Originally Posted by flytrap
This is all of SteveYzermansfans posts.
Probably role neutral.
I agree with this, and think it's pro-village to advocate organized ITAs.
This is obviously a terrible, terrible post and it's not pro-village, but I think a villager actually makes it before a wolf does. I just think a wolf would have a hard time making a post like this.
Questioning 425 kid is slightly villagery....
but sponging him is not. Seriously, who sponges 425kid? This is probably the wolfiest post that SYF has made so far.
Can others chime in on this? If other people agree, then it's probably pro-village for him to point this out since he seems to be saying that BASaint is a bad early lynch. I agree that people that are easy to read are bad early lynches.
If SYF is a wolf, I really doubt that BB is on the same team. This is a somewhat wolfy post though, since SYF doesn't give any reasons. If he likes BBs reasoning so much, why didn't he break down BBs posts and give reasons why he thought they were good?
You want organization in ITAs, but you throw out a name with no reasoning? Another wolfy post.
I agree with SYF here that Vyk has some pretty flimsy reasons for postulating an entire neutral team this early in the game.
Steve is right, and anyone on Steve based on Vyks theory is being ridiculous.
All in all, I have trouble coming up with a strong lean one way or the other on SYF based on his posts, and really don't think he is a good wagon right now. He has some posts that look wolfy, but then some that are pretty villagery also. Can people that think he should be the leading wagon weigh in on why?
I think your reads on my posts here have some merit but I want to point out some thinks that don't add up to me.
I never sponged 425, I was questioning him because he said he wasn't reading the thread but was still providing reads and stuff. I thought the opposite when I made the credibility post because if he was being genuine he might not know the full context of why people are making the posts they are.
I should've referenced some of BB or BJL's posts so I agree with you there. I would do this if needed but it seems cumbersome to sift through ~3000 posts to find specific examples of these.
I think
ut is a good vote until I see solid reasoning behind why he thought d104 was so villa starting the game. Also, I obv don't agree with his vote on me and think he is reaching for something to make sense.
In previous mishmashes ut has put in a lot of work as a villa and was easily identifiable. As a wolf he was part of the worst wolf team in SE history and they went down pretty easily.