between 500 GB and 1 The most months but I don't have cable and download and upload a ton.
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12-14-2013 , 03:12 PM
streaming video tends to be highly compressed and you're looking at more 500mb/hr. That really won't be an issue.

75gb is basically high enough you won't have an issue streaming (if it's just you and you're not holed up at home all day, all month).

But it's low enough you better not be downloading whole seasons of Game of Thrones.
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