Problems with Camtasia: Black screen
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 10,219
I'm a longtime user of camtasia and have never really had any problems. Now a friend of mine tried to capture himself playing on Stars, and it appears that somehow the software only recorded a black rectangle where the table should've been. He can see his mouse move, but not the table.
He runs Win7 with Aero view.
Black screen + camtasia somehow ring a bell with hardware acceleration, but it's still strange...
1) Another friend of mine (certainly not a computer geek) had no problems taping on Win7 (with or w/out Aero).
2) Trying to figure this stuff out, we both tried taping windows that didn't use the aero-graphics gimmics of windows (like aim). That didnt work either
3) We couldn't quite figure out how to turn off hardware acceleration
4) Somehow I still think we're missing something completely unrelated.
Any ideas?
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 10,219
No one?
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 5,247
I'd try techsmith support. They even chime in via teamviewer. That's why you obviously paid for the software.
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 305
I've used Screencast-o-matic to record sessions and it worked very well and required almost no configuration....just open the website and drag a box around what you want to record and click record. You can do 15min vids for free so its a good option for someone who doesn't want to fork out camtasia bucks.