Originally Posted by housenuts
if you respond, please pm me or quote part of my message so i get an alert on my phone. much appreciated!
Can you offer some context in case we are not working on something sensible (like why the numbers have to be that way with many zeroes) ?
For example requiring to have exactly 250000000 that way from this linear combination can be doable eventually with some numbers that have several zeros which i imagine you want to be there to have some plausibility of rounding numbers argument as reported from the source. But in that case you introduce an implausibility for the sum of 3 so unique up to 3-4 non zero digit numbers to lead to exactly 250000000 (a very special number given all else) . Are you seeing now this is as rather plausible outcome that 3 numbers conspire so nicely to give exactly 250000000 or is the process such that 250000000 is a natural cutoff that terminates things once reached anyway. Only if all 4numbers are rounded this makes sense but still leaves some room for criticism on why 250 mil is so fine tuned vs the others or the reverse why the others are so fine tuned to give that number with so many zeros compared to them.