My team just won the World Championship of the World, and I had to turn off the postgame celebration/show, because Fox is just dreadful. Erin Andrews is horrible, that bowtie guy is even worse. Harold Reynolds, Jimmy Rollins, and AJ Peirzynski have nothing to say. No one can come up with a specific question for the players on the field, and their vague questions are getting vague answers...NO ONE HAS SAID ANYTHING WORTH LISTENING TO SINCE THE LAST OUT.
The most overly polite and way too nice fanbase ever vs. maybe the most obnoxious fanbase ever. Truly a battle of good vs. evil. **** the Red Sawks and **** their ****ty ass overly obnoxious fans and their pent up angst over years and years and generations of failure. Congrats on getting your 13th pennant to appear vs a team going for their 13th World Series title. Both teams have 2 titles in last 10 years. Cards in their 4th WS in that time, Bahhhhhhhhhhhhston in their 3rd. Bashston, get over yourselves and prepare to get your asses kicked and talk like normal people you idiots, instead of like the hillbillies of the north that you are, complete with racism and all. No pretty super OP with tons of pics. Only one you need.