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Laptop <00 secondary computer Laptop <00 secondary computer

12-26-2014 , 10:12 PM
Hello, I am looking to spend <$1,200 for a laptop that will be used only occasionally; when travelling, and as a backup to my desktop system. Less is better.

-I want an SSD; but its not a problem if I have to install one
-I will be taking it with me when I travel, battery life, portability, durability are ++
-I am in Thailand; laptops are more expensive, and options are limited.
-Considering MS Surface Pro 3 (i5) but I am not sure how well it can run a few poker clients. I will not be playing regularly on it; but if I have a power outtage I would like to be able to load up a few sites and make due.

I am pretty ignorant with laptop specs, value, etc. Any suggestions are appreciated!
Laptop &lt;00 secondary computer Quote
12-27-2014 , 12:34 PM
more people thinking that running poker clients is somehow hugely processor intensive. there's a reason why they can run on a ****ing phone
Laptop &lt;00 secondary computer Quote
12-27-2014 , 02:18 PM
It's not about the poker clients, it's about 3rd party apps like HM2 and NC and the likes.
Laptop &lt;00 secondary computer Quote
12-28-2014 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by BlerpOne
thanks for the recommendation, this one looks great and I had it open before to investigate; unfortunately it costs $1820 here.
Laptop &lt;00 secondary computer Quote
