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Tim Tebow's parents made Danny Wuerffel his role model, mom is pro choice, other "revelations" Tim Tebow's parents made Danny Wuerffel his role model, mom is pro choice, other "revelations"

02-17-2010 , 06:48 AM

I suffered through this ridiculous interview (The Tebow Story) in the hopes of finding some gold quotes from Mr. and Mrs. Tebow and thankfully they did not disappoint.

Mom recounts difficult pregnancy and how she had taken some medicine, then got the bright idea to read the label which said it could cause birth defects after which she threw it out. And it was all God's plan of course. I guess it just didn't occur to God to make her read the lable BEFORE taking any. Nevermind making the pregnancy normal to begin with. Was that too tall an order to ask of God?

Dad says he told Tebow that sometime God will call him to preach and that he prayed for a preacher and God gave him a quarterback. Then Mom and the president of FotF step in and correct Dad - Tebow IS preaching. Come on, Dad, stick with the company line here! Don't be selfish!

Tebow's parents "chose" Danny Wuerffel, he of 25 career NFL games (10 starts) and whose professional football career spans exactly one paragraph in Wikipedia, to be Tebow's role model. Seeing as how Tebow rates to play in fewer than 25 NFL games at any position, much less as a quarterback, I'd say they aimed too high. Maybe they should have been like most normal parents and let Tebow choose his own role models instead of force-feeding him from the depths of the NFL's compost pile.

Now for the real meat and potatoes of the segment: the abortion part discussion. When the president of FotF asks the parents for advice they would give to a girl who can't decide whether or not to "keep the baby", Mom starts out as diplomatically as possible before suggesting "pregnancy crisis centers" then saying "Girls have those options. They have a choice."


CHOICE! The C-word! I don't think Focus on the Family likes that kind of talk. Options. Choice. Uness the options include giving birth voluntarily or being chained by angels to the hospital bed for C-section, this kind of rhetoric drives a stake into the heart of whatever credibility the Tebow name brought to Focus on the Family's message. At the end, Dad tries in vain to save the segment by conceitedly murmuring "Don't kill your baby." Too late, Friar Lawrence.

And in case you think I'm taking Mrs. Tebow's comments out of context, pregnancy crisis centers are non-religious instutitions that take a de facto pro choice stance by providing useful, factual information about abortions. You know the kind of things women would want to know in order to make a [B]choice[B]. They'll even refer you to places where you can have an abortion. So Mrs. Tebow is either extremely ignorant about pregnancy, or, more likely, she is pro choice. I'm sure she personally opposes the abortion procedure, but it's clear as day from her comments what her political view of the issue is.

So the moral of the story is, when a niche advocacy group with a polarizing agenda greedily tries to tap (UCWIDT?) celebrity and star power, they tend not to get what they bargained for.

Oh and since this is admittedly borderline SE content, I'll throw in this lolworthy Yahoo football blogger's post which has Tebow as his 4th best QB going into the combine.

Last edited by Infinite Greed; 02-17-2010 at 06:59 AM.
02-17-2010 , 06:53 AM
Like, I don't even really like Tim Tebow, but seriously some people need to get a life.

Either admit you wanna be him or admit you wanna sex him, but get the hell over it and leave the rest of SE alone.
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