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How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour?

11-28-2011 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by spadebidder
Objective: To examine the relation between frequency of orgasm and mortality.

Result: Mortality risk was 50% lower in the group with high orgasmic frequency than in the group with low orgasmic frequency, with evidence of a dose-response relation across the groups. Age adjusted odds ratio for all cause mortality was 2.0 for the group with low frequency of orgasm (95% confidence interval 1.1 to 3.5, test for trend P=0.02). With adjustment for risk factors this became 1.9 (1.0 to 3.4, test for trend P=0.04). Death from coronary heart disease and from other causes showed similar associations with frequency of orgasm, although the gradient was most marked for deaths from coronary heart disease. Analysed in terms of actual frequency of orgasm, the odds ratio for total mortality associated with an increase in 100 orgasms per year was 0.64 (0.44 to 0.95).

Conclusion: Sexual activity seems to have a protective effect on men's health.
I'm well known for never making bold statement with scant evidence but I'm going to have to go with one here:

Consider groups of men such as:
a) never or rarely have sex
b) regularly have sex in non longterm relationships
c) happily married
d) promiscous homosexual

Those who have the most sex are d) and haven't fared well in terms of longevity. Those who have the most orgasms are probably a) and d). Those who are happily married have the fewest orgasms.

Anyone misguided enough to disagree?
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-28-2011 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Nichlemn
Surely a lot of this is due to risks taken to get access to sexual partners as well of the risk of STDs from promiscuous unprotected sex? I can't imagine that for a healthy, faithful married couple sex could have a significant negative impact on their lifespans.
studies in a number of organisms (flys, worms, rodents, probably a few more that i don't think about), suggest that reproduction will negatively impact lifespan (possibly due to the energy cost to the female in having babies, think there's conflicting data). course this might be a bit difficult to apply to humans since they tend to have 1 baby a few times versus multiple babies or eggs many times.

not that anyone doesn't know this by now, caloric restriction seems to help in everything from fungus to rats. eat a low calorie (within reason, need enough calories to do normal activities) but nutritious, lab organisms will live longer than siblings that get feed a equally nutritious but higher calorie meal.

Last edited by Polycomb; 11-28-2011 at 01:30 PM.
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-28-2011 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Those who are happily married have the fewest orgasms.
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-28-2011 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
Are you going to claim that happily married men have more orgasms than promiscuous homosexuals or lonely men?
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-28-2011 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Are you going to claim that happily married men have more orgasms than promiscuous homosexuals or lonely men?
Are you trying to claim that happily married men masturbate significantly less than other groups?
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-28-2011 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick
Are you trying to claim that happily married men masturbate significantly less than other groups?
You disagree?
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-28-2011 , 11:21 PM
Given the thread title, I was wondering how long it would take posters to reach the masturbation stage. It turns out much shorter than I thought possible. I can hardly remember when I so misjudged our constituency. I apologize for my complete lack of faith and my blatant inaccuracy. I swear by my hairy palms that it won’t happen again.

Carry on.

-Another Blind Man at the Gate.

Last edited by Zeno; 11-28-2011 at 11:31 PM. Reason: Typo
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-28-2011 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
You disagree?
Yes and by necessity. Happily married couples tend toward scheduling their shared fun. This makes it necessary to schedule self-pleasure as a regimen.

Unhappy married couples probably have a bell-bar shaped distribution of orgasm frequency.
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-29-2011 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick
Yes and by necessity. Happily married couples tend toward scheduling their shared fun. This makes it necessary to schedule self-pleasure as a regimen.
Its going to depend on how you define happily married. Maybe my categorization is too broad but I was trying to include a non-vanishingly small number of men within it.
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-29-2011 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Zeno
Given the thread title, I was wondering how long it would take posters to reach the masturbation stage. It turns out much shorter than I thought possible. I can hardly remember when I so misjudged our constituency. I apologize for my complete lack of faith and my blatant inaccuracy. I swear by my hairy palms that it won’t happen again.

Carry on.

-Another Blind Man at the Gate.
Sorry, wont mention masturbation again.

Having a good laugh might be a factor in longevity. I'd recommend a British sit-com called coupling most here, very funny in parts and includes the best happy couple masturbation gag.

Last edited by chezlaw; 11-29-2011 at 07:47 AM. Reason: sorry, wont mention it again
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-29-2011 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Morris King
Heard Dr. Dean Edell say even if you do this you can really only increase your life duration by 6mo (statistically).
But improve the quality of life during your whole life...
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-30-2011 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Its going to depend on how you define happily married. Maybe my categorization is too broad but I was trying to include a non-vanishingly small number of men within it.
I meant it as just "happily married" only as the combination of "happy" and "married". A rather narrow catorization, but one that clearly exists. A venn diagram would probably suffice to show the relationship.

I'm not sure of the prevalence, but anecdotal evidence supports my hypothesis.
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-30-2011 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick
but anecdotal evidence supports my hypothesis.
whereas my hypothesis is supported by anacdotal evidence.
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-30-2011 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
whereas my hypothesis is supported by anacdotal evidence.
Of course. I would argue that your "happy" is an approximation that would more correctly be called "rigidly settled" or "fairy-tail-ish."
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-30-2011 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick
Of course. I would argue that your "happy" is an approximation that would more correctly be called "rigidly settled" or "fairy-tail-ish."
Maybe my categorization is too broad but I was trying to include a non-vanishingly small number of men within it.
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-30-2011 , 07:22 PM
so that's why my palms are growing hair and I wear glasses, go figure

Originally Posted by spadebidder
I thought it was pretty well-known that there is a very strong connection between active sex lives and extended lifespan.

Conclusion: Sexual activity seems to have a protective effect on men's health.
How I wonder if it's simply correlation. I'd imagine hig sex frequencies would be correlated with a healthier and happier life in general

Originally Posted by Polycomb

not that anyone doesn't know this by now, caloric restriction seems to help in everything from fungus to rats. eat a low calorie (within reason, need enough calories to do normal activities) but nutritious, lab organisms will live longer than siblings that get feed a equally nutritious but higher calorie meal.
It's to do with the cells being worn out, more calories seems to be more effort/processing

For 1) Run away to the country with a laptop and a bunch of seedlings, grow your own food and play the pokers for full income, Ido. I tried leaving my recluse and go out into the "real world" and almost killed myself. too.... dangerous..... outside...... my..... stay home.....must be safe......

Guess I must go hunting woman soon though, I don't think the rubber glove is helping the life expectancy D:
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11-30-2011 , 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
The number of people who realize that they are animals is not vanishingly small. Seems likely they would pair up. Of course, I do only have anecdotal evidence that this happens.
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
11-30-2011 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by pat3392
How I wonder if it's simply correlation. I'd imagine hig sex frequencies would be correlated with a healthier and happier life in general
Seems likely to be a parabolic relationship.
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
12-02-2011 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Nichlemn
The 1 year question is probably the more interesting one for me. I've looked at actuarial tables and have been uncomfortable that my statistical probability of dying is as high as it is. But I've also looked at causes of death for young people and a lot of it seem to be as a result of reckless behaviour or suicide. I'm wondering how much of it is completely unavoidable.
What is it? (And how old are you?)
How high could you make your life expectancy by changing your behaviour? Quote
