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my computer cannot cope with 25-tabling my computer cannot cope with 25-tabling

11-06-2010 , 08:42 PM
Hi guys, i have a question.

What are the hardware requirements if I want to multitable 25-35 tourneys while using NinjaTable, PT3 and LongHUD ?

My computer doesnt cope with this and I am really surprised. 9-12 tourneys worked fine but 25 is too much. It starts to get really slow at some point (sometimes I cant press any buttons for one or two minutes) and it only gets better when I manage to close Ninjatable. Then the system slowly recovers and works again. The CPU sometimes goes up to 60% and the RAM is only used to 50% (max). So maybe its the graphic chip? I dont know too much about computers. These are my system properties:

1) Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
2) 3.25 GB RAM (DDR2).
3) my graphic chip is NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT.

It ruined a lot of my tourneys already and I cant play anymore.

I also cant add anymore RAM due to the motherboard configuration. So do i have to buy a new computer or will a better graphic chip do? What should I do?

thanks, tomzee

Last edited by tomzee; 11-06-2010 at 08:57 PM.
my computer cannot cope with 25-tabling Quote
11-06-2010 , 09:13 PM
Welcome, I assume google brought you here, so you're used to doing searches and that's exactly what will help you best on here. Upper right, "search".
There are others looking for computers to multitable too on this forum.

What's causing these lags is that every component in your computer is waiting and doing nothing because your hard drive is a pretty lazy and slow bastard that doesn't the deliver the data. Your GPU has nothing to do with it.

Running that many tables will probably require a new computer. Although your CPU should be just sufficient, 4gb ram are just sufficient too, but to improve your performance you need a faster hard drive, which means an SSD and they only can use their full potential with current chipset generations. Getting an SSD for your current system isn't that good of an value tho.

Alternatively, you can also try getting an 2nd HDD and move your postgres db there or if possible get two small hdds and put them in raid0 for your postgres. That you better have incremental backups every few minutes from your postgres db is self explanatory.
If that doesn't do it, send them back, try it with an SSD. It would be wise to chose an dealer that lets you return the drives when you find out you don't need them and has the SSD you might be getting if you have to.

Or if you don't care, just buy any medium range computer with core-i5/phenomIIx4, at least4gb of ram and an SSD.
my computer cannot cope with 25-tabling Quote
11-06-2010 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by wellju
Welcome, I assume google brought you here, so you're used to doing searches and that's exactly what will help you best on here. Upper right, "search".
There are others looking for computers to multitable too on this forum.
im a lazy bastard... sorry for this!

but thank you very much for your answer. got inspired now and will be buying a new computer.
my computer cannot cope with 25-tabling Quote
11-06-2010 , 10:12 PM
Oh, and before you spend 400$ on a fancy GPU because you don't want to risk anything, current onboard graphics is sufficient for >10000000 tables. Although you're pretty limited when it comes to which monitors you can support.

Oh, just skimmed the OP again and realized you're using PT3 not HEM.
It seems PT3 is likely to have performance issues and switching to HEM might save you buying a new pc right now. They have a free trial.

Getting a new system when sandy bridge is about to become available within weeks, new GPU generations coming out and decent improvements on SSDs is kinda meh.
It isn't such a big deal because the moment hardware becomes available in stores, the manufacturers usually already start to produce the next generation, so whenever you buy it's already outdated, but they try to rip you when christmas comes closer. Buying end of Q1 is the best time of the year since the first Pentium came out.
my computer cannot cope with 25-tabling Quote
11-07-2010 , 08:44 AM
PT3 lags my 10tabling on stars, but HEM can easily go with 24tabling so GOGO HEM op!

My pc is actually way slow then the one in op.
I can suggest you make Registry cleaning with like TuneUp Utilities (+Registry defrag), Disk Defragmentation, Antivirus cleaning, etc or just reinstall the windows if you don't want to wait hours for these processes.... everything will go a lot smoother after this.
my computer cannot cope with 25-tabling Quote
11-07-2010 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Just_dance
I can suggest you make Registry cleaning with like TuneUp Utilities (+Registry defrag)...
Several regulars in CTH will say "Nooooooooooooooo" to this.
my computer cannot cope with 25-tabling Quote
11-07-2010 , 11:06 AM
PT3 definitely demands more out of the postgreSQL for some reason. On one hand, PT3 gets slow even when I am running it locally. On the other hand, I can run HEM over the Internet (yes, remote) and get pretty good performance.
my computer cannot cope with 25-tabling Quote
11-07-2010 , 12:01 PM
Well, you could have a crap-ton of other stuff running in the background that might be slowing you down.

Also, what kind of motherboard do you have that you can't have more RAM? Not that I think it matters for this instance necessarily, but you should definitely have enough room for more RAM, or at least you could use a 64-bit OS to use your current RAM more fully.

As others have pointed out, it probably has to do a great deal with PT3's resource hogginess. My wife's computer (an Intel Core 2 Duo at roughly 2.2 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 9800m gs graphics, 7200 rpm drive, et cetera) tended to sputter like crazy when we ran the PT3 trial. Once I let her use my second HEM licence on her computer though, it ran like butta. You might be the 15-day trial of HEM a shot and see if that improves your situation.
my computer cannot cope with 25-tabling Quote
11-07-2010 , 01:29 PM
thanks a lot for all the useful advice.

as far as HEM is concerned, i used up the trial and did not really test it too much because I chose PT3 at that time. now, if this could solve my problem i might consider buying it. but i like pt3 so much. and whats more, my motherboard is crappy (i dont know where to find the name) and i need to buy a new computer very soon anyway.

so right now i am trying to set up a computer with more than sufficient properties and a motherboard that enables upgrades. at the same time i do not want to spend a fortune.

as for the meh technology. i just dont want to wait so long.

anyways, cheers! tomzee
my computer cannot cope with 25-tabling Quote
