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SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread SMP Life is Being Drunk -Random Content thread

09-01-2022 , 04:28 AM
It just keeps getting sillier!
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09-02-2022 , 02:54 AM
Shiiit, man. Satan built them. I've got it on good word that he doesn't mind your visit at all.

On a personal note, I.
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09-03-2022 , 06:03 AM
I couldn’t stop reading it: The Madness of Crowds, by Douglas Murray.

The land mines are everywhere, not just in the ground, but planted insidiously through everything; including the air you breathe.

Burn after reading.
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09-03-2022 , 09:21 PM
Billions of human scum need eradicate from the planet. Butcher all of humanity and laugh while billions are sent to Hell.
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09-04-2022 , 01:45 AM
Twilight of the Idols!
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09-04-2022 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Zeno
Billions of human scum need eradicate from the planet. Butcher all of humanity and laugh while billions are sent to Hell.
Ah, but which billions? That is the real question.
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09-04-2022 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by JayKon
Ah, but which billions? That is the real question.
It doesn't matter in the slightest which ones. As an easy example, in every workplace there is the worst worker. Get rid of that person, and someone will fill that role. Same goes for removing the best worker, or the craziest one, the sluttiest one, etc. People are quite good at adapting to whichever niche is available.

On the other hand it is obvious that the first ones that need to go are the ones who waste their time on internet discussion forums.
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09-04-2022 , 11:35 PM
Having worked in a department that had all A-level workers, where the worst one was still quite competent, diligent and capable, I have to take exception to your analogy. Yes, that is unusual, but it is also not unheard of.

I suppose it doesn't completely invalidate your point, but you would be foolish to act on it.
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09-05-2022 , 02:38 AM
I'm going to start using the word "enormous" from now on and dispose of "massive" and "huge". I believe that will make me a better person.

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09-05-2022 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
I'm going to start using the word "enormous" from now on and dispose of "massive" and "huge". I believe that will make me a better person.

I suggest "tremendous". It has a nice ring to it.
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09-05-2022 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by JayKon
I suggest "tremendous". It has a nice ring to it.

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09-06-2022 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by JayKon
I suppose it doesn't completely invalidate your point, but you would be foolish to act on it.
The benefits of billions being removed would be so large that any selection process (especially one chosen by someone who believes they could come up with a useful process*) would have a meaninglessly small effect.

You are correct that it would be foolish to act, but that simple statement is virtually always true.

*Mostly because of some pretty good reasons
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09-06-2022 , 02:06 PM
Sorry to be obtuse, but what would the benefits be?
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09-06-2022 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by lastcardcharlie
Sorry to be obtuse, but what would the benefits be?
Primarily fewer people blocking the view, but also the ratio of people to non-people things and (as applicable) the ratio of things-that-people-increase-the-number-of to everything else. The people to elk ratio is currently abysmal, as is the housecat to elk ratio.
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09-06-2022 , 07:07 PM
Thanks, I was looking at it wrong, wondering how I would benefit.

I'm afraid I don't possess Zeno's altruism.
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09-06-2022 , 07:23 PM
The roads are tarmacked, the parks are manicured, and the pigeons are feral. Not much in the way of non-people things round here. Daylesford Organic in Chelsea does have a new marketing policy about "eating in harmony with the seasons", though.
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09-06-2022 , 10:17 PM
Are you even allowed in Chelsea? I’m certain I would be excommunicated and driven into exile.
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09-07-2022 , 03:23 AM
Yes, they even allow me to walk through Chelsea Barracks.

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09-07-2022 , 02:28 PM
White privilege at its best and most enduring! Kudos!
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09-07-2022 , 02:34 PM
Liz Truss is wasting no time in her appointments and implementation of her Neo-Nazi Stormtroopers throughout every level of the UK Government.

George Orwell would be proud of the swiftness of her actions.

What’s the over/under on when she invades France?
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09-07-2022 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Zeno
White privilege at its best and most enduring! Kudos!
All thanks to the Qatar Investment Authority. Meanwhile, Malaysia has invested zillions just across the river, on the conversion of Battersea Power Station to residences. That whole Nine Elms area is undergoing massive redevelopment, including the US moving its embassy there, for "security reasons".
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09-07-2022 , 03:36 PM
Meanwhile the British Pound has “plummeted to its lowest level against the US dollar since 1985. “

And the Bank of England is expecting the economy to shrink until the end of 2023.

Just more reasons for Liz to start a war with France. She will need the distraction.
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09-07-2022 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by lastcardcharlie
Thanks, I was looking at it wrong, wondering how I would benefit.

I'm afraid I don't possess Zeno's altruism.
You might be one of the lucky ones who gets deleted. There is, from what I understand, a great reduction in stressful events once you stop making a shadow.
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09-08-2022 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
The benefits of billions being removed would be so large that any selection process (especially one chosen by someone who believes they could come up with a useful process*) would have a meaninglessly small effect.
Unless some bright spark decides to get rid of all the billions of women. Or men.
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09-08-2022 , 02:04 PM
Queen Elizabeth died. She was 96. All good things must pass. She deserves honor. RIP.

Last edited by Zeno; 09-08-2022 at 02:18 PM.
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