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Average SMP IQ. Average SMP IQ.

11-22-2007 , 03:07 PM
I believe poker players have higher Iqs on average to normal peeps.
I believe a 2p2er even more so and a 2p2er that post in SMP WOW!

So whats are Iqs just out of interest.

me 126 (7years ago).
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 03:16 PM
I believe poker players have higher Iqs on average to normal peeps.
I believe a 2p2er even more so and a 2p2er that post in SMP WOW!

So whats are Iqs just out of interest.

me 126 (7years ago).
IQ is a wholy discredited concept. Ask anyone.

If it weren't there'd be a 'hol lot a 'splainin to be done regarding race and differential performance on so many metrics.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 03:24 PM
I believe poker players have higher Iqs on average to normal peeps.
I believe a 2p2er even more so and a 2p2er that post in SMP WOW!

So whats are Iqs just out of interest.

me 126 (7years ago).
IQ is a wholy discredited concept. Ask anyone.

If it weren't there'd be a 'hol lot a 'splaining to be done regarding race and differential performance on so many metrics.
Oh my god.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 03:35 PM
dono my exact IQ, but in the test i've taken i score somewhere betwen 115-125.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 03:40 PM
i also dont know exact IQ but i have taken online test that have given me 130-140, take that with whatever weight you think is fit.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 04:01 PM

I'm not really a fan of IQ tests. They're a rather blunt little tool for characterizing so complex an entity.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 04:57 PM

IQ is a wholy discredited concept. Ask anyone.
That's a bit strong of a statement don't you think? IQ isn't discredited at all. There is a question of what exactly it is measuring, but it is associated with a lot of different kinds of problem solving ability.

Just because it doesn't directly measure "intelligence" (whatever that term means), this doesn't mean that it is a useless concept.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 05:12 PM
I believe poker players have higher Iqs on average to normal peeps.
I believe a 2p2er even more so and a 2p2er that post in SMP WOW!

So whats are Iqs just out of interest.

me 126 (7years ago).
IQ is a wholy discredited concept. Ask anyone.

If it weren't there'd be a 'hol lot a 'splainin to be done regarding race and differential performance on so many metrics.
Level I think.

I liked it.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 05:13 PM
I scored 136 about 10 yrs ago, and 124 this year.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 06:07 PM

IQ is a wholy discredited concept. Ask anyone.
That's a bit strong of a statement don't you think? IQ isn't discredited at all. There is a question of what exactly it is measuring, but it is associated with a lot of different kinds of problem solving ability.

Just because it doesn't directly measure "intelligence" (whatever that term means), this doesn't mean that it is a useless concept.
He was just trolling, dont mind him. He only has two things he is capable of talking about, how blacks are dumb and we are all PC robots and how atheism is the doomed to either ruin society or be bred out of existence, which one is going to happen fluctuates depending on the thread. There was just no way he could resist trolling in this thread.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 06:07 PM
I believe poker players have higher Iqs on average to normal peeps.
I believe a 2p2er even more so and a 2p2er that post in SMP WOW!

So whats are Iqs just out of interest.

me 126 (7years ago).
IQ is a wholy discredited concept. Ask anyone.

If it weren't there'd be a 'hol lot a 'splainin to be done regarding race and differential performance on so many metrics.
Level I think.

I liked it.
Not really a level, more a troll.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 07:08 PM
Smart people tend to gravitate towards at least one of
mathematics, philosophy or physics so SMPers tend to be
either smart or curious about learning. My last "IQ test"
wasn't quite sufficient for me to join "Mega" and my first
test (that I am aware of) caused me to skip a grade. Still,
being smart doesn't really mean much in the "grand scheme".
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 07:42 PM
I've scored 142.

But its a waste because I look good (for those that don't know good looks is just as good an indicator of solid career, happy relationships and overall life quality), and yes I'm j/k. Not about the good looks though, on those I'm actually serious. I have never gotten turned down at a job interview, even if underqualified. I'm truly blessed!

Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 07:51 PM
I just did a half dozen online tests out of curiosity and they confirmed my distrust of them (though I guess a cursory internet search is unlikely to be a reliable filter as to "good" tests). I found it annoying that I consistently score higher on those sites who then want to sell me something. Similarly, it bugs me when I do badly on a "louisiana purchase is to _________ as Alaska is to russia" question (at least, I assume I did badly). I'd also be pretty confident my IQ went up markedly post maths degree which doesnt seem to mesh well with it as a measure of intelligence rather than education.

I scored between 127 at mensa and 154 from some site which suggested I join up for their secret society for geniuses.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 08:20 PM
I just did a half dozen online tests out of curiosity and they confirmed my distrust of them (though I guess a cursory internet search is unlikely to be a reliable filter as to "good" tests). I found it annoying that I consistently score higher on those sites who then want to sell me something. Similarly, it bugs me when I do badly on a "louisiana purchase is to _________ as Alaska is to russia" question (at least, I assume I did badly). I'd also be pretty confident my IQ went up markedly post maths degree which doesnt seem to mesh well with it as a measure of intelligence rather than education.

I scored between 127 at mensa and 154 from some site which suggested I join up for their secret society for geniuses.
I have never seen a question in an IQ test that would lead me to think this. Perhaps you would give an example?
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 08:43 PM
I have never seen a question in an IQ test that would lead me to think this. Perhaps you would give an example?
Some of the "If 4 workers dig 12 holes in 4 days how long will it take 9 workers to dig 81 holes?" questions. A bit of experience at doing them teaches you the common traps and the key to solving them quickly and accurately.

Another example where mathematical training helps you think about it correctly was "A square with sides of 10cm can completely fit within a regular hexagon with sides of 10cm - true or false?" Surely one can be brilliant without knowing the definition of "regular hexagon"?

Similarly the "Count the four sided figures in this picture" types - combinatorics develops the habit of methodically counting so that you dont miss any and dont double count.

One test I did had a "Which sequence of coin tosses is more likely - HHTHT or TTTT?" question. These are trivial once you know a bit of probability, irrespective of what you would have thought prior to being taught.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 09:08 PM
Are there any "legitimate" IQ tests where knowledge or
education in mathematics is NOT going to be helpful?
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 09:36 PM
Are there any "legitimate" IQ tests where knowledge or
education in mathematics is NOT going to be helpful?
I dont think so - that was my point. IQ is often portrayed as a test of inherent intelligence which seems to me to be contradicted by the fact you can improve it with training.

Similarly with the "louisiana purchase is to _______ as alaska is to russia" question. This is predominantly testing knowledge of historical trivia, not some kind of inherent intelligence.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 09:51 PM
I suspect that Richard Feynman would drag our average down horribly, were he able to post here.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 10:13 PM
Being dead and all?
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 11:20 PM
I've scored 142.

But its a waste because I look good (for those that don't know good looks is just as good an indicator of solid career, happy relationships and overall life quality), and yes I'm j/k. Not about the good looks though, on those I'm actually serious. I have never gotten turned down at a job interview, even if underqualified. I'm truly blessed!

The measure of how good you look is rejection by females, not job interviews.

I'm better looking than tame_deuces and I'd estimate a high 120s IQ, just based on internet tests where I score around 140, school/college/competition results, problems I can and can't solve, etc. Never been formally tested.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 11:39 PM
Being dead and all?
Well, yeah, that and the fact that he tested at 124.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 11:51 PM
My IQ is about 130 based on an average of internet IQ tests. Also, I was in a class for gifted children from 4th to 12th grade. An IQ of 125 was required to get into the class, so I at least know that mine is higher than that.

I also look good, but have been turned down in quite a few job interviews. I attribute my lack of success to confidence issues caused by my "lateral" lisp.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 11:56 PM
Well, I agree that IQ tests don't necessarily measure inherent logic. I do believe there are seperate tests that are designed for that though.

I believe intelligence quotient (as opposed to simple logic), is supposed to encompass acquired (and/or accumulated) knowledge as well as logic. Of course, it's not meant to be post graduate trivia, but things like the Louisiana purchase is supposed to be common knowledge to anyone reasonably educated and/or well read in the US. Ditto for for the math-type questions. They require a reasonable knowledge of math. Nothing more.
Average SMP IQ. Quote
11-22-2007 , 11:57 PM
I'm a member of Mensa, but they never gave me a score for the test I took, so I'm not sure what that translates to. I always tried to recognize that each person has their own special gifts, regardless of IQ, and unlike many Mensans I've met, I don't get any sense of superiority of being or ability to deal with life's challenges from having a reasonably high IQ.

In fact, poker for me has highlighted how much more important emotional intelligence is for my general sense of wellness/happiness (I tilt too much, my decisions suck when I do, and my bankroll goes south soon after!).
Average SMP IQ. Quote
