Originally Posted by madnak
Not really. Some children have more or less been raised by animals, and it's hypothetically possible that everyone other than you could die in an instant, leaving you completely alone.
Nielsio calls this the argument from apocalypse.
Point is it doesn't matter much because that's not happening here.
Originally Posted by madnak
In both cases, I think that what we consider to be identifying elements of a "human being," especially where thought is concerned, are dependent upon a social context.
Yeah, I think morality would probably go off the board if you were on a deserted island for long enough. There could be exceptions of course.
But humans do think for themselves. They'll make up an imaginary friend/god if they need to talk to someone in order to think, but they'll do it.
Of course most of what they're able to think has been taught to them by other humans and I don't know if this is what the OP is talking about, culture vs instinct...