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Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS

09-17-2019 , 02:11 AM
i know i know and i apologize but i cant handle the fact that some youngblood posters havent heard these tunes yet.

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09-17-2019 , 02:30 AM
ok im pretty sure ill regret this...james douglas morrison. 17yr old girls in cotton panties. woke up this morning got myself a beer.

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09-17-2019 , 03:37 AM
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by anatta
i like crosby stills and nash a lot
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09-17-2019 , 05:12 AM
thats some good music anatta, im a fan of all of those people/bands to various extent.
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09-17-2019 , 08:14 AM
Top 40 rock died in the 90s.

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09-17-2019 , 08:18 AM
It feels like we've hit a plateau in terms of pop culture.

Music and styles from 25 years ago still hold up. I have a hard time verbalizing the feeling I get over it but I never see anyone talk about it.

It feels like with the internet it homogenized everything and froze things at that moment in time or something - like a troubled adult whose emotional development is stunted at the moment they experienced trauma.
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09-17-2019 , 08:24 AM
Movies w/ a budget are now for a global audience, etc.

World is flat and we've been pulled down to the level of all the foreigners crying over Michael Jackson and flashing the peace sign. Appearing like prepubescent, simple children. All personified by our banana republic despot buffoon.

America is dead.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 08:29 AM
Rap and TV (meaning streaming and premium channels) are good tho.

National TV is back to the early days of cheap programming.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 09:33 AM
Seems like a good time for me to ask the FACK for 2019 BANGER of the Year nominations so far
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09-17-2019 , 09:42 AM
Hey there guys.

My wife has passed away. It was peaceful and, given this year's trajectory, probably about the best end we could have hoped for. I've been trying to come to terms with this for seven years so, despite my usual self-trash-talking, I know I've done everything I possibly could and feel at peace with this...horrible horrible saga. The bad kind of brain cancer, for anyone who didn't know.

Among the walking around irl people I'm acquainted with, there's this expected/projected sense of tremendous long-term grief and emptiness and expecting an almost monklike phase of solitude for a couple of years and maybe eventually put myself back out there someday. Meanwhile, back in my less asinine idiot reality I'm not looking to enter anything serious, at all, but I do want to re-enter the world of living, being social, and making contact with the opposite sex (with my dick). I'll probably eventually get around to googling how the young people manage this culture of casually hooking up, but for now any tidbits you guys want to throw at me would be appreciated.

Otherwise I'm going from a life of extreme limitations to essentially none, where I can do whatever I want but don't really have any idea what I want. Looking to spend some time travelling like europe or one of those beautiful national parks you bastards have been enjoying seemingly every mother****ing year.

There is a sense of relief, but mentally this is quite hard for me. My wife, my life partner, my best friend; essentially I lost all that seven years ago and never had the time to grieve it because I was busy trying to deal with this nightmare. Along the way I lost my dogs, my hobbies, my parents, my career, my money, my thirties, and most of my mojo. Gotta tell ya; if I was one of you little girls I'd probably be worried about this, but pretty sure I'll be fine. Just a long way to go.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 09:47 AM
I'm so sorry Holliday.

You stepped up in a way I could only hope to muster. You're an extremely admirable man.

Again, I'm sorry for all you've had to go through.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 09:50 AM
Since you have a bit of levity over it, at least you're done with her bitch of a mother.
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09-17-2019 , 11:17 AM
So sorry for your loss Holliday
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09-17-2019 , 12:14 PM
i took care of my dad who died of cancer. i like to think i became a stronger man for it but who knows.

im sorry dude.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 12:17 PM
Glad you're ok and still on the forums, Holly.

If things ever change to where you have trouble coping, just remember there's no shame in asking for help.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 01:34 PM

Sorry for your loss.

I'm happy you get to regain your sense of independence and life. From everything you posted here, it seemed like an incredible burden to deal with for seven years.

Just go get your life back. Figure out what you want to do and just do it. Travel, go to bars, go to concerts, get on dating apps or hookup apps. Admit you're not looking for anything serious right now and you don't have to explain that to anybody. You've dealt with putting your life on hold for 7 years. Go do you man.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by MEb
Seems like a good time for me to ask the FACK for 2019 BANGER of the Year nominations so far
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 02:38 PM



Sheeran and Biebs, I Don't Care.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by MEb
Seems like a good time for me to ask the FACK for 2019 BANGER of the Year nominations so far
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 02:46 PM
Condolences to our brother Holliday
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by MEb
Seems like a good time for me to ask the FACK for 2019 BANGER of the Year nominations so far
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 02:50 PM
I hope the rest of you guys appreciate the Rat for being a 15 year old girl forever as much as I do.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 02:51 PM



Biebs and Ed, I Don't Care.

And rat is more right: it's Con Calma.


Wrong Jonas Bros song.
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
09-17-2019 , 03:07 PM
Sporting Events FAQ, Liveblog, and BANGERS Quote
