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08-09-2008 , 09:14 PM

if this has been posted i am sorry, but if it hadn't i feel this should be posted. i am just starting to watch it but i imagine this is something you guys will like to discuss.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-09-2008 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by furyshade

if this has been posted i am sorry, but if it hadn't i feel this should be posted. i am just starting to watch it but i imagine this is something you guys will like to discuss.
I'm only 3 minutes in. Looks good. Thanks.
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08-10-2008 , 12:11 PM
Why did you post this thread in here? It doesn't deal with Science, Math or Philosophy. Why not post it in one of the more poker oriented forums? Are you following my example before where I posted music in SMP and you objected to it?

Is there a different set of rules or a higher standard for theist posters in SMP? Do theists have to obey the forum rules while non-theists don't?
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08-10-2008 , 01:06 PM
I found it interesting. I am curious if Sklansky has an opinion
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 01:14 PM
I actually don't object to him posting the link. I'm tolerant of the idiosyncrasies of other posters and I like poker.

I just want to know why I have to follow a standard of conduct in this forum that he doesn't.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I actually don't object to him posting the link. I'm tolerant of the idiosyncrasies of other posters and I like poker.

I just want to know why I have to follow a standard of conduct in this forum that he doesn't.
I am guessing this is from the do we need MODs thread, do you have specific rules you have to follow now or something?
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
I am guessing this is from the do we need MODs thread, do you have specific rules you have to follow now or something?
No this is from my previous forum experiences where I posted a music thread and furyshade went up in arms over it. He said it wasn't an appropriate SMP topic. But nobody does this to anybody else in the forum.

I'm the only one singled out for "The Treatment". The other theists are routinely subjected to ridicule but because I'm less complaint with the Atheist Cabal than they are I draw more atheist troll ridicule.

When an Atheist Cabal member wants to share anything its ok but don't let a theist do it and Splendour in particular. It might open an atheist's mind and they don't want that.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 01:38 PM

What sort of music thread was it?

PS. Can agnostics have our own cabal as well?
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Borodog

What sort of music thread was it?

PS. Can agnostics have our own cabal as well? was a while back when I posted the thread. I'll try to find it for you.

As for your own cabal you can have anything you want as far as I'm concerned as long as your cabal is respectful to all posters.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 01:54 PM
I decided not to repost it Borodog. It was a thread with a lot of controversy.

If you want to look it over its in my threads under Thinkers' Songs!

I never understood why it was such a controversial thread. It was pretty inane and harmless.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 02:16 PM
The whole Atheist Cabel-schtick was a level I started. You can drop it now, before it becomes too silly.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by 46:1
The whole Atheist Cabel-schtick was a level I started. You can drop it now, before it becomes too silly.
But it was such an apt label. Beside certain posters were enjoying it so much and joking about it like Borodog and madnak.

They think its a rich joke but the atheist do seem to act in concert on here.

If you ever had 5 or 6 posters trail you with no purpose except that of insulting you you'd probably be as reluctant as I am to discard the label.

Guess its time to find a more congenial forum since my acid reflux started acting up again after the last week or so in this forum.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
But it was such an apt label. Beside certain posters were enjoying it so much and joking about it like Borodog and madnak.

They think its a rich joke but the atheist do seem to act in concert on here.

If you ever had 5 or 6 posters trail you with no purpose except that of insulting you you'd probably be as reluctant as I am to discard the label.

Guess its time to find a more congenial forum since my acid reflux started acting up again after the last week or so in this forum.
yes, you do absolutely nothing to invoke such action, poor splendour is victimized for no reason at all.

edit: PLEASE let's not turn this into another splendour thread. i know she wants yet another thread to be about her, but she is not the topic, just let her be.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by furyshade
yes, you do absolutely nothing to invoke such action, poor splendour is victimized for no reason at all.

edit: PLEASE let's not turn this into another splendour thread. i know she wants yet another thread to be about her, but she is not the topic, just let her be.
Here you can have your thread back and I'll reinstate your ignore. Have a nice day!
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Borodog

Can agnostics have our own cabal as well?
Not that they could know of.

Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
Not that they could know of.

Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 05:16 PM
Good post, watching it now.

The part when they talk about naming their poker club reminds me of high school when I wanted to start a poker club, but they wouldn't let me call it that, so I had to call it the "Applied Statistics" club. So, when club day (the day when all the clubs have a table and kids walk around signing up) rolled around, I made a sign saying "Play Poker at the Applied Statistics Club!", but I made the words "poker" and "club" 100x bigger than the rest.

I was a tricky kid.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by ScottySo
Good post, watching it now.

The part when they talk about naming their poker club reminds me of high school when I wanted to start a poker club, but they wouldn't let me call it that, so I had to call it the "Applied Statistics" club. So, when club day (the day when all the clubs have a table and kids walk around signing up) rolled around, I made a sign saying "Play Poker at the Applied Statistics Club!", but I made the words "poker" and "club" 100x bigger than the rest.

I was a tricky kid.
lol, we had something similar, a teacher did a class but had to call it "mathematics of games and gambling". my only concern with widespread education of poker is that a lot of it will go in the wrong direction. it is exactly like how when Bringing Down The House came out all these people who thought they could count went and lost money on blackjack. if you start getting a lot of people who play these random college games and reading poker books it could do more harm than good if they can't apply what they learn correctly. that is purely the educational standpoint, obviously as a poker player i welcome an influx of overconfident fish.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by furyshade
lol, we had something similar, a teacher did a class but had to call it "mathematics of games and gambling". my only concern with widespread education of poker is that a lot of it will go in the wrong direction. it is exactly like how when Bringing Down The House came out all these people who thought they could count went and lost money on blackjack. if you start getting a lot of people who play these random college games and reading poker books it could do more harm than good if they can't apply what they learn correctly. that is purely the educational standpoint, obviously as a poker player i welcome an influx of overconfident fish.
hahaha, I read that many years ago (great book btw), and then in like 2001 or something a movie came out with the same name. My dad and I went to see it, thinking it was based off the book, but it ended up being a Queen Latifah and Steve Martin movie.

Actually I think they finally did make a movie based off the book, but from the previews it looked way too flashy and not nearly focused on the system for me to enjoy it.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by ScottySo
hahaha, I read that many years ago (great book btw), and then in like 2001 or something a movie came out with the same name. My dad and I went to see it, thinking it was based off the book, but it ended up being a Queen Latifah and Steve Martin movie.

Actually I think they finally did make a movie based off the book, but from the previews it looked way too flashy and not nearly focused on the system for me to enjoy it.
But did you like the Queen Latifah movie?
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by ScottySo
hahaha, I read that many years ago (great book btw), and then in like 2001 or something a movie came out with the same name. My dad and I went to see it, thinking it was based off the book, but it ended up being a Queen Latifah and Steve Martin movie.

Actually I think they finally did make a movie based off the book, but from the previews it looked way too flashy and not nearly focused on the system for me to enjoy it.
your analysis is exactly right, it was called "21" and basically turned card counting into a heist movie. somewhere on the internet one of the originators fo the blackjack team has a blog dedicated to how inaccurate the movie is.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 08:53 PM
I wanted to like the clip, but things like:

"We have commissioned Annie Duke to give a lecture in UCLA."

"Poker greats including ... Mike Sexton."

Made it lose all credibility with me.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by TBag
I wanted to like the clip, but things like:

"We have commissioned Annie Duke to give a lecture in UCLA."

"Poker greats including ... Mike Sexton."

Made it lose all credibility with me.
yeah, that is a large percentage of what makes me afraid people will get the wrong message about poker. this is exactly why i don't try to explain poker to my friends, they think i don't know what i'm talking about when i say phil hellmuth is awful. as much as they are trying to get rid of traditional misconceptions about poker, they are enforcing some very bad ones. the problem is that this wasn't started by the current generation of poker players, it was started by people who like watching poker on TV.
Poker Teaches Quote
08-10-2008 , 09:24 PM
I watched the video. Reasonably interesting. How long did it take people to explain the riddle though?
Poker Teaches Quote
08-11-2008 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by furyshade
yeah, that is a large percentage of what makes me afraid people will get the wrong message about poker. this is exactly why i don't try to explain poker to my friends, they think i don't know what i'm talking about when i say phil hellmuth is awful. as much as they are trying to get rid of traditional misconceptions about poker, they are enforcing some very bad ones. the problem is that this wasn't started by the current generation of poker players, it was started by people who like watching poker on TV.
are you talking about his poker skills, or something else? I got a little lost.

also, if you link to the blog you mentioned earlier, please share.
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