Originally Posted by michaelcraigsux
I know that it is recommended that humans sleep for 6-8 hours in a 24 hour period. I've always been under the impression that the lower limit is 6 hours because that is the amount of time it takes to achieve the REM sleep state. Recently I've been pulling quite a few all nighters, and I am wondering if it would be possible for someone to function on one 10 hour sleep block every 48 hours. I.E. you are awake for 38 hours and sleep for 10. This way you are still able to achieve REM sleep, and you save 2 hours of sleep. I'm seriously considering trying this for a few weeks. Do you think this is possible ? How long do you think it will take for me to either die or go insane ?
iirc, my psych 101 book said that one sleep cycle, including REM, takes about 3 hours. it also said that if you go long periods without sleep, a larger portion of your time spent asleep is spent in the REM phase, called REM rebound.
but you'll definitely be healthier and have much more energy if you sleep every night.