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Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it?

09-06-2019 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
Even in this case, you may lose your job or suffer injury or illness, disabling you and racking up extraordinary expenses. In case of such bad luck the difference between 3k and 5k may mean the difference between weathering the storm and being out on the street. If you've come from living close to the street and painstakingly saved that 5k you might be more inclined to think that way.

That's not to say you don't have a point.

Yes the point may also be that you are your job ie you work for yourself and are also insured. If you are employed by people that can fire you of course then you need to be careful but then again there is one kind of job that will always pay you if you are educated and that is teaching skills you have which in current decade via internet and mobile technology can become better than a good paying job. That is a back up plan anyone that works must have so that they can never be rendered truly unemployed.

The work on Kelly is not complete in my opinion.

One might also want to develop a strategy that yields a return above a given predetermined target after n trials with maximum probability. Like how do you play to have highest probability to reach >10x your money in 100 trials or before them are over.

How about a strategy that yields maximum avg return in all cases luck is less that 2sd bad or worse than 2sd bad in n trials.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-06-2019 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by PairTheBoard
Not exactly right. You can use 10% in the formula for investment. But you then have to change the investment return ratios from the OP's (1.5 or 0.6) to those for the 5-4 bet considered as an investment (2.25 or 0).

But he didnt do that or he would have received the correct rate then.

My point with BTM is that he is constantly critical and heavily sarcastic of others and when he fails to realize what others are doing, suggesting to them to do what they are already doing and then himself doing that thing also wrong there is of course no reason to own any error. Only the others have to, whether its a real or not real error.

Decent people that respect each other are never sarcastic when they disagree with others that have treated them always seriously with respect as the default option in any new opportunity cycle of "debating" or opinion exchanging. They offer improvements to the ideas of others without rejecting them or imagining the worse of it to remain eternally polemic. When a correction is needed they offer it in a friendly manner respecting of the intention and effort of the other side not a little dance around your grave routine.

Last edited by masque de Z; 09-06-2019 at 08:42 AM.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-06-2019 , 09:10 AM
I am pretty sure that Kelly is "complete." There are even fancy pants extensions to it for non-discrete outcomes.

If you mean it is incomplete because it only maximizes average logarithmic growth and that it has certain requirements for it to work well (large n, etc.), then it is indeed incomplete.

Regarding me, does the fact that screwdrivers aren't hammers also bother you? If you think that thoughts ought to be accepted without question or critique, or that mildly excessive comma use is annoying, or that poorly formed metaphors aren't fun, then I'm not the right tool for you. Being upset by the existence of the screwdriver is not the screwdriver's problem.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-06-2019 , 10:39 AM
I'd like to offer this fun poorly formed metaphor for your enjoyment.

Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-08-2019 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
I am pretty sure that Kelly is "complete." There are even fancy pants extensions to it for non-discrete outcomes.

If you mean it is incomplete because it only maximizes average logarithmic growth and that it has certain requirements for it to work well (large n, etc.), then it is indeed incomplete.

Regarding me, does the fact that screwdrivers aren't hammers also bother you? If you think that thoughts ought to be accepted without question or critique, or that mildly excessive comma use is annoying, or that poorly formed metaphors aren't fun, then I'm not the right tool for you. Being upset by the existence of the screwdriver is not the screwdriver's problem.
It will only be complete if we run out of creative imaginative break out of the lightcone desires.

Sure and one can only hope its good, proper well placed, deserved, useful and ethically appropriate critique and that it works both ways and passes also statistical tests for on purpose critique hypothesis testing.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-08-2019 , 03:53 AM
Maybe the standard approach achieves the same result but we need to investigate if the strategy changes if one wants to maximize the chance a certain target is reached at any point within a given time horizon or number of trials. Also within a certain amount of bad luck assumed.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-08-2019 , 04:11 AM
Soldiers of the truth dont "criticize" other soldiers. Instead with their own example lift them up to a higher ground where a higher level of truth is possible and undeniable by all that honestly were forever soldiers of the truth. Only a better idea can defeat an idea. The better idea should be enough.

The rise of complexity becomes possible because brains inspire other brains to greater levels of clarity. Cooperation is how the better ideas are built. Have enough faith in your good will and intellect that this alone would be enough.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-08-2019 , 08:14 AM
"That thought is wrong/flawed/bat-****-insane" is not even close to a criticism of the person who had the thought.

Of course, not realizing that is true after it has been said is truly stupid even if the person who rejects the idea has skills that would allow the person to stand in for a thrift shop calculator. The need to have been right is a weakness that needs to be stamped out at every opportunity. Please note that this is a proper criticism.

Also, Kelly does what it is meant to do. A formula for the area of a sphere does what it is meant to do. Neither will tell you how long it will take to get from Memphis to Chicago on a train traveling 43mph, but this doesn't make them incomplete for their intended purpose.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-09-2019 , 03:16 AM
Your thinking is so pre advanced Intellect meta human AI .

Kelly opens the door to thinking of how investors should bet to achieve a variety of results based on objective. It opens the door for a broader understanding of what is good for you in terms of portfolio growth or what you call prime utility. What if one wanted to maximize the chance to have a specific target or higher at some point because then something amazing happens if you are there.

If you have one move to make and you need to double, of course you go all in to increase that chance. But what if you had 100 moves to triple and you wanted to maximize the chance to triple. What is the strategy then?

Your mentality is that of a rejectionist almost in all threads, an older at heart person that has been defeated by time and in now cynical and sarcastic. And i invite you to be young again and to dare to imagine what is possible with positive criticism that in the eyes of true intellect embraces also corrective suggestions that are found in the enhancing idea. If one is not in the right direction you do not need to trash their position, you only need to show the merits of another one with evidence. A true visionary embraces, not attacks, the ideas of others and lifts them to unreal success levels corrected, improved or enhanced, because in the end it is about immense confidence in the power of the individual human spirit in each one that participates in the effort, which is the prime most definitive characteristic of western civilization, one which scientific society thoroughly subscribes to and wishes to... improve.

Last edited by masque de Z; 09-09-2019 at 03:35 AM.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-09-2019 , 03:50 AM
The need to be right when you deserve to be right is elementary important to a proper thinker. You want to be accurate and thoughtful so that you deserve to be right. How else will you be right if its not important to you to take the steps needed to be right in your efforts? The truth is more important than being perceived as right if you find you are wrong. You want to be right but you want more to deserve to be right.

Ask yourself instead how often it is the need to be always critical that defines you at the cost or amazing opportunities. I pity such life choice that instead of taking a bad idea and building it to a more creative and efficient one, it wants to bury it immediately instead, blind to all opportunity. Supremely insecure attitude that thrives on others failing.

Last edited by masque de Z; 09-09-2019 at 03:58 AM.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-09-2019 , 05:16 AM
jesus, can someone give me cliff notes on which penis wears the best monocle (or is it still undecided), it's hard to keep pace with this thread
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-09-2019 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by masque de Z
Your thinking is so pre advanced Intellect meta human AI .

Kelly opens the door to thinking of how investors should bet to achieve a variety of results based on objective. It opens the door for a broader understanding of what is good for you in terms of portfolio growth or what you call prime utility. What if one wanted to maximize the chance to have a specific target or higher at some point because then something amazing happens if you are there.

If you have one move to make and you need to double, of course you go all in to increase that chance. But what if you had 100 moves to triple and you wanted to maximize the chance to triple. What is the strategy then?

Your mentality is that of a rejectionist almost in all threads, an older at heart person that has been defeated by time and in now cynical and sarcastic. And i invite you to be young again and to dare to imagine what is possible with positive criticism that in the eyes of true intellect embraces also corrective suggestions that are found in the enhancing idea. If one is not in the right direction you do not need to trash their position, you only need to show the merits of another one with evidence. A true visionary embraces, not attacks, the ideas of others and lifts them to unreal success levels corrected, improved or enhanced, because in the end it is about immense confidence in the power of the individual human spirit in each one that participates in the effort, which is the prime most definitive characteristic of western civilization, one which scientific society thoroughly subscribes to and wishes to... improve.
Improvement comes from criticism of thoughts and ideas. Stagnation comes from sensitivity to criticism.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-09-2019 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
jesus, can someone give me cliff notes on which penis wears the best monocle (or is it still undecided), it's hard to keep pace with this thread
Zeno, and it isn't even close. I don't think he has participated here though.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-09-2019 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Improvement comes from criticism of thoughts and ideas. Stagnation comes from sensitivity to criticism.
Yes so you think by rejecting one's attempt to expand on Kelly by immediately going back to Kelly original idea finding it complete without realizing that it only opens the door to a broader discussion, is the way to go. And i think the way to go is to try to add to this and prove something in that direction and if you cant do that then bloody encourage it instead and link any relevant info available.

Stagnation is exactly what rejectionism invites. If 2-3 brains interact and expand on each other's ideas something important may be born. But lets have stupid friction instead.

You perceive my dislike of relentless bs rejections in every thread as defense of my ego and you fail to realize i am instead enraged because it is the mother of opportunity loss.

In this thread you failed to realize i recreated the proof for Kelly and you suggested to me to look for Kelly and then produced the wrong growth rate. Why was that aggression and lack of understanding of what i was doing so important? Because criticism of a phantom "problem" was the objective like always. Learn to interact with others as they deserve given how they have treated the universe or get out of their way.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
09-09-2019 , 10:20 AM

You should charge Brian rent for all the space you let him take up in your head.


Originally Posted by masque de Z
Do you take into account the personal importance of being right enough to go out and post that your growth rate is wrong and check the wikipedia page and see that the formula you were using was changed in the last 3 days because it was wrong for what it was describing but mine hasnt because i derived it from first principles like we all should if it helps the thread to learn something for anyone new to bankroll management when one has a plus EV or skill edge situation.

Speaking of right or wrong, ego, etc it is facking elementary we all have ego and care not to be wrong but the best of us care to correct things and own it and learn and improve because we have tamed our ego to be more ethical. Also civilized people classify errors in 2 kinds, those that are trivially unimportant and easy to correct at the spot and which all people do because they are universal property of the human brain and those that are deeper mental ones that one has the wrong idea about how things work or logically failing a process. Obviously those are more serious and worthy of studying while the others anyone can correct on the spot and move on as if they never happened.

The problem i have with you is that you are constantly sarcastically after everyone for anything you can pick up to be critical even fake artificial made up things about the worse possible interpretation of what others were doing. This is is massively tilting because it introduces ridiculous aggression and friction to discussions but also because when the time comes for you to fix something wrong of your own there is absolutely no desire to admit or fix anything just make up whatever funny stories about it (like "language"). This is called hypocrisy.

So what is the projected growth outcome if you start with 1k after 2 year of daily application of the process?
Originally Posted by masque de Z
Yes you did use the wiki page or an identical source because you then put that 10% in the formula that had to be 25%. If you do that you get your wrong growth rate. Exactly the same. How else do you get the exact same wrong number? So you used the 10% in the place the 25% should have been. Admit your rate is wrong. The correct rate is 0.62%. But also admit how it got to be wrong. What formula you used from where? We know you used the wrong wikipedia formula to get 10% instead of 25% because you guided me there on that section it was. Then you used the formula for growth that uses by suggested wikipedia bankroll fraction and not risk fraction equation and rate but used 10% there.

When i make a math error i care to find and correct it or good friends will alert me the same way all decent professors in amphitheaters invite colleagues and students in the audience to correct them during a lecture if its some stupid typo or oversight error. But the mental ones are important and must be admitted because we learn from them, one of them being that we are so super confident that we are able to rise from any near term fall or misstep of the mind and offer in exchange an eternity of service to the truth and superior intellect everywhere. People like Trump of course will never accept error or responsibility in anything. Well dont join him.

You get to have a new thought without admitting the other thought was wrong of course or even the fact that i was using the very logic behind Kelly and was not in need of being suggested to use Kelly as you did. Yet you are critical of everyone else and eager to attack all others. So you tried to criticize what i did without understanding it because criticizing me is number one goal every time.

You should care who offers corrections to you. Because some do it because they care for the truth and you and not for scoring points which is the game of some others. When i care for someone and i correct them i dont do it in any sarcastic cynical style ever. I was never here to play facking attitude games with others and you are.
Originally Posted by masque de Z
But he didnt do that or he would have received the correct rate then.

My point with BTM is that he is constantly critical and heavily sarcastic of others and when he fails to realize what others are doing, suggesting to them to do what they are already doing and then himself doing that thing also wrong there is of course no reason to own any error. Only the others have to, whether its a real or not real error.

Decent people that respect each other are never sarcastic when they disagree with others that have treated them always seriously with respect as the default option in any new opportunity cycle of "debating" or opinion exchanging. They offer improvements to the ideas of others without rejecting them or imagining the worse of it to remain eternally polemic. When a correction is needed they offer it in a friendly manner respecting of the intention and effort of the other side not a little dance around your grave routine.
Originally Posted by masque de Z
Your thinking is so pre advanced Intellect meta human AI .

Kelly opens the door to thinking of how investors should bet to achieve a variety of results based on objective. It opens the door for a broader understanding of what is good for you in terms of portfolio growth or what you call prime utility. What if one wanted to maximize the chance to have a specific target or higher at some point because then something amazing happens if you are there.

If you have one move to make and you need to double, of course you go all in to increase that chance. But what if you had 100 moves to triple and you wanted to maximize the chance to triple. What is the strategy then?

Your mentality is that of a rejectionist almost in all threads, an older at heart person that has been defeated by time and in now cynical and sarcastic. And i invite you to be young again and to dare to imagine what is possible with positive criticism that in the eyes of true intellect embraces also corrective suggestions that are found in the enhancing idea. If one is not in the right direction you do not need to trash their position, you only need to show the merits of another one with evidence. A true visionary embraces, not attacks, the ideas of others and lifts them to unreal success levels corrected, improved or enhanced, because in the end it is about immense confidence in the power of the individual human spirit in each one that participates in the effort, which is the prime most definitive characteristic of western civilization, one which scientific society thoroughly subscribes to and wishes to... improve.
Originally Posted by masque de Z
The need to be right when you deserve to be right is elementary important to a proper thinker. You want to be accurate and thoughtful so that you deserve to be right. How else will you be right if its not important to you to take the steps needed to be right in your efforts? The truth is more important than being perceived as right if you find you are wrong. You want to be right but you want more to deserve to be right.

Ask yourself instead how often it is the need to be always critical that defines you at the cost or amazing opportunities. I pity such life choice that instead of taking a bad idea and building it to a more creative and efficient one, it wants to bury it immediately instead, blind to all opportunity. Supremely insecure attitude that thrives on others failing.
Originally Posted by masque de Z
Yes so you think by rejecting one's attempt to expand on Kelly by immediately going back to Kelly original idea finding it complete without realizing that it only opens the door to a broader discussion, is the way to go. And i think the way to go is to try to add to this and prove something in that direction and if you cant do that then bloody encourage it instead and link any relevant info available.

Stagnation is exactly what rejectionism invites. If 2-3 brains interact and expand on each other's ideas something important may be born. But lets have stupid friction instead.

You perceive my dislike of relentless bs rejections in every thread as defense of my ego and you fail to realize i am instead enraged because it is the mother of opportunity loss.

In this thread you failed to realize i recreated the proof for Kelly and you suggested to me to look for Kelly and then produced the wrong growth rate. Why was that aggression and lack of understanding of what i was doing so important? Because criticism of a phantom "problem" was the objective like always. Learn to interact with others as they deserve given how they have treated the universe or get out of their way.
Heads you get 1.5 times your current wealth. Tails you get 0.6. Should you take it? Quote
