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View Poll Results: How would you want to go if the world had to end?
Zombie apocalypse
20 18.02%
Meteor collides into the earth
30 27.03%
Alien invasion
58 52.25%
Nuclear disaster, either from war or accident
3 2.70%

08-10-2015 , 11:56 AM
As I was a youngster a bearded guy told he snorted glue/thinner outdoors at night, and then he saw a strange light coming down to earth, a UFO.

Actually a true story.
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08-20-2015 , 05:57 PM
i went with alien invasion because any other way and for all we know all life is been wiped out. at least if it was an alien invasion we know life goes on, just not humans, i guess id spite them but some other aliens else where would exist which would do the same to them so meh.
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01-25-2016 , 12:52 AM
Hey there.
I would like to discuss the notion of consciousness spread over multiple realities.

Thank you.
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01-25-2016 , 08:11 AM
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01-25-2016 , 09:36 AM
LSD, a change of consciousness but difficulties are:

1) The structure of this realm is unlike our earth-bound consciousness. When you go to sit in a chair you are sure that you won't fall into oblivion. The road signs are gone.

2) The intellect, our guiding light, is again earth-bound and there is no substitution without proper training.

3) The consciousness of the LSD land is not earned by the traveler who it is hoped will be able to enter in full "Ego" or "I" ; by taking a pill he in effect enters into a trance state without an "I" and is subject to many types of maladroit forceful entities to which he becomes flotsam and jetsam .

4) There are other states of consciousness including that of gold, silver, copper and iron which in homeopathic doses the ancient initiate would ingest in order to enter the supersensible world. this again, was a trance state but supported by long and arduous training and by the hierophant and twelve (12) priest initiates during the process so as to insure a proper event. In this type of initiation (ancient) the "Ego" or "I" was subdued.

5) Our times calls for a "conscious I " without trance, which can be facilitated by meditative training. Yoga is another method and fit for the Eastern but not Western man.
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01-25-2016 , 09:53 AM
Maximum number of realities multiplied by the maximum number of consciousnesses divided by one equals 42.
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01-25-2016 , 01:15 PM
Consciousness is a macroscopic nonlocal emergent property of your brain (like the traffic in a city and its properties only trillions of times more interesting). Its basis is Chemistry which is described by QM but not the way you imagine it as superposition of states of various eigenconsiousnesses lol or bases of that consciousness that describe it as superposition of pure states. Come on now.

You cannot measure consciousness (collapse it etc), it doesnt exist as a single complex particle system. What we call consciousness is the entire macroscopic result of the function of many neural systems in the brain that do lots of things at the same time and offer you the perception of self and environment and ideas about it all and the state of being etc. None of this is ethereal in some funny dimension. Its the result of your brain observing itself and the world very fast to appear smooth and continuous. It is the result of having trained your brain over the first few years of life to observe and understand the input of the world and based on experience produce connections between concepts in memory. It is the result of having trained your system to recognize itself and various concepts/information/connections.

Such emergent thing doesnt exist literally anywhere. Its the end product of all the other very real physical systems that make your brain. This is why when you lose some essential but very isolated part of your brain you lose almost everything sometimes. You havent lost all those things that add up to your consciousness but you have lost something that is essential to its emergence. What happens to your consciousness when you sleep by the way? You certainly do not have an account of all 6-7 hours of that sleep.

So what superposition of different consciousnesses are you thinking about? There is only one and its emergent and stems from the entire collection of many bodies (quantum particles surely but in big macromolecule type systems) that make your brain. Its a nonlocal classical effect really. A cat is never both alive and dead because a cat is a big interacting system. So is your consciousness, its a big interacting system and not only that but its not real, its emergent, i mean its not a tangible physical object. Its like a wave in a stadium moving around. For example would you call evolution (the natural selection etc) a real tangible thing or an emergent property of the entire earth system over time? And yet evolution appears to be intelligent as if it has a will and desire to synthesize particular things. Well its all emergent games complexity plays with information.

Yes we have lots to learn still but i bet my intuition about it is good.

Last edited by masque de Z; 01-25-2016 at 01:28 PM.
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01-25-2016 , 02:40 PM
Seems like 'consciousness spread over multiple realities' would be a legit subject for speculation if the Many Worlds interpretation is correct.
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01-25-2016 , 03:52 PM
Yes but they do not coexist then in each world as a superposition, only a particular version and that alone.
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01-25-2016 , 05:27 PM
Except there would/should be something controlling perception. IOW, how does a mind 'know' that it's gone off in multiple directions? Creation of an entire new universe, as we see it now, is improbable. I would say ludicrous but for the past century's worth of 'ludicrous' turning out to be correct.

There are 2 possibilities that I can think of: An infinite number of parallel universes created at the Big Bang to accommodate the shifts or what I'll call a common mind that can handle them as well.

ETA: I should've added that a holographic universe or 'it's all a simulation!' would do it also but I'll confess that I like the New Age-y 'common mind' best.

Last edited by Howard Beale; 01-25-2016 at 05:46 PM.
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01-25-2016 , 07:34 PM
Consciousness, at least human consciousness, mandates "life" with the idea of "emergence" no more than a modern version of maggots produced from mud.

The Aristotelian concept of "abiogenesis" and Renaissance concept of "spontaneous generation" sound suspiciously like "emergence" .

Its breathtaking when "emergence" is googled as to how far it has permeated the scientific and other communities. the idea that micro particles interact and produce something that does not contain what they started with and in fact enter a higher phase of existence such that "life" can begin is specious.

I can relate to the underlying complexity somehow forming a higher complexity( but not necessarily agree to) or whatever way the justification is but a atomic particle cannot contain the ability to "create" a new form. this is no more than finding the "G" word in the matter, that to which the scientist hasn't a clue as to what "matter" is , in essence; superstitious scientists.

I can't explain the thinking of you guys with the long robes for a falsehood does not allow for the impetus of truth.

One difficulty is that the "mineral" thought process does not relate to the organic. I thought everyone knew this; if the causal thinking of "emergence" holds sway its like saying that the root produces the stem which produces the calyx/flower, etc.. Organic thoughts/thinking are not the realm of the mineral no matter how many mineral brains is presupposed.

Francesco Redi , a real scientist; "omne vivum ex vivo" or "all life comes from life".
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01-25-2016 , 09:48 PM

idk how to embed the video
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01-26-2016 , 06:17 AM
Glad you moved this, Zeno. Consciousness is overrated.

Where did the idea of a specific "consciousness" emerge? Looks like hubris.
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01-26-2016 , 09:25 AM
F=MA or F=MA
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01-26-2016 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Glad you moved this, Zeno. Consciousness is overrated.

Where did the idea of a specific "consciousness" emerge? Looks like hubris.

"I Am" is the principle statement of a specific consciousness.
Official Outer Limits/Debunking Thread Quote
01-26-2016 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by plaaynde
Glad you moved this, Zeno. Consciousness is overrated.

Where did the idea of a specific "consciousness" emerge? Looks like hubris.
It is a catch-all word. The nice thing about it is that you can sound like you are conveying a lot of information while conveying none if you plop it into a sentence at random:

The universal consciousness is a part of us all and we are a part of it. Nothing exists without being consciously considered, and therefore nothing is without consciousness. Since consciousness is universal, there must exist a universal consciousness from which we all are derived from in common and individually. I think we should all make tie dyed shirts now.

(I seriously missed my calling)
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01-26-2016 , 11:52 PM
Any information can be distorted, but that doesn't mean a person has thought carefully about consciousness just because they can use and re-use lingo.
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01-29-2016 , 10:20 PM
First I must say I am disappointed that zombie apocalypse has no big support here, which is saying enough about quality of thread. Zen masters thanks to meditation were specialists to consciousness and they have said there is nothing like universal consciousness, and some of them were sitting in cave alone for many years staring at wall, so they must know.

Last edited by poool; 01-29-2016 at 10:27 PM.
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01-30-2016 , 02:09 PM
The linguist statement of existence is very small compared to the actuality and potential of existence. Modern linguist connections are the caves of today.
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02-01-2016 , 03:29 AM
I never get idea that studying language you can understand real world. First big step down from reality is human funny brain, second fall is necessity to transform that little you can know to words.
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02-01-2016 , 10:34 AM
^ Language.
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02-01-2016 , 11:17 AM
I'm certain that his english is better than my w/e his native language is.
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02-01-2016 , 11:38 AM
Debunking linguistics would be an interesting exercise to observe.
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02-03-2016 , 01:53 PM

A normal day at the office...
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