Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
The $2.2b doesn't disappear. It goes towards education and keeping corner shops open.
Not all of it. What i have a problem with is that they do not advertise upfront that 50% goes to this and that purpose (eg eduation). It should be something they are proud of, not something to hide with bs like one time sum payments being 40% less and not exactly clear presentation of how much goes to jackpot every week. And dont forget the 39% that will go to taxes on the jackpot where you better believe it its not going all to proper projects because a ton of it is eg for the defense budget in the end (about $2000 per year per citizen almost 40% of the planet's or something like that).
Also what is the chance that people wouldnt be buying the lottery if you told them it goes to some obscure XYZ fund without any details ever presented?
and then...
(plus when they say X% goes to players prizes they fail to note that this is before taxes which at 39% is a real killer for something that has already been taxed at purchase right away)