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sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot

10-06-2008 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by Sephus
I realize you think everything is about you, seeing you are all-knowing and all.

Unfortunately for you I wasn't talking to you when i responded to bunny.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 02:12 AM
so i just stumbled upon this wonderful forum...

does this igotskillz guy seriously believe that the earth is like 10,000 years old and that all scientific evidence to the contrary is a fraud?

that just hurts my brain
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by igotskillz*
You are the one assuming that my belief is an assumption. I am not being bold in my belief. My belief was initially faith based. It then became knowledge based on an experience I have yet to see duplicated.

You know, If you actually tried to find God, maybe you actually would find him.

Since you are so intent on disproving God's existence, I doubt you will ever find him.
Therein lies the rub. The fundamental reason why your protracted explanations will bear little fruit is the your knowledge is not something that can be communicated whatsoever, that is to say it is NOT falsifiable. It is a fundamental difference in methodology, and though you paint it as different than faith, it isn't. If you can't demonstrate your belief items in a logical fashion and must resort to anecdotal evidences and knowledge gained in personal ways, then it fails the "knowledge" test as it were and becomes faith. If you concede that what you have can't be demonstrated to someone else, then you must concede it is an item of faith, and if you concede your belief to be an item of faith rather than a item of logical deduction, then this conversation can go no further.

And yeah, before you move on, during my entire youth I spent serious time in religious study and strongly considered myself theistic but questioning. I guess I should have looked even harder, found nothing, and then continued searching ad nauseam correct?
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by igotskillz*
You are the one assuming that my belief is an assumption. I am not being bold in my belief. My belief was initially faith based. It then became knowledge based on an experience I have yet to see duplicated.
**Our House shakes head at rhetoric and STILL waits to see how your belief is an assumption**

I had experience with flying goblins once. How can you test that "evidence"?

Originally Posted by igotskillz*
You know, If you actually tried to find God, maybe you actually would find him.
I have tried before, but failed. Please tell me where to look. For instance, if you told me there was something to find on Pluto, I WOULD BEGIN BY LOOKING ON PLUTO!

Originally Posted by igotskillz*
Since you are so intent on disproving God's existence, I doubt you will ever find him.
I have NEVER been intent on disproving God's existence and wouldn't even know how to do so. Please inform me what a disproof would be.

This argument is silly. I use logic while you use personal experience (that no one could ever test), faith (that no one could ever test), belief (that no one could ever test), and supernatural fables (that no one could ever test).
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by Moonshine
so i just stumbled upon this wonderful forum...

does this igotskillz guy seriously believe that the earth is like 10,000 years old and that all scientific evidence to the contrary is a fraud?

that just hurts my brain

I never said any of that but hey, why not accuse me of it if it makes your argument seem better to anyone who believes you and is too lazy to check.

I wonder how many statements you believe because some putz who agrees with you made up a statement just like yours.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Nsight7

And yeah, before you move on, during my entire youth I spent serious time in religious study and strongly considered myself theistic but questioning. I guess I should have looked even harder, found nothing, and then continued searching ad nauseam correct?

It doesn't take an atheist to see your mind is made up.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
Please tell me where to look.
On the date of the next Jubilee at Maryknoll in Ossining New York.

At noontime - 3pm. Look East-North-East in the sky.

The building at Maryknoll was brought stone for stone from Europe.

It was reconstructed there for reasons that are too much for you to understand at this time.

If you go there with the intent of seeing nothing, that is what you will see.

If you truly wish to find God there, you will.

Hope this helps.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 02:53 AM
I said this in another thread a while ago, but I was so happy about it I'll repeat it here: There are religious people who find potatoes they think look like people they have never seen.

Now, it might be that my skepticism and ignorance against said vegetable-worshippers is unfounded and that God did indeed make a live potatohead of his prophet and/or son (w/e religion you ascribe too), but I prefer to think of it as a classic example that some people just see stuff regardless if it isn't there.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I said this in another thread a while ago, but I was so happy about it I'll repeat it here: There are religious people who find potatoes they think look like people they have never seen.

Now, it might be that my skepticism and ignorance against said vegetable-worshippers is unfounded and that God did indeed make a live potatohead of his prophet and/or son (w/e religion you ascribe too), but I prefer to think of it as a classic example that some people just see stuff regardless if it is there or not.
That's pretty classy of you, compare Jesus to a potato-head.

You won't believe in God until you get a nice long walk in the dark as punishment.

Of course you prefer to describe my experiences as a classic example. Nothing but a long walk in the dark will convince you and quite frankly i like that. After this place I won't have to see you for a long time.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by igotskillz*
That's pretty classy of you, compare Jesus to a potato-head.

You won't believe in God until you get a nice long walk in the dark as punishment.

Of course you prefer to describe my experiences as a classic example. Nothing but a long walk in the dark will convince you and quite frankly i like that. After this place I won't have to see you for a long time.
Actually it wasn't me who did that comparison, but some devout worshipper. But I suppose you will be glad to not see him for a long time too.

I mean that's what Jesus is all about.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Actually it wasn't me who did that comparison, but some devout worshipper. But I suppose you will be glad to not see him for a long time too.

I mean that's what Jesus is all about.
you werent very clear in your post

Your last statement is more of your picking what you want just to be a punk.

i know it isnt what Jesus is about, it's how i feel about scum like you.

You think you evolved from pond scum and i agree that you probably did.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by igotskillz*
you werent very clear in your post

Your last statement is more of your picking what you want just to be a punk.

i know it isnt what Jesus is about, it's how i feel about scum like you.

You think you evolved from pond scum and i agree that you probably did.
My post was extremely clear, I can hardly be faulted because you skim posts and flip out aggressively because your belief doesn't appeal to others.

As for being scum - I am one of the nicest people I know of (though not a very humble one). That you think "evolved" is an insult pretty much lays your bias bare.

I can only hope your account is a giant level.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
My post was extremely clear, I can hardly be faulted because you skim posts and flip out aggressively because your belief doesn't appeal to others.

As for being scum - I am one of the nicest people I know of (though not a very humble one). That you think "evolved" is an insult pretty much lays your bias bare.

I can only hope your account is a giant level.
I didn't flip out, sorry to disappoint you

You need to get over yourself, it's easy, everyone does it.

I am sure it is your only hope
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by igotskillz*
I didn't flip out, sorry to disappoint you

You need to get over yourself, it's easy, everyone does it.

I am sure it is your only hope
Threatening people who don't believe eternal burning in hell will certainly help in convincing us to start believing

It's exactly the reason why I, and a lot of others don't like the church. We don't respond well to baseless threats!
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by BigErf
If there really is a God then we are all a result of his creation, yes? If this is true then the Bible, and what it says, is true.
This is false and is a serious (and basic) logical fallacy. If there is a God, that does not imply anything about the Bible. Most believers in God are not Christian.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by igotskillz*
Every atheist i have encountered thinks they have everything figured out.

They are confident that God doesn't reside outside of the known universe.
You've encountered about a dozen atheists on this forum who don't claim that God doesn't reside outside of the known universe.

If you think we aren't "real atheists," and define atheists as people who make this claim, then of course every atheist you've encountered makes that claim - you define atheists based on that criterion. This suggests nothing about atheists, only about you and your preconceptions.

So i ask of you atheists, how are you so sure that God does not exist ?
Which atheists are you asking here? Who in this forum has ever claimed to be sure that God does not exist?
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by Nsight7
EDIT: Well, while I wrote the above, you guys went and had a conversation. Meh...
At least I'm not alone.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by igotskillz*
you werent very clear in your post

Your last statement is more of your picking what you want just to be a punk.

i know it isnt what Jesus is about, it's how i feel about scum like you.

You think you evolved from pond scum and i agree that you probably did.
You're all about "judge not" and "love your enemies," right?
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by jogsxyz
Every void is explained by 'it must be god'. God was
created from ignorance.
disagree. every void is explained by "it might be god". And if this possible "god" is capable of all this, then we better not piss him off.

I'll go with: all of religion is details, based on that first principles assumption.

that said, if you are willing to make that first principles assumption, the rest is reasonably logical from my perspective, which obviously doesn't account for abortion-centre-bombings, Crusades, and the rest.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by jactobes
Wait, you think a Being so powerful that He could create the universe wants to have a personal relationship with you, and further you know how He'll treat people who don't share that view...?
It's belief, not knowledge, you misanthrope.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by igotskillz*
Why haven't any civilizations older than 6000 years been found ?

Why do we have 2 chromosones less than than all of the primates we are alleged to be related to ?

Why are primates 5-10 times stronger than we are, pound for pound ?

Where is the missing link evolutionists suggest we will find ?

Evolutionists cant answer these questions with certainty yet they still state that their theory is accurate.

When you people have proof, let me know.

I can only provide witnesses to experiences i have seen and can understand that others need more.

What is hilarious to me is that almost every atheist ASSerts there is no God yet they have no proof.

I know what I know and therefore your statements that God doesn't exist are quite arrogant.
i would like to distance my self from this person.

what are you, an idiot? there's 0% chance that earth is < 6000 years old, unless you assume that god would "plant" evidence specifically to trick us, which I don't really think is the case. It is possible to believe in God (in some manner of worship) and in science and observable evidence thereof at the same time, if you're not a completely closed-minded nutbar.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Question. is it more arrogant to:

A: Assume their is no God due to absolutely no evidence.

B: Assume not only there is a God but that it is your God. Assume that the bible is the word of your God and that knowing it means you know more than all the worlds experts about science, the nature of the universe and how man came to be man.
I don't agree with this. All the major monotheistic religions have lots in common. If we take, for example, the belief in one all-powerful god as 50% of the religion, then all three major monotheistic religions are at least 50% accurate if God in fact does exist.

Also, this whole Spaghetti monster thing - it only successfully mocks God if you assume that God takes on a specific form, and Jews of course believe the opposite. The point is that "he" is anything and everything, everywhere and anyhere, etc, so if he wanted to take on the form of a fly Spaghetti Monster, unicorn, or pixie, that would certainly fit within the belief system.

So, frankly, the fact that the Spaghetti Monster was intended to mock God betrays total ignorance of what God is believed to be (again, whether god exists or not is a separate question entirely).
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
I don't agree with this. All the major monotheistic religions have lots in common. If we take, for example, the belief in one all-powerful god as 50% of the religion, then all three major monotheistic religions are at least 50% accurate if God in fact does exist.
And if we take it as 0.02% of the religion...
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Also, this whole Spaghetti monster thing - it only successfully mocks God if you assume that God takes on a specific form, and Jews of course believe the opposite. The point is that "he" is anything and everything, everywhere and anyhere, etc, so if he wanted to take on the form of a fly Spaghetti Monster, unicorn, or pixie, that would certainly fit within the belief system.

So, frankly, the fact that the Spaghetti Monster was intended to mock God betrays total ignorance of what God is believed to be (again, whether god exists or not is a separate question entirely).
It isn't meant to mock god. Yes it humorous and a bit on the sarcastic side, but at heart it is very serious-counter retort to the typical "you can't disprove god" statement.

It is very common in logic and philosophy to make examples glaringly silly to make it completely obvious you are exemplifying the _logic_ and not their actors.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
10-06-2008 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Our House

Any reasonable non-theist accepts the possibility of some sort of supreme being, whether it's God, Klingons, Superman's parents, or whatever. We also believe that it is far less likely that this being is specifically the god of any particular religion in addition to the parlay that all of that religion's fairy tales are true. It basically becomes better for us to provide the short answer of "yes" to this ridiculous question because answering "no" is such a headache.
That possibility is less than one in a billion. For all practical purposes, I don't believe.
sklansky, by not believing in god, is an idiot Quote
