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THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0

03-21-2012 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by wahoopride
bowens and tweedy are probably on nofears wolfteam.
this. Sketchy people believing no fear
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:04 PM
Bubbles having the same powers as Lester Freamon is lol, but possible in the context of balance I guess.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:04 PM
dar0 needs an angel tonight.

Other angel candidates are monkeybanana, me, el timon
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:04 PM
I'm sorry, the odds that 2 of the exact same role targeted the exact same player on the exact same night are beyond my ability to believe it.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
Bubbles. He is a junkie who gives all kinds of information to the police, and last night his bodyguard was killed (Walon).
This is from Walon's death PM:
BASaint, you are Walon, a former addict who now helps out other addicts. Thus, you are a bodyguard for Bubbles. If anyone tries to kill Bubbles while both of you are still alive, you will die instead.
So, if someone shot at bubbles, and if indeed wheatrich is bubbles, then the person shooting at him on n2 knew the role of wheatrich this morning.

So, look for people who targeted wheatrich this morning. I have one: mjw. g-bebe and myself joined the wheatrich wagon after being influenced by his original post.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
dar0 needs an angel tonight.

Other angel candidates are monkeybanana, me, el timon
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:06 PM
I still wanna lynch nofear over Auger.

I mean auger's role is out he's useless, and in a game with ITA's the village does not lack firepower.

If there's a decent chance that nofear is a pr wolf he needs to get got.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
The bolded below can't be true, right? He would have seen who killed gad, right?
good catch man but the answer is no...gad's role prevented peeks:

from his PM

"Any attempts to peek you will have no effect."
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
dar0 needs an angel tonight.

Other angel candidates are monkeybanana, me, el timon
refresh my memory, why are you clear?
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
wheatrich's reveal and Timon's reveal line up perfectly
no they dont. You wolfin
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
refresh my memory, why are you clear?
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by domer2
good catch man but the answer is no...gad's role prevented peeks:

from his PM

"Any attempts to peek you will have no effect."
Watching is not a peek.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:07 PM
If this game didnt have ITA's I would probably vote auger.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:07 PM
I'm the only 100% cleared watcher. I need an angel.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by exec771
Bubbles having the same powers as Lester Freamon is lol, but possible in the context of balance I guess.
I don't know about the show, so could you spell out who CDL was bodyguarding and who basaint was?
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by El_Timon
I'm the only 100% cleared watcher. I need an angel.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
refresh my memory, why are you clear?
dar0, the seer who we need to angel, peeked me villager.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I'm sorry, the odds that 2 of the exact same role targeted the exact same player on the exact same night are beyond my ability to believe it.
If Timon's claim came first as a confirmed villager that would be a valid thought to be extremely confident that wheatrich is lying, but wheatrich came first.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:08 PM
Monkey Banana is 100% clear
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
this. Sketchy people believing no fear
this? I never said nofear wasn't a wolf. I just think we should lynch the near-lock wolf. That's all.

You making everyone not voting nofear sketchy?
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:08 PM
Why would the wolves have shot at wheatrich. Either a villager tried to kill him or someone tried to kill BAsaint.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
I don't know about the show, so could you spell out who CDL was bodyguarding and who basaint was?
CDL guarded me. basaint was the bodyguard of another villager who could also be a watcher.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
I'm sorry, the odds that 2 of the exact same role targeted the exact same player on the exact same night are beyond my ability to believe it.
yeah but with the chronology we have to believe it....

because the chronology is that wheat posted everything
AND THEN lester was revealed, who is now 100% lock clear
AND THEN lester posts his role, and confirms wheat

so we HAVE TO believe it and yes it is a coincidence

the only question is: which side is wheat on? I'm going to clear him based on the Bubbles interpretation, pending new information. At the very least, he is not a target.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:10 PM
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
03-21-2012 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by fanmail
If nofear flips villa do not come after dar0 or me. Kill wheatrich instead imo.
I agree with this. I'll have to be resolved--i'll try to get my info in tomorrow. I've slept past ITA1 every day though so far :/ (I'm 0/2 with ITA's so I can't shoot anyone) I'm just going to leave this in case I don't get to post this tomorrow.

Why the heck were some people were really quick to say to not shoot me despite me only having 8 posts in the entire game?

I think I'd generally give villa points to skeptical people and wolfy points to people who snap agreed during the time of my claim. (especially if they thought I was a wolf heading into it)

*wheat's guaranteed AIDS lists of everyone sponsored by Monkey Banana* I didn't reread anyone for this list so it's probably really really bad but here we go and I'm putting a gun to my head with a few of these reads but

Aaronk56's Son--mechanical seer I think he's a villager even just based on tone.
accobra_kid--he made some super wolfy post when someone mentioned him and he popped right in pretty quick complaining about work or something. So a wolf
Anarchist--lately he's really sucked no matter what his role is. He's capable of posting that seer line as a villa and a wolf though. wolf is slightly more likely
Auger--This guy is a wolf.
biggerboat--I think he's been villagery.
BJLTNYK--This guy is wolfy regardless of role but I'd say a wolf here (more wolfy than a villa game or w/e).
Booker Woodfox--He made a good post or two regarding me in this game. Simply based on that I want to say villager but post count is kinda in the wolf territory (yes, I just did that I know I know)
bowens--I'm just going to guess villager. If not I'm throwing out my bowens read detector b/c I've probably seen more of his games than I have for anyone else here and yet I don't have anything other than speculation.
bsball8806--villagery in not believing my claim, but I still think his claim doesn't make sense and yeah, I still can't get over that.
chrja--skimming his posts he's been wrong a lot but nothing jumps out to me as omg wolf so I'm going with neutral.
CPHoya--His posts today I felt were like more of a wolf coasting. I always think he's a wolf though.
Daer--ITA beast who's killing wolves. Probably villa.
Dar0--claimed seer
Domer2--wolfy D1, villagery D2, and villagerish D3. I'd say villagery overall.
El_Timon--my terrible brain conjectured up this tinfoil theory: he has a wolf role with 2 lives where the first he gets to choose anyone to eat it for him. but that's so damn unlikely. He's a villager.
exec771--very likely villa
fanmail--peeked by dar0
Fishmonger--this is probably bat**** crazy but I think he's a villager
flytrap--I'm going with villager/neutral, he's posting somewhat differently (this is hard to explain so call it a tone read) than when I was w/w with him in HP4
g-bebe--I'd say villager but he's also someone I don't read well.
Henrik Sedin--only thing putting him in the villager category to me right now is that earlyish bakes vote. I can't reread him.
hotwings18--everything he's done I think is more likely villa wings than wolfy wings.
Jerry Yang McGuire--wolfy overall.
kidcolin--hasn't done much the last couple days since my initial lean but still have him on the villager side.
KruZe--hopefully seer cleared
mjw0586--has done a lot of villagery work. villager
Monkey Banana--cleared villager
NLSoldier--claimed. I don't know why but I've never read him well. btw did he post his information today? (of course it may not be pro villa to do so depending on what happened but I don't remember his post today if he had or not)
nofear3838--I think you had a villagery reaction to my claim and circumstance for w/e that's worth. If you are a villager hopefully someone tomorrow will consider your reads list (lol @ that since nobody ever does).
nutshot2--I think he was one of the ones who insta said not to shoot me after saying I was a wolf or something like that. lean wolf.
PlzBeALevel--not the type to only make one post in a day or not posting. I said that about VMF yesterday. wolf.
Pwn_Master--first two days I thought were wolfy but I thought today he's been villagery. damnit. wolf?
Slighted--I think he's a villager just based on our interaction.
SMIGLET--I think he's villa.
Steroid Boy--*flips coin* came down villager
tweedybirdd--I've played with him in a few games and read another one and here I think he's a villager.
wheatrich--WOAT villager.
Willi--I thought his posting today has been so damned wolfy. I think he just commented on things and didn't offer up any original opinion. A little ugh at agreeing with a bsball read though but w/e.
younguns87--I've never been able to read him well in the couple games I read of his. I want to say villager.

reads I'd say without a gun to the head for wolves (or non villagers)
Willi, PBAL, accobra_kid, Jerry Wang Yang McGuire,

non gun to the head villager reads (or non wolves)
monkey, exec, tweedybirdd, slighted, domer2, smiglet, dar0, fanmail, el_timon

The more time goes the more I'm believing nofear.

Anyway who am I watching tonight? There were conflicting opinions. I will most likely rand % wise of people that everyone tells me to do from the obvious choices.

not that anyone cares what I think but if we have 2 watchers (and I obv think we do), wolves could have anti watching roles. That could explain things or I totally f'ed up and misunderstood what the death writeup really was saying.

Also, these wagons are wayyyy too close.
THE WIRE: SE Werewolf 5.0 Quote
