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Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Is it ever ok to hit a woman?

11-27-2008 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by Nielsio
The concept morality is something that applies to all human beings (and moral agents, actually). Morality does not mean 'personal preference', because we already have a name for that concept. When someone says 'X is wrong', then they are not referring to their preference but to something else.
What willie24 said here:

Originally Posted by willie24
strongly disagree. i can think of a lot of reasons for becoming violent. why do you think they aren't valid?
is as valid as your view unless you are implying:

1. that absolute morality exists.
2. that some external agent has the right to make moral decisions for willie24.
3. both of the above.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-27-2008 , 01:54 PM
I think this should clear some things up:

Last edited by voyamatarte; 11-27-2008 at 01:56 PM. Reason: jk I love my mom
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-27-2008 , 02:32 PM
its ok if bbv tells you to.

seriously though this question depends on so many things (like you have to establish its ever ok to hit anything before you can establish the answer to this question).

fwiw i dont think there are any important reasons why it is wrong to hit a woman in situations where it would be regarded to fair to hit a man, but my caveat is that people are often far too ready to hit men.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-27-2008 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Nielsio
The concept morality is something that applies to all human beings (and moral agents, actually). Morality does not mean 'personal preference', because we already have a name for that concept. When someone says 'X is wrong', then they are not referring to their preference but to something else.
no it doesn't mean 'personal preference.' it's more like 'implicit agreement/contract.'
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-27-2008 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by willie24
no it doesn't mean 'personal preference.' it's more like 'implicit agreement/contract.'

Implicit agreement just mean no agreement, you realize that right.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-27-2008 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Nielsio
Implicit agreement just mean no agreement, you realize that right.
no, i don't. what do you mean?

but anyway, if you think i am wrong - explain what morality is.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-27-2008 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Nielsio
Implicit agreement just mean no agreement, you realize that right.

This is not true. If I walk into a restaurant and sit down and order a steak, there is an implicit agreement that I will pay for it.

Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-28-2008 , 12:09 AM
OP: Yes.

(I really did try and find one with her newly broken jaw, to no avail.)
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-28-2008 , 01:09 AM
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-28-2008 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by Borodog

This is not true. If I walk into a restaurant and sit down and order a steak, there is an implicit agreement that I will pay for it.


If you walk out without paying you are beyond a doubt considered a thief, so I don't see what's implicit about that contract.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-28-2008 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Nielsio
If you walk out without paying you are beyond a doubt considered a thief, so I don't see what's implicit about that contract.
and if you kill someone without very good reason you are considered a murderer. and if you hit a woman you are considered swine. and if you hit a man, well, it depends on the circumstances.

all i mean by implicit is that it need not be spelled out. everyone knows.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-28-2008 , 03:21 PM
if you think it's equally bad to hit a man as a woman it just means that you subscribe to a different morality (you're part of a different agreement, or you reject the agreement altogether) you're not any more or less right than the next person. that was my only point.

Last edited by willie24; 11-28-2008 at 03:26 PM.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-28-2008 , 07:15 PM
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-29-2008 , 06:02 PM
I've been hit by a man, you guys don't realize how much more strength you have than us.

I do, however, think if she has a weapon (of course I would hope you wouldn't hit someone with a gun, etc...maybe run instead? hahaha) or is she endangering your loved ones or innocent bystanders, she needs her ass kicked. LOL

Just depends on the circumstances, but as a general rule, I would have to say there has to be another, more rational way to handle a situation other than laying your hands on a woman. Extinguish it before it ever gets to that point maybe?

Intimidating someone physically, just because you can is not okay...just my opinion though.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-29-2008 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Rpepperlove
I've been hit by a man, you guys don't realize how much more strength you have than us.

I do, however, think if she has a weapon (of course I would hope you wouldn't hit someone with a gun, etc...maybe run instead? hahaha) or is she endangering your loved ones or innocent bystanders, she needs her ass kicked. LOL

Just depends on the circumstances, but as a general rule, I would have to say there has to be another, more rational way to handle a situation other than laying your hands on a woman. Extinguish it before it ever gets to that point maybe?

Intimidating someone physically, just because you can is not okay...just my opinion though.
I agree, except doesn't this apply to men as well?

Why hit anyone? I mean, barring situations where it's appropriate, either in sports or even letting off steam with like-minded people.

But I think "I'm going to go kick this guy's ass because he's weaker than me and I can get away with it" seems just as bad to me as "I'm going to go kick this woman's ass because he's weaker than me and I can get away with it."
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-29-2008 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by madnak
But I think "I'm going to go kick this guy's ass because he's weaker than me and I can get away with it" seems just as bad to me as "I'm going to go kick this woman's ass because he's weaker than me and I can get away with it."
What gave it away, the Adams apple?
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-29-2008 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Hardball47
What gave it away, the Adams apple?
Nah, those calves. I'm sorry, but shaving them doesn't make it any better.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-30-2008 , 12:13 AM
Hitting people is stupid anyway. Learn jiu jitsu/judo or learn how to run fast.

That said, I'm less inclined to hit a woman in a similar situation bc it's easier to end up in jail/get sued/get some random stranger intervening on her behalf even though she is super crazy etc.

I'm also a bit less inclined to physically engage with someone that I feel isn't a threat to me. A man is more likely to be a threat to me. Also, men are typically more aware and deserving of a beat down because they should reasonably expect the kid gloves to be off, whereas women typically expect to be able to get psycho without getting hit.

So, in that sense, when a guy starts trouble, he is asking for it. It's a double standard, but it is one that makes sense to me in the same way that it makes sense to armbar/throw/choke out a stranger that tries to control me/grab me, but to give a little bit of slack to a security guard or a bouncer or a cop even though it can often times be a pretty damn similar situation.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-30-2008 , 06:12 AM
i try to just stab women
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-30-2008 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by SNOWBALL
That said, I'm less inclined to hit a woman in a similar situation bc it's easier to end up in jail/get sued/get some random stranger intervening on her behalf even though she is super crazy etc.
In this society, frivolous lawsuits are as potent a weapon as knives and guns.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-30-2008 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
Interesting pic...the girl is definitely slapping hard but the dude's action is more of a punch/slap can see how he winds his shoulder back to get more force behind it and explode straight out rather than wind around like she does....

There's a certain truth to the saying "he throws like a girl"...maybe slapping with more force is gender related?
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-30-2008 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by PacoPaco
Interesting pic...the girl is definitely slapping hard but the dude's action is more of a punch/slap can see how he winds his shoulder back to get more force behind it and explode straight out rather than wind around like she does....

There's a certain truth to the saying "he throws like a girl"...maybe slapping with more force is gender related?
I'm trying to slap like a girl, and it's hard. I want to put my whole body into it, but at least my shoulder.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-30-2008 , 10:33 AM
Ask a Pimp, they will give you a colorful answer.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-30-2008 , 10:36 AM
What do you tell a woman with two balck eyes?

Nothing, she has already been told twice.
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
11-30-2008 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Roland32
What do you tell a woman with two balck eyes?

Nothing, she has already been told twice.
Funny. It reminds me of a joke.

A man comes home and when he sits down at the table his wife comes up and slaps him hard on the side of his head.

He says "Hey why did you do that?"

She says "I found this paper with this name on it in your pants pocket."

He says "Oh that's nothing. Its the name of the horse I bet on at the track last week."

About a week later the same thing happens. He sits down and gets slapped.

He says "Hey whats the matter with you. Why did you do that"

She replies "Your horse called."
Is it ever ok to hit a woman? Quote
