The whole government secret thing is even more unbelievable. I have never seen our government be able to keep a secret for any length of time. One like this, with real financial possibilities for the whistle blower and very little downside in terms of criminal liability would be out in a heartbeat.
I don't think the government could keep this kind of gossip secret for very long either. It's so implausable for a group to keep a secret. Two people can keep a secret. Three is a stretch, and a whole group is highly implausible.
But, if I may continue to play multipul personality... I can say that, it's just further evidence on HOW DEEP the conspiracy really goes! The reason that there are no whistle blowers is because the government exicutes them ahead of time, predicting their every move. The ones that do wind up blowing the whistle are thoroughly discredited. The conspiracy started out small, but managed to get larger and larger through time... with people at the very top controlling the information.
Anything can be fed into a conspiracy theory in some form or another.