I am having difficulty getting Pokerstars to start up. When I open the pokerstars icon, the window first comes up then it says at the top of the window that the program is not responding. After a couple of minutes the message disappears and the program runs fine. While this message is showing, my entire computer is running very slowly.
Once again the Pokerstars program slows right down again when I try to shut it down at the end of the session.
I'm not sure what to do to solve this problem. I am currently running Windows Vista on my computer.
Any assistance with this problem would be greatly appreciated.
I got almost the same symptom, been using Stars for 3 years and never seen this type of bug.
I got vista tweaked by myself : few services, almost no Microsoft software except the OS and sometimes stars just make my puter lags with both cores topping 100%.
And my notes.xml is only 5 kB.