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World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks
View Poll Results: Who you got
Sawks in 4
7 6.54%
Sawks in 5
6 5.61%
Sawks in 6
25 23.36%
Sawks in 7
12 11.21%
Cards in 4
7 6.54%
Cards in 5
15 14.02%
Cards in 6
23 21.50%
Cards in 7
12 11.21%

10-23-2013 , 08:36 PM
Take a ****ing nap
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:36 PM
god damn am i glad we don't have to face tigers starting pitching anymore
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:36 PM
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:36 PM
BIG NAPI! Banggggggggggg. Gl taking pitches vs Waino amirite?
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:36 PM
lol winning in BOSTON
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:36 PM
welp, see y'all next game!
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:36 PM
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:36 PM
What's Waino's road FIP now?
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:37 PM
So glad they got the call right
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:37 PM
Here for the lol cards
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by djj6835
Basicall how can the ump 100 feet way overrule the ump that was three feet away.
I'm 2,700 miles away and would feel confident overruling that.
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:38 PM
X factor
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:38 PM
Sucks for Wainwright, he could've been out of the inning in a 0-0 game.
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:38 PM
And X-Boogie
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:38 PM
So glad Bogarts is batting in front of Drew tonight
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:38 PM
more like wainWRONG
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:39 PM
Breaking my rule of no phoan poasting from the gym. But...

World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:39 PM
And ffs is Ortiz going for the record for most playoff ab's resulting in a groundball to the 2nd baseman? Other than his grandslam he's done it pretty much every AB.
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:39 PM
Gg this one already?
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
And X-Boogie
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:40 PM
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:40 PM
Also, with modern technology, why can't the crew chief just have a Samsung S4 in his pocket or something and when the umps get together they just look at replays right away.

Lol baseball and it's backwardness. It's like religion.
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:40 PM
I suggest giving them only three outs from now on instead if five.
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Dynasty
I'm 2,700 miles away and would feel confident overruling that.
I'm willing to wager that one, maybe two other umps were looking at that play the entire time. Granted right call was made, but all umps are watching something different every play so the fact they "unanimously" agreed it was wrong means 5 were def not doing their job right lol
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
10-23-2013 , 08:41 PM
Red Sox are good at wearing down starting pitchers. Wainwright has 31 pitches through 1 IP.
World Series 2013:  Cardinals vs. Red Sawks Quote
