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Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion

02-25-2018 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Can someone explain curling scoring to me? So at the end of each end, they just count up the number of stones each team has in the circle and that’s it? The different colors of the circle or the bullseye don’t count for more?
Goofy diagram explains it well. The other thing to note is shooting last is obviously ideal.

If you shoot last and score a point on that end, the other team will shoot last the next end. However, if no points are scored, you maintain last shot, so often advantageous to just not score and keep last rock until later.
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 02:29 AM
Thanks guys! Now it makes sense.
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 03:12 AM
Wait so in curling you can purposely score 0 with the hammer and then you get the hammer again?

Does this happen a lot? Seems like a dumb rule?
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by younguns87
Wait so in curling you can purposely score 0 with the hammer and then you get the hammer again?

Does this happen a lot? Seems like a dumb rule?
Part of the strategy is forcing the team with the hammer to score one actually. They usually rather score 0 than 1.

I only watch every 4 years but it seems like it forces more action.
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 03:17 AM
Oh ****, wrong turn for one of the leaders in this 30km cross country

Was gonna say the other day that these things don't seem marked off very well for how many different courses they have on the same map
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 03:20 AM
I also feel, from observations, like it's more advantageous to get the hammer on even ends than it is on odd ends since you would get the last hammer of the game (if they are playing 10 ends a game) and why teams feel like it is the best to get a steal on their opponent's even ends.

Heck, Shustahhh managed to get a point on Sweden's hammer during the 4th end which got the US the hammer on the ends that was even which lead them scoring 5 on their 8th end. Sweden couldn't mount enough on their end on the 9th one and they conceded since they know they have no chance stealing three on US's final hammer.

I wonder if 2010 Shustahhhh let his opponent steal three when he had the hammer? I didn't follow the game that much, back then, but that's bound to be something that happened.

Last edited by anguyen92; 02-25-2018 at 03:25 AM.
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 03:31 AM
Any idea why Denmark so much worse in winter sports than anyone in general vicinity?
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 03:34 AM
They're a peninsula with super maritime climate.

Plus a flat relief
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 03:38 AM
Bjoergen doesn't even look tired after crushing 30km
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 09:12 AM
Serious lol that a curler got caught doping.
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 09:17 AM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
Bjoergen doesn't even look tired after crushing 30km
And because she is Norwegian you know it is all natural, no drugs

Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by anguyen92
I also feel, from observations, like it's more advantageous to get the hammer on even ends than it is on odd ends since you would get the last hammer of the game (if they are playing 10 ends a game) and why teams feel like it is the best to get a steal on their opponent's even ends.

Heck, Shustahhh managed to get a point on Sweden's hammer during the 4th end which got the US the hammer on the ends that was even which lead them scoring 5 on their 8th end. Sweden couldn't mount enough on their end on the 9th one and they conceded since they know they have no chance stealing three on US's final hammer.

I wonder if 2010 Shustahhhh let his opponent steal three when he had the hammer? I didn't follow the game that much, back then, but that's bound to be something that happened.
Any regular game would have ended after the 8th end. The only reason they kept playing was because it was a gold medal game.
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
There are 5 for each gender, (4 individual and 1 relay) and now a mixed relay with 2M 2F, which was introduced in 2014. So theoretically one could win 6 biathlon medals in a single Olympics.

Biathlon is legit one of the most truly badass and best spectator sports in either Olympics. Maybe #1 overall.
I watched one biathlon race and I was really into it. Heart was racing during their final shots and I had no dog in the fight
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by WhiteGoose
I'm not kidding, he's still young enough where 2 more GOLDZ isn't out of the question and he could go down in history as an all time great.
Shuster is a great story, and this is certainly possible, but I hope no one is assuming he'd now be the hands down heavy favourite in 2022. If he continues to perform well, best case is that he could be in the mix as one of several that could win it next time.

That's not to disparage Shuster in any way, that's just the nature of the sport. You don't often get one rink that dominates year after year.

Originally Posted by younguns87
Wait so in curling you can purposely score 0 with the hammer and then you get the hammer again?

Does this happen a lot? Seems like a dumb rule?
Yes, and as Krayz mentioned, it's part of the strategy.

If you think it's a dumb rule, you might like mixed doubles, where a blank end means you lose the option.

Originally Posted by anguyen92
I also feel, from observations, like it's more advantageous to get the hammer on even ends than it is on odd ends since you would get the last hammer of the game (if they are playing 10 ends a game) and why teams feel like it is the best to get a steal on their opponent's even ends.
The reason why teams don't worry about/play like this is the same as why an NFL team that is down 14-8 in the second quarter doesn't usually go for a two point conversion when they score a touchdown. A lot is likely to happen as the game goes on, and just like a two point conversion early in the game may become less relevant later as field goals are scored, having the hammer in the even ends won't matter once there are some blank ends or steals. Later in the game teams start thinking more about positioning themselves so they finish with the hammer, or being up at least 2 points so they're still likely to win without the hammer.
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 02:07 PM
Biathlon was great in these Olympics, mostly thanks to Fourcade. 30 seconds behind when it gets to him during the mixed relay? The commentators were like - nah, he's got it. Belorussian women winning the relay was special too.

While everyone is rightly praising Diggins for winning the team sprint, the other lady deserves major props as well. There was that climb during her last leg where she was up against Boergen and Kalla and they were making a push. She managed to stay with them and made it possible for Diggins to pull that finish off.
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 02:17 PM
Yeah the Biathlon was awesome. Fourcade coming back to win effortlessly, Fourcade with the choke of a lifetime, and the photo finish in the mass start. Plus Öberg with one of the big we shock wins of the games. And general chaos in the relays.
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by royalblue
Fourcade with the choke of a lifetime
Ha, that was the extra spice that made the 3 golds so much more awesome. Even in one of his winning events he made a mindboggling decision to make it interesting. Arrived at the last shoot 40 seconds ahead of everyone, made first 4 shots right quick. At that point he could basically shoot in the air quickly, take the penalty lap and win comfortably. But no, he aimed forever, like 15 seconds, and missed anyway. Was the only way he could have lost that one. And it's not like the coaches on the route don't provide them with this kind of info. Unfortunately, the chasers also missed, IIRC.
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
02-25-2018 , 08:08 PM
Well it was good posting with you guys during the 2nd week of the Games. During week 1, very few people across the various Discords I spend most of time in these days were into the Olympics, which is why I stumbled my way back here. As always, the SEers know sports at a level few others do. It's always a pleasure reading intelligent, high quality sports discussion that you simply don't get from apathetic degenerates on Discord or various "sports writers" on Twitter.

I'm sure I'll be back for more looseness and Shuster-for-GOLD tier predictions next time there's a major world sporting event that only SE know how to throw down. Stay true
Winter Olympics 2018 Pyeongchang random discussion Quote
