Originally Posted by LirvA
A few years ago, I don't remember what the problem was, but we were having some sort of problem with our phone line. This was before we had the internet.
We unwired the wires going from the NID to the house and just started running a phone cord from the phone plug in the NID through the window. We've tried rewiring the house line and got absolutely no signal on any of our phone jacks in the house.
Same with when I did try the cat3 from the posts to a phone jack, no signal at all.
I don't know what the deal is but I think there's something wrong with the NID. If this is in fact the case, it wouldn't be our responsibility to pay for, correct?
Also, if it is the case, what exactly could be wrong with the NID? Keep in mind this house is a little over 30 years old, as is the NID.
Take a standard analog phone out to the NID. Just above where the wires are connected, you'll see a phone jack. Plug into that and see if you've got signal.
If you do, then the probem is after the NID and your responsibility (vs. the Phone company). Take a quick photo of the NID and I'll tell you where to hook up. Be sure to indicate which jack you're getting signal out of (there'll likely be 2).
If you don't get a signal, then it's the phone company's problem. Call them and tell them you don't have signal coming to the box. The NID and everything else belongs to the phone company.
If you do end up getting another NID, you can ask about getting the filters out there. Just ask the tech when he comes out to make one side of the NID voice and the other side DSL. This way you won't have to worry about fiters in the house, just run another line so your DSL has a dedicated line. They don't normally do this (don't bother asking the 800 lady, she won't know what you're talking about), but if you ask the tech when he's onsite, he'll probably do it for you.
Regardless, for best results (less chance of crosstalk) you'll want a separate home-run from your modem to the NID for the DSL.