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Help, my hand histories are gone, can I get them back? Help, my hand histories are gone, can I get them back?

04-12-2012 , 12:14 AM
I never touched a computer till I moved from the West Coast to GA where there is no "live" poker. This was in I'm still a novice.

I have been playing at "Cake" poker....mostly tournies. If I go to Cake & click on options & then click on Hand history and then click on Open shows a bunch of numbered folders where I can access all my hand histories and put them in the conversion area of the 2+2 forum & get them converted so I can discuss some of them.

I'm an American player & played at Poker Stars for a while & after finding out so many people were using 3rd party programs like PokerTracker & Hold-em manager....I finally bought the basic Hold-em manager program myself.

It was confusing to me....but I was able to display a HUD with a few chosen stats. But after playing in ring games & different tournies & different kinds of tournies....I think the program may have become inaccurate in some ways because I didn't know how to use it properly.

Anyway - I found out that at Cake that you could use Hold-em manager in a limited way. Like having a hud for the tourney u are in...but it goes away after & doesn't show accumulated stats & such. I couldn't get the HUD to work there.

But I really didn't care that much because I don't think I knew enough about how to properly maintain the database & enter all the info about what you are doing & so on.

The bottom line - I opened the hold-em manager for the 1st time in months & clicked on the auto-import hand feature for \Cake.....just on a whim see what it would do.

It imported a ton of hands....but it was also showing that there were a ton of errors going on with the import for some reason. And it also only imported hands up until 4/10/12. I played a ton of tourney hands on 4/11/12 and it is now 4/12/12 & I just tried again & it only shows imported hands through the 10th.

But the BIG PROBLEM IS - Now when I go to the Cake site and do the options, hand history, open folder.....ALL THE FOLDERS ARE NOW EMPTY. By running the auto-import from hold-em emptied all my folders that had all my tourney hands where I could go in and grab one & convert it at 2+2.

IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO TO GET THEM BACK IN THE FOLDERS. I shoulda kept hold-em manager closed forever as I'm not computer savvy enough to use it right. I should just rely on my notes...I take a lot of them.

CAN SOMEONE HELP ME.....answers, suggestions....I'd really appreciate it. THANKS
Help, my hand histories are gone, can I get them back? Quote
04-12-2012 , 02:27 AM
Do I have this listed under the wrong heading? Would I be better off trying it under a different heading?

Or is this just the type of question that doesn't fit anywhere on the forum?
Help, my hand histories are gone, can I get them back? Quote
04-12-2012 , 02:37 AM
Holdemmanager moves imported files to a different folder. I believe the default is C:\HMArchive.

Click on "click here to add auto import folders" (next to "start auto import"). There highlight the Cake folder path and click "Edit". Look for "Archive folder" to see where your files have been moved.
Help, my hand histories are gone, can I get them back? Quote
04-12-2012 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by Louis Cyphre
Holdemmanager moves imported files to a different folder. I believe the default is C:\HMArchive.

Click on "click here to add auto import folders" (next to "start auto import"). There highlight the Cake folder path and click "Edit". Look for "Archive folder" to see where your files have been moved.
Thank You Very Much Louis. I'm going to try what u have suggested & hope for the best.

I will report back here on how it worked out for me fairly soon.

By the way - u r obviously a De Niro fan or liked "Angel Heart". I still remember Lucifers fingernails being so long when he was playing with that egg. I also remember the big buzz about that movie having "Lisa Bonet" who was a Cosby kid having that steamy love scene with Rourke with all the blood involved (they had to cut some of the nudity out).

I remember she was playing the part of some voodo priestess with one heck of a movie name "Epiphany Proudfoot".

Rourke was hot then....he made this movie between 9 1/2 Weeks & Barfly. I also remember that Alan Parker directed this & two of his other movies I thought were very good were "Midnight Express" & "Mississippi Burning".

Oops - got a little carried away there.....I'm obviously a movie fan.
Help, my hand histories are gone, can I get them back? Quote
