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Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve

07-14-2009 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Tater10
Interesting. I'm trying to picture the game theory where the opponent can not look at his 2 cards first. So, my opponent shows a 9 (his choice), what % of the time do I call?
I dont think this changes the game in any meaningful way, but if its simpler to think of it that way I think its ok.
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07-14-2009 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by EvilSteve
So the first player's only decision is which card to show. 169 starting hands of which 13 are pocket pairs, for the pocket pairs he should clearly just flip a coin to decide which card to show. Otherwise the first player's strategy can be described by 156 probabilities: With what probability does he show the higher card for each starting hand?

Then the second player has to decide to fold or call for each situation, where the situation is determined by the card the first player showed and the second player's hand. 13 possible ranks could have been shown (regardless of suit), but then the second player has to differentiate between whether the suit of the card shown matches his top card, his bottom card, both (if his hand was suited), or neither.

If second player has a pocket pair (there are 13 pocket pairs), the possible situations are: 1. Shown card matches the rank of his pair = 13 situations. 2. Shown card matches the suit of one of his cards = 13*12 = 156 situations. 3. Shown card does not match the suit of either card = 13 * 12 = 156 situations. So second player can be in 325 different situations given that he has a pocket pair.

If the second player has a suited hand (there are 78 suited hands), the situations are: 1. Shown card matches the rank of his lower card = 78 situations. 2. Shown card matches the rank of his higher card = 78 situations. 3. Shown card matches the suit of his cards = 78*11 = 858 situations. 4. Shown card does not match the suit of his cards = 78*11 = 858 situations. So 1794 different situations given that he has a suited hand.

If the second player has an offsuit hand (there are 78 offsuit hands), the situations are: 1. Shown card matches the rank of his lower card, and matches the suit of his higher card = 78 situations. 2. Shown card matches the rank of his lower card, does not match the suit of his higher card = 78 situations. 3. Shown card matches the rank of his higher card, and matches the suit of his lower card = 78 situations. 4. Shown card matches the rank of his higher card, does not match the suit of his lower card = 78 situations. 5. Shown card matches neither rank, does match the suit of the lower card = 78*11 = 858 situations. 6. Shown card matches neither rank, does match the suit of the higher card = 78*11 = 858 situations. 7. Shown card matches neither rank, does not match the suit of either card = 78*11 = 858 situations. So 78*4 + 858*3 = 2886 different situations given that he has an offsuit hand.

In total (if I counted right) there are 325 + 1794 + 2886 = 5005 different situations the second player could be in. For each, his strategy will indicate a certain probability of calling. Granted the issue of how the suits match up isn't going to make a difference except in very borderline cases, and if you ignore that, the number of situations is significantly less. But still, if you have the preflop matchup probabilities, this could be solved using fictitious play. Basically just set the 156 probabilities for player one to some arbitrary values, determine the 5005 call probabilities for the second player accordingly, re-evaluate the first player's 156 probabilities to properly counter that, and back and forth until the probabilities stabilize. Read the chapter of Mathematics of Poker where it describes how the optimal push/fold strategy was found, same idea.

I think this maps out what's required pretty well. I don't think it would even require any simulation. The heads up EV for any two hands is well charted by now so matchups against any two strategies as described above would just require straightforward calculations running through the probabilities for possible opposing holdings. The programming would take a little work but I don't see the computer taking much time getting it done.

Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
I think this maps out what's required pretty well. I don't think it would even require any simulation. The heads up EV for any two hands is well charted by now so matchups against any two strategies as described above would just require straightforward calculations running through the probabilities for possible opposing holdings. The programming would take a little work but I don't see the computer taking much time getting it done.

I told David at the WSOP that I would solve this game when I got home; I'm kind of busy right now, but if noone posts a solution by the beginning of next week I'll do it. This post seems right on track to me.
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07-14-2009 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Obviously. Picking the card to show is better than showing it randomly but worse than not showing it at all.

Meanwhile I will go out on a limb and predict that the absolute exact solution is beyond the capability of modern day computers.
"Absolute exact solutions" can be found by using some kind of gradient descent method, but fictitious play can find solutions to within any specified tolerance.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jerrod Ankenman
I told David at the WSOP that I would solve this game when I got home; I'm kind of busy right now, but if noone posts a solution by the beginning of next week I'll do it. This post seems right on track to me.
I'm curious as to why he's interested in this problem. It would be straightforward to solve using fictitious play but does he have some application in mind? Or is he just curious about how this kind of problem would be solved, but doesn't care about the actual solution? Because I'm not sure why he would.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:30 PM
A simulated solution is not what I mean by an exact solution.

Keep in mind that suits proabably matter. Not only might you get a different showing percentage for 96offsuit than 96 suited, there might sometimes be a switch from a call to a fold depending on whether the shown card matches one or both of his own suits.

When I toyed with this problem in my head I calculated that A2 would prefer everything but aces to fold, as opposed to being called by all the hands that would call if a random card was flipped and a deuce was exposed. Even though you will usually be a small favorite when called. Can someone verify that?
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 04:55 PM
The method I described with fictitious play would converge on the Nash equilibrium mixed strategy for both sides with whatever degree of precision you require (more iterations = better precision). And as described it takes the suits into account fully, ie solving for the call probability for each of the 5005 distinct situations the caller might face. If that's not what you mean by an exact solution, I don't know what you mean. There's some work required from a programming standpoint but conceptually the problem isn't difficult.
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07-14-2009 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by ZeeJustin
Why does he have an edge? Because he gets to call in spots where he otherwise wouldn't.
He also gets to fold in spots where he would otherwise call, for example, he has KQ and we show an ace.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by EvilSteve
I'm curious as to why he's interested in this problem. It would be straightforward to solve using fictitious play but does he have some application in mind? Or is he just curious about how this kind of problem would be solved, but doesn't care about the actual solution? Because I'm not sure why he would.
One thing about this problem is that it's not very obvious to solve with your brain, but easy to solve with a computer. (Witness the posts in this thread.) This makes it seem harder because you can't really puzzle out the general structure of the solution right away. By contrast, the jam-or-fold problem is kind of obvious (you just keep adding hands as the stacks get smaller and smaller) and the computer just tells you which and when. You feel smarter because you knew what the solution looked like, and the computer just did detail work.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Meanwhile I will go out on a limb and predict that the absolute exact solution is beyond the capability of modern day computers.
I'm dumb, but I don't think you need to "go out on a limb" to predict that. Let's ignore suits temporarily, as they're just a slight complication.

A strategy 'S' for Player 1 is a map from an exposed rank 'r' to the range of hands 'H' that expose that rank. S[r] => H.

Say Player 2's hand is 'h'. Let 'H|h' denote a range discounted by this hand. Then, given that P1 exposes r, P2's calling EV = equity(h, S[r]|h).

Our goal is to find the S for P1 that minimizes P2's total EV across all hands. So consider any unpaired hand h:{r1, r2}. S may map h to either r1 or r2. (Every hand implies a distinct strategy pair.) There are 156 unpaired hands. Thus, there are 2^156 possible strategies.

I am I missing here? Barring a profound insight into the underlying structure of this game, there's no chance in hell of getting an exact solution.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 05:47 PM
I am obv missing something here, but... if there is no ante or blind to win, why are we ever shoving without aces? Also, if the deal alternates isn't the value of the game 0, and isn't never shoving an equilibrium?
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 05:52 PM
I don't see why you couldn't get an exact solution. You would have to store matrix entries as exact rational numbers, and the numerators and (common) denominator would get quite large, and you would have to allow for storing integers of sufficiently many digits, but I think it's all doable.
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07-14-2009 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by gaming_mouse
I am obv missing something here, but... if there is no ante or blind to win, why are we ever shoving without aces? Also, if the deal alternates isn't the value of the game 0, and isn't never shoving an equilibrium?
must shove, may call
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
must shove, may call
ahhh... ty. now it makes and is interesting.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Subfallen
I'm dumb, but I don't think you need to "go out on a limb" to predict that. Let's ignore suits temporarily, as they're just a slight complication.

A strategy 'S' for Player 1 is a map from an exposed rank 'r' to the range of hands 'H' that expose that rank. S[r] => H.

Say Player 2's hand is 'h'. Let 'H|h' denote a range discounted by this hand. Then, given that P1 exposes r, P2's calling EV = equity(h, S[r]|h).

Our goal is to find the S for P1 that minimizes P2's total EV across all hands. So consider any unpaired hand h:{r1, r2}. S may map h to either r1 or r2. (Every hand implies a distinct strategy pair.) There are 156 unpaired hands. Thus, there are 2^156 possible strategies.

I am I missing here? Barring a profound insight into the underlying structure of this game, there's no chance in hell of getting an exact solution.
2^156 pure strategies for the first player. Infinitely many mixed strategies. But that doesn't make it unsolvable. If it did, the push/fold game would have been unsolvable too.

I'll put this in terms of the push/fold game. The fictitious play algorithm converges on the solution (yeah, technically it never gets there exactly but so what, it gets however close you require), and it does this iteratively by finding the optimal counter-strategy to the opponent's current strategy. It goes back and forth doing this for both sides until the mixed strategy for both sides stabilizes sufficiently (it builds the mixed strategy by probabilistically combining the pure counter-strategies it finds in each step). Finding the optimal counter-strategies would be practically impossible if the algorithm had to consider all 2^169 possible pure strategies to find the best counter, but that isn't necessary. Instead it looks at each hand separately and finds the best strategy for that hand. Should we push with T7o against such and such a calling range, or should we fold? The answer to that question doesn't depend on the other 168 variables of the counter-strategy. So it's easy, just find the best strategy for each of the 169 hands individually. Put those components together and you have the counter-strategy for that round.
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07-14-2009 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Subfallen
I am I missing here? Barring a profound insight into the underlying structure of this game, there's no chance in hell of getting an exact solution.
What does exact even mean? Computers can't get an "exact" solution for the value of Pi but I don't think that's what people are talking about.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by thylacine
I don't see why you couldn't get an exact solution. You would have to store matrix entries as exact rational numbers, and the numerators and (common) denominator would get quite large, and you would have to allow for storing integers of sufficiently many digits, but I think it's all doable.
The search space for checkers is 5x10^20, and it took 18 years to solve. The search space of DS game is 10^26 times as big!

Wow...and Jerrod said he thinks this is "easy to solve with a computer" am I missing...
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
What does exact even mean? Computers can't get an "exact" solution for the value of Pi but I don't think that's what people are talking about.
Yeah, I guess you could say we've solved chess "exactly" enough, now that computers are unbeatable.

But that seems like a weird use of 'exact', especially for someone like Jerrod who's written a book on poker game theory...
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Subfallen
Yeah, I guess you could say we've solved chess "exactly" enough, now that computers are unbeatable.

But that seems like a weird use of 'exact', especially for someone like Jerrod who's written a book on poker game theory...
I don't think the chess comparison is fair. We can't find the best strategy to any arbitrary degree of precision -- the problems, and the methods used to solve them, are of different types.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by EvilSteve
2^156 pure strategies for the first player...<snip>...
Yeah, I understand that...we can have a race to implement it if you want ...apparently my interpretation of 'absolute exact solution' was a bit perverse, lol.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by gaming_mouse
I don't think the chess comparison is fair. We can't find the best strategy to any arbitrary degree of precision -- the problems, and the methods used to solve them, are of different types.
That's well put; I retire in disgrace.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Subfallen
The search space for checkers is 5x10^20, and it took 18 years to solve. The search space of DS game is 10^26 times as big!

Wow...and Jerrod said he thinks this is "easy to solve with a computer" am I missing...
Solve 2x=3. Beware, the search space is infinite.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
What does exact even mean? Computers can't get an "exact" solution for the value of Pi but I don't think that's what people are talking about.
You can represent rational numbers exactly, and lots of other types of numbers too. I don't see any obstacle to solving the OP's problem exactly.
Super Simple Game For You Smart Guys To Solve Quote
07-14-2009 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by thylacine
Solve 2x=3. Beware, the search space is infinite.
But we have profound insight into the structure of that search space. The search space for Sklansky-Poker, on the other hand...

Say we're standing on a strategy S. (Using my notation above.) Then the smallest step we can take (to some S') is to switch the mapping of a single hand. I.e. if h{r1, r2}S[r1], then h{r1, r2}S'[r2].

For S, P2 had minimum calling hands h1 and h2 vs. S[r1] and S[r2]. His net EV given an exposed r1 was EVr1 = ∑EV(hh1, S[r1]); symmetrically for an exposed r2. For S', he has new minimum calling hands h1' and h2' and new EV'r1 and EV'r2. So P1 is probably happy if (EV'r1 + EV'r2) < (EVr1 + EVr2).

But should he be happy?! There were 155 other steps he could have taken instead of h. Maybe one of them was better. Maybe even if h was the best locally, it only leads to a dead end later. How is a P1 to know? (Remember, he has 2^156 places to look.)

Of course there are heuristic searching procedure. (Although my sense is that EvilSteve underestimates the difficulty of finding a good one.) But for my perverse notion of 'absolute exact solution', I demand a MAP with a bloody X marking THE SPOT.

If you can draw that map, I suspect you have a very exciting publication in your future.
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