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Those Who Dismiss Zeno's Hypothetical Vacation Meals Those Who Dismiss Zeno's Hypothetical Vacation Meals

10-24-2014 , 03:54 AM
I believe often have subconscious ulterior motifs. Whether we are talking about braised aardvark nipples in a white wine sauce, fried cheesy discharge from a elderly French whore*, or things like [deleted due to excessive grossness]**, there are lots of people who dismiss the results with the words that "Zeno's real meals aren't like that".

But just because that's true does not mean that those meals are not the correct ones when applied to real Zeno's meals. Especially if the results are clear cut. The stronger the result the more likely those who disagree and dismiss theory are wrong.

One piece of evidence that would bolster my contention is that usually those who are most dismissive of the results of the hypothetical meals are not sufficiently literate in the culinary arts to understand the reasoning. And even if they are it is almost certain that they were not aware of the reasoning until it was shown to them and they now search for a refutation ("not Zeno's real lunch") after the fact. They never say "I already knew that but I rejected it because I read Zeno's blag." Witness what happened when I pointed out years ago that having a modicum of social skills and nice hair trumps a twenty-sided die***. They tried to claim that Zeno's claims as to his actual meals overcomes my imagination but that was just a hopeful guess, almost certainly wrong, to try to avoid facing the fact that they had no idea that ingredients would make that counterintuitive lunch clearly better.

Psychology and philosophy have a lot in common.

*now with extra chunks!!!

**rabbits are NOT FOOD

***grammar nittery die vs. dice ftw.
Those Who Dismiss Zeno's Hypothetical Vacation Meals Quote
10-28-2014 , 04:41 AM
lisa, my friend's wife, made a classic rabbit meal. We purchased the rabbit at a small village farmers market. she soaked it in white wine for 24 hrs and then cooked it in a pressure cooker. it was, of course, delicious. at the market, the rabbit was displayed skinned and with the head still attached, we had the lady hack off the head before we took it home.
Those Who Dismiss Zeno's Hypothetical Vacation Meals Quote
10-28-2014 , 04:48 AM
i'm now in Copenhagen getting run over by crazy Danes on bicycles. i'll report on food if nesscessary. Heading out to visit museums and buy a scarf.
Those Who Dismiss Zeno's Hypothetical Vacation Meals Quote
10-29-2014 , 12:29 AM
They leave the head on so you can be assured that it is a bunny rabbit and not a fetus.
Those Who Dismiss Zeno's Hypothetical Vacation Meals Quote
11-07-2014 , 11:49 PM
Zeno had eggs benedict today that didn't have enough lemon in the hollandaise sauce.

He didn't complain. The consequences of this inaction on his part will eventually and inevitably lead to WWIII.
Those Who Dismiss Zeno's Hypothetical Vacation Meals Quote
11-08-2014 , 04:57 PM
Rabbits and scarves.
Those Who Dismiss Zeno's Hypothetical Vacation Meals Quote
11-09-2014 , 05:08 AM
Had a great steak ale pie at a London pub with a ghost ship ale.
Those Who Dismiss Zeno's Hypothetical Vacation Meals Quote
