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Laptop crashing Laptop crashing

11-29-2007 , 04:07 PM
My laptop crashed twice today!
I haver never had it before.
It crashed twice while playing a session of 12 SNG's.
I had to go to other pc and continue (with no stats and having missed 4-10 hands).
I don't think I had any other/new software running.

I had this running:
- PokerStars
- PokerTracker
- PokeraceHud
- Word
- IE (streaming music

I have Acer Aspire 5103 with Windows Vista Home Prenium.

Any help/advice appreciated!
Laptop crashing Quote
11-29-2007 , 04:39 PM
Define crash.
Laptop crashing Quote
11-29-2007 , 05:57 PM
It freezes.
I can move my mouse, but nothing works.
I can't click anything and cntrl alt del does not work.
I can only restart laptop using power button.
Laptop crashing Quote
11-29-2007 , 08:35 PM
Laptop crashing Quote
