Could this be your Finland Station?
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 6,887
Your watch says midnight. You've lost track of how many timezones you've flown through, but your body doesnt need to know the exact time-- you're tired, no matter what time it is. Blearily poring over pages of hand-written notes, the moment you've been looking forward to for so long is at hand. You've managed to convince a group of 100 supporters to prepare for your arrival, and advance reports indicate a crowd of about 300 has been gathered at the airport. You've got to get this right; this is your one chance to move the masses and there can be no room for error. The lights below grow larger and larger-- the final descent. History has shown that there are rare moments when the fate of an entire country lies in the hands of one man. Can you be that man?
Libya is in the midst of revolution. What would it take for someone to fly in, take the reigns of the movement, and shape it to your desires? Let's assign some parameters before we continue:
- You have access to the background and decisions made by every single great (in the traditional and pejorative sense) leader in history via the internet.
- You have enough starting capital to achieve some of your immediate goals, but not all of them. Obviously with unlimited money just about anything can be accomplished, but at the same time I want to encourage discussion so I'm hesitant to assign an exact dollar value. So be reasonable here and use your own discretion.
- Like the opening paragraph states, you begin with 100 locals loyal to your beliefs. These people can not be turned against you.
Before we talk about practicalities and opening moves, I believe that a good starting point would be to discuss the "philosophy of leadership" in general. What makes a good leader, and what do people want in a leader (hint: these are not always the same qualities)?
I realize that this specific scenario may be better suited for the Politics forum, but I think discussion here will be much better. I'm looking for more than just "lol pay some guys with guns to do what you tell them to do."
You have an opportunity to create an ideal government (albeit with some limitations caused by the present circumstances in Libya). What that means to you specifically, well, I'm looking forward to figuring that out together. I have some ideas on the subject but I'll hold off until later on to reveal them. From what I've gathered many of you here have intimate knowledge of Plato's Republic, which will definitely be useful.
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 3,003
What is the source of motivation for this person?
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 6,887
Well, the person is you, so use anything that would motivate yourself: altruism, power, etc.