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09-30-2008 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Intuition
Believe me I have experienced just about every perspective out there, and they all circle back to non-existence being optimal. Second to that would be the ability to become 'mindless', but I'm beginning to believe that that is an impossibility.

If you believe that you are well past that same stage of reasoning that I appear to be stuck in, then I am truly happy that you have escaped it, and hope for your sake that it never again rears its ugly head.
Intuition I think we have very similar outlooks on life at this current moment. Going back to ego, which I believe is the problem in our instances. This mindlessness you speak of, is what I want to achieve, but it is our egos holding us back. It is the logic and the ego that tell us there is a end to this maze. There is a solution to every problem. But I can not simply grasp the fact that the maze of life and the universe is simply far too long and complex for any of us to figure out. I guess that is one of the overriding points to my OP, in that I wish for my ego to stop and for me to accept I have "lost" this battle. Even in your first post, you realize the ego-ness of it all, in that a part of you wishes to sound intelligent and put yourself on a higher pedestal in terms of intelligence in comparison to others. This is a big character flaw I see in myself also, and I wish to not see things in this way.

Living in the now is something I will definitely make a conscious effort to achieve. Starting tomorrow I am going to go to the gym and get back on a steady workout schedule. I have not worked out since High School, and I do agree this is one of the main reasons I am moody. Also, tame deuces, with regards to your blonde and beer comment, this is part of the reason I am where I am today. About a year or two ago, I was very much plugged into the matrix and focused on a very materialistic world. I did date some very "physically attractive" women and pursued a lifestyle I now regret. My looking back at these moments of my life where I was insecure about myself and had to have a hot blonde with me at a party to feel comfortable is partially what makes me so skeptical about the world around me and who everyone truly is. And these last few sentences were not written with much ego attached, just the slightest slightest bit

Also NotReady, I'm not sure I entirely understand your conversion and the logic behind it but perhaps I have not reached a stage in my life where I can be open minded to this. I however am more open minded to the idea of a God simply because I respect you as a poster and for someone to undergo such a transition would require a lot. I, like many others surely would evaluate your conversion on a psychological level, but I'm sure you have thought about all these things multiple times and are still at the conclusion you are with.
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09-30-2008 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by AK87
Also NotReady, I'm not sure I entirely understand your conversion and the logic behind it but perhaps I have not reached a stage in my life where I can be open minded to this. I however am more open minded to the idea of a God simply because I respect you as a poster and for someone to undergo such a transition would require a lot. I, like many others surely would evaluate your conversion on a psychological level, but I'm sure you have thought about all these things multiple times and are still at the conclusion you are with.
I don't mean that there is no psychological aspect to conversion. The argument I was anticipating concerns the idea that I decided to believe something that I think is false or have no reason to believe is true for only psychological reasons. No one is converted through intellectual argument alone, we all have psychological reasons. And I don't think anyone rejects Christ for intellectual reasons alone, but psychology plays a role.

As I said in my post, my main reason for engaging here is to defend Christianity, especially against the charge that it is irrational. Though I certainly hope what I say will help someone find the truth I don't believe I can "persuade" anyone to give up his most fundamental beliefs or change his life. Only God can do that. But perhaps I can help remove some barrier or correct some misconception, especially in the areas of reason and rationality.
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09-30-2008 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by NotReady
I don't mean that there is no psychological aspect to conversion. The argument I was anticipating concerns the idea that I decided to believe something that I think is false or have no reason to believe is true for only psychological reasons. No one is converted through intellectual argument alone, we all have psychological reasons. And I don't think anyone rejects Christ for intellectual reasons alone, but psychology plays a role.

As I said in my post, my main reason for engaging here is to defend Christianity, especially against the charge that it is irrational. Though I certainly hope what I say will help someone find the truth I don't believe I can "persuade" anyone to give up his most fundamental beliefs or change his life. Only God can do that. But perhaps I can help remove some barrier or correct some misconception, especially in the areas of reason and rationality.
I think the main thing that confuses me is that I've never met someone who is a believer and would have a lot of posts in a forum such as SMP. I'm sure you realize why I, along with many of the other posters here do not believe in a greater being with the evidence we have at hand. It's just a strange, almost phenomenon that someone who I'm sure has thought about all the things I have in regards to organized religion, it's affect on the ignorant masses, and the overlaying contradictions in comparisons to science and logic. I in no way mean this post to sound demeaning, moreso a lack of understanding from my part. I know this question is going to sound elementary in a forum holding such deep thinkers, but do you think the reason you believe in a God is that a part of your upbringing and psychological foundations wants and needs there to be a greater being?
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09-30-2008 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by AK87
I think the main thing that confuses me is that I've never met someone who is a believer and would have a lot of posts in a forum such as SMP. I'm sure you realize why I, along with many of the other posters here do not believe in a greater being with the evidence we have at hand. It's just a strange, almost phenomenon that someone who I'm sure has thought about all the things I have in regards to organized religion, it's affect on the ignorant masses, and the overlaying contradictions in comparisons to science and logic. I in no way mean this post to sound demeaning, moreso a lack of understanding from my part. I know this question is going to sound elementary in a forum holding such deep thinkers, but do you think the reason you believe in a God is that a part of your upbringing and psychological foundations wants and needs there to be a greater being?
I defend the Gospel in general because the Bible says to do so. I have left this forum a couple of times and was requested by some to continue because they get something from my posts. My participation is much less than it once was because I've covered all the territory, at least in general. I mostly get involved now when a new poster arrives, mostly from a sense of duty.

As to reasons why I believe, there are several levels of explanation. I gave the reason why I converted and that does involve psychology. Within a few days of that conversion experience I began to question what role reason and science have in Christianity. Over the years I have found many intellectual reasons to continue in the faith. Most people on this forum don't really consider those reasons but simply gloss over factual and philosophical explanations - this is the place of the poisonous well. Which is why I participate much less than before.
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09-30-2008 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by NotReady
I defend the Gospel in general because the Bible says to do so. I have left this forum a couple of times and was requested by some to continue because they get something from my posts. My participation is much less than it once was because I've covered all the territory, at least in general. I mostly get involved now when a new poster arrives, mostly from a sense of duty.

As to reasons why I believe, there are several levels of explanation. I gave the reason why I converted and that does involve psychology. Within a few days of that conversion experience I began to question what role reason and science have in Christianity. Over the years I have found many intellectual reasons to continue in the faith. Most people on this forum don't really consider those reasons but simply gloss over factual and philosophical explanations - this is the place of the poisonous well. Which is why I participate much less than before.
I don't think you can particularly blame people for being offensive and taking the non-believer side in the seemingly never ending battle of believer vs. non-believer. In the history of this world and humanity, everyone has had an opinion, mostly everyone always thinks they are right, and everyone disagrees. So who is right? This is the reason I am very open minded to all ideas, no matter how much I sometimes disagree. Your logic and conclusions do come off as vague though and perhaps you have written a lengthy explanation to your beliefs, which I would love to read. I just am too lazy to attempt to sift through 5k+ posts.
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09-30-2008 , 03:45 PM
Originally Posted by AK87
I just am too lazy to attempt to sift through 5k+ posts.
I am too lazy to summarize 5k+ posts in one.

Maybe a new thread and you could focus on one issue.
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09-30-2008 , 03:51 PM
Yeah you are right

Why does every SMP thread turn into a battle of religion?
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09-30-2008 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by AK87
Why does every SMP thread turn into a battle of religion?
The questions addressed by religion are the only ones that really matter.
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09-30-2008 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by AK87
Yeah you are right

Why does every SMP thread turn into a battle of religion?
why do people gawk at car crashes?
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09-30-2008 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
I'd say you need a women with platinablonde hair and a couple of beers. But then again I studied social psychology and not clinical psychology, so I'm not trustworthy in these issues.

You also say you would like to go into a forest and enjoy nature, but money keeps you back. Nature is an awesome place to be, but it sucks after a couple of weeks - so being able to afford a cool hiking holiday is awesome and much better than actually living off the land in some mountain range.

I'll give the same advice here I often give. Sleep regularly, eat 4 times a day and do some light exercise. Things poker players tend to be bad at, but your physical habits has enormous influence on your mood. Treat your mind like it is part of your body.

If your mood doesn't lighten up after a few weeks with that, I'd see a doctor.

Also, start volunteering asap.
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09-30-2008 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by AK87
Also, tame deuces, with regards to your blonde and beer comment, this is part of the reason I am where I am today. About a year or two ago, I was very much plugged into the matrix and focused on a very materialistic world. I did date some very "physically attractive" women and pursued a lifestyle I now regret. My looking back at these moments of my life where I was insecure about myself and had to have a hot blonde with me at a party to feel comfortable is partially what makes me so skeptical about the world around me and who everyone truly is.
Christ, ignore women if you have issues like that. Have an ice cream cone. Take a hot bath. Go on a roller coaster ride. Go to the museum. Maybe a haunted house. Whatever hits you.
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09-30-2008 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by madnak
Christ, ignore women if you have issues like that. Have an ice cream cone. Take a hot bath. Go on a roller coaster ride. Go to the museum. Maybe a haunted house. Whatever hits you.
Lol I was just commenting on the fact that I used to focus on different things and hung out with girls because they were hot even though they were dumb and superficial. Now I've come to appreciate people for who they are and not how they look. It was kind of irrelevant though.
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