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Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man?

11-02-2008 , 02:57 AM
Is man to blame for the violence and cruel behavior in the world? or is it God?Or is it because an absense of God in the peoples hearts? Does man throw himself in hell? or does God throw them in there?

Just wanted to hear peoples responses.
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 03:32 AM
You are asking a double barrelled and a loaded question. I am a 5th year Philosophy/Sociology double major so here goes:

1) Define God
2) Define Cruel Behavior (what may seem cruel to one culture might not be to another i.e. Honour Killings)
3) Define Hell
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 03:53 AM
1)single creator, omniscent
2)yeah and thats the problem so we will never get an answer there.
3)Forget the world hell. Say eternal punishment for ones sins or cruel acts(yet again one might consider this a sin and one might not)

You can go back and forth saying well better define. You can do that with any subject if you ask why so thats not getting anywhere. Circular definitions. So intuitively if you know what i mean please answer
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by ilovethisgame101
Is man to blame for the violence and cruel behavior in the world? or is it God?Or is it because an absense of God in the peoples hearts? Does man throw himself in hell? or does God throw them in there?

Just wanted to hear peoples responses.
Joke right?
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 04:27 AM
"violence" is one of several characteristics which defines all walks of life.
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 08:07 AM
The cruelty facing man is a function of nature and particularly of the resource scarcity that defines nature (and the tendency for life to be bad at finding equilibria).
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 08:16 AM
Depends on which god you assume. If it's the christian god then most christians will tell you it is our fault and a minory will blame the devil - based on different ways of reading and interpreting the bible.

For me who doesn't believe in god I stick to blaming "everyone else". Jokes aside - it's on us.
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 08:24 AM
You know lol I written a paragraph and a great response to these comments I just got. But you know, I stopped, and just said f*** it and deleted it. Why even bother just why would or did I even bother? I forgot the type of answers I would get on this forum and it just confirmed my suspicions when I asked the question.The responses will only be as good as the mind your asking that question too. I just laugh and giggle. To the philosophy and sociology person I hate to burst your bubble but what does you being a 5th year major mean? It really means nothing. I found out how good school is and I am 18. To find out how great your education was forget the books real quick and what your professor told you. And ask the simplest ? that has the biggest effect on human behavior, "where is the paper trail?, who is cutting the paychecks behind the scenes to my professors for me to learn this?". Build on that question. I am telling you. That will always tell you how effective your learning was. I use this forum recently to ask some ?'s to the public and to see peoples responses. I got zero results on my test. We are in them days where absolutely no one understands anyone. No one. We just talk with no comprehension. The plan worked guys. All the different languages, subclasses, nationalities, heritages, religions and ethnicities plan worked guys. Its so simple and so sad. I am done on this forum and going back to the lab guys. This will be the last post I ever post on here. I had great information I wanted to contribute to society on this forum but its just useless and a waste of my time. Stop moving to the left of the decimal and try moving to the right of it. More is accomplished that way.
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 08:50 AM
tame deuces that last post was not targeted towards you. You wrote that before i posted it in and see. I respect your answer. Can you elaborate on what you mean by
For me who doesn't believe in god I stick to blaming "everyone else". Jokes aside - it's on us.

Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 08:51 AM
Once again madnak i did not see your reply. It must of been while i was typing my answer you replied. Again that last post was not targeted towards you. I respect your answer. Can you further elabortate? I am curious. You said " The cruelty facing man is a function of nature and particularly of the resource scarcity that defines nature (and the tendency for life to be bad at finding equilibria)."

Okay I have heard that argument over and over. Actually I seen this video on a professors argument the other day.

Are you mixing mans actions of trying to imitate nature as the problem? or nature? How can you say something is scarce if you never gave it. Are you depending on another man to get you that data?Resources are not maniupulated by man? Genetically modified food is one case. Prescription drugs are another case. The manipulation of commodity markets is another especially money. It seems man has replaces your supposed "natural resources" and replaced it by theirs. Once again if you never gave it how can you say its limited? You cant put limits on something you never gave.The supply has been around for centuries on top of centuries. Can you go measure every drop of oil in the world right now? You cant because you never gave it.

Show me one market thats not regulated or manipulated. The creation of counterfeit money has the power to manipulate markets. The the exchange for the resources. The power to create money is the power to manipulate

Last edited by ilovethisgame101; 11-02-2008 at 09:04 AM.
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 09:01 AM
all violence stems from variation of population. If you have variation, you have differences, which means you have better or worse versions. Resources by definition are finite. Once you combine finite resources and versions 'competing' over those resources 'violence' is a natural and 'inevitable' result.

Of course the irony is that an increase in complexity is as well.
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 09:33 AM
Once you combine finite resources and versions 'competing' over those resources 'violence' is a natural and 'inevitable' result.

I agree with the second part but not the first. I disagree with it being finite but I beleive the violence can be eliminated by enjoying the resources and being abundant and not fighting over it. Mans greed and selfishness for gain is what causes the violence. Once again, who put the defintion on that word resources as being finite? Prove to me a resource is finite. Go get all the cotton in the world right now and show me its finite. It cant be produced again? I tend to diasgree. Once again, you are trying to put limits on something you cannot control. You can only put limits..on..yourself. Nothing else. Not the next man, not the resources, not anything but Roland. You cant say something is measurable that you never put or have no control over. Thats like saying when Michael jordan was in high school me telling him he couldnt make it ot the NBA. I have no control over that mans limitations. He only does. I do not decide his future or his existence. Now you can take something and measure it insmall quantatites but not in its whole. We have seem classic examples of this in life. Life is constantly producing life. Resources are constantly being produced not by man. Its mans manipulation for those resources and trying to imitate nature. They are finite. They are not natural resources.
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 09:41 AM
We are constantly being controlled by WORDS. Saying something is finite is an attempt to control. Look at the word currency and bank. The currency stays within the riverbank. Hence currency is constantly flowing within the means of that riverbank. A riverbank directs the flow of currency. Hence, cashflow. If that riverbank ever dries up another riverbank will direct its flow. You cannot stop the flow of currencies because you never controlled the bank in the first place nor can put limitations on the riverbank and its flow. Only when man trys to tamper with it is it not in its abundanant potential
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by ilovethisgame101
Once you combine finite resources and versions 'competing' over those resources 'violence' is a natural and 'inevitable' result.

I agree with the second part but not the first. I disagree with it being finite but I beleive the violence can be eliminated by enjoying the resources and being abundant and not fighting over it. Mans greed and selfishness for gain is what causes the violence. Once again, who put the defintion on that word resources as being finite? Prove to me a resource is finite. Go get all the cotton in the world right now and show me its finite. It cant be produced again? I tend to diasgree. Once again, you are trying to put limits on something you cannot control. You can only put limits..on..yourself. Nothing else. Not the next man, not the resources, not anything but Roland. You cant say something is measurable that you never put or have no control over. Thats like saying when Michael jordan was in high school me telling him he couldnt make it ot the NBA. I have no control over that mans limitations. He only does. I do not decide his future or his existence. Now you can take something and measure it insmall quantatites but not in its whole. We have seem classic examples of this in life. Life is constantly producing life. Resources are constantly being produced not by man. Its mans manipulation for those resources and trying to imitate nature. They are finite. They are not natural resources.
Resources by definition are finite. The cotton you speak of doesn't appear out of thin air, it is the product of other resources. Eventually you will trace all resources back to energy, matter and time which of course are the same thing and not infinite. Thus by definition are finite.
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by ilovethisgame101
We are constantly being controlled by WORDS. Saying something is finite is an attempt to control. Look at the word currency and bank. The currency stays within the riverbank. Hence currency is constantly flowing within the means of that riverbank. A riverbank directs the flow of currency. Hence, cashflow. If that riverbank ever dries up another riverbank will direct its flow. You cannot stop the flow of currencies because you never controlled the bank in the first place nor can put limitations on the riverbank and its flow. Only when man trys to tamper with it is it not in its abundanant potential
Not meant as a personal slight but this is gibberish.
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 10:00 AM
No. It just proved my point. You dont understand words. If you dont understand common words you are therefore controlled by them words. Didnt mom always say dont use words that you cannot spell or understand? lol

Dont worry i didnt take it as a personal slight. You truly didnt understand it as most of the world doesnt. If they did it would be dangerous. Think about what I said for currency and bank. You use currency everyday and go to a bank. Now look what those words are in comparison too. A riverbank directs the flow of a current(currency). Banks direct the flow of currency. Now re-read the last part I said. It will sink in if you read it over as it did it mines. Now do this for other words too. See what those words are relative too. For instance, a tennis court, basketball court, and a judicial court. Whats the comparison in these words? Words are used for certain reasons.

I appreciate your responses Roland. I enjoy having healthy intelligent conversations. It is good for our brain
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by ilovethisgame101
tame deuces that last post was not targeted towards you. You wrote that before i posted it in and see. I respect your answer. Can you elaborate on what you mean by
For me who doesn't believe in god I stick to blaming "everyone else". Jokes aside - it's on us.

Humans can live peacefully together. When we don't we can only blame ourselves.

People like to blame "human nature" but when a lot of people blame "human nature" what is implied isn't actually human error but some external and uncontrollable force, which is just a load of BS.

Humans can live together peacefully just fine, and almost all humans do. That's why I say "it's on us" - so we can't just pin the blame on something we pretend we can't fix.
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
11-02-2008 , 10:18 AM
Tame deuces i totally agree with you.
Is the violence facing the earth today from God? or by man? Quote
